We just wrapped up our Social Attribution: What It Is and Where to Begin webinar. The webinar covered the basic definitions around this topic, including various common attribution models and a conversation about how social attribution differs from other types of digital attribution. The webinar ended with a quick demo of our own solution to this pervasive marketing dilemma, and a robust Q&A.
We couldn’t get to all the questions, but here were the top three most-asked–and their answers.
How Do I Determine the Value of an Impression?
In our Social Attribution solution, your business assigns its own monetary values to the engagement and impressions metrics you’re used to tracking.
By viewing goal completions that matter to your business–like website visits and purchases–alongside your impressions data, you’ll be able to understand how awareness converts to money in the bank like you’ve never been able to before.
Owned, Earned, Paid, and Dark Social: Definitions, and Where to Begin
We suggest, as a starting point, you ask other digital channels at your organization (i.e. email, display) what monetary value they are applying to non-purchase conversions. Additionally, we have a Professional Services team who can provide consulting to help with this challenge, and tell you how other brands are making it happen.
How Do You Get the Dark Social Data?
Simply Measured’s patent-pending proprietary solution leverages a combination of tactics, including user agent analysis, cookies, URL uniqification, and more. While we can’t share the whole recipe to the secret sauce, our approach uses link tracking to illuminate all sharing activity that occurs on your site via URL copy/paste (~60% of sharing), share buttons, or mobile OS.
It also enables tracking of conversions that occur on your website and correctly attributes them to a social post, thus demonstrating the true business impact of social.
Do I Need Social Attribution If I Have Google Analytics?
Yes, compadre, yes. Social breaks the mold cast by traditional web analytics. On every other digital channel, you create media, identify a target, publish the content, and watch what happens.
Social is different. Social word-of-mouth is unattributable by Google Analytics, which is why social requires an attribution purpose-built for its needs and the needs of social practitioners.
How to Increase Social Conversions
Our solution is built for you, the social marketer. Other web analytics platforms provide you with an aggregated number, but won’t break down which pieces of social content are actually driving business impact and why.
Additionally, and more importantly, we’re exposing Dark Social sharing, which no other web analytics platform currently does.
Did you tune into the webinar? What did you think? Let us know on Twitter using the #Attribution101 hashtag.