
Scrivener’s obviously picked up a lot of new users over the last year judging by my mailbox. It’s not easy to track down tips on a blog like this without a lot of work. So here are a few more favourite tips from the archives.

I really like Snapshots for the way they let you wreak havoc on your work and still keep an unharmed backup copy in reserve. All the power of track changes with none of the fuss. Once you understand the concept…

Freeform thinking on the Corkboard is (if you have the Mac version) a wonderful way to brainstorm for those of us who can’t handle the whole mind mapping rigmarole.

Viewing multiple scenes in Composition mode/full screen is very handy — and they don’t need to be consecutive scenes either.

Getting an automatic count of the number of scenes in a folder. Very handy for the control freaks among us.

The easy way to make sure you can find which scenes a character appears in (which may still be Mac-only I suspect).

Filed under: Web/Tech, Writing Tagged: Scrivener

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