
It’s all about Love + Beauty, pink blood, sweat and tears for singer/make-up artist Jeffree Star. Part mannequin, part human he is like a glamorous Unicorn you can only be lucky enough to discover in the deepest darkest woods. Dark Beauty spoke with him a few years ago while he was working with music artist Akon on new music. He was just about to launch his cosmetics line which is worldwide now. Let’s go back 3 years to capture his thoughts he shared with us…

Interview Meikee Magnetic

Where were you born?
I was born and raised in Orange County, California. Think a lot of sunshine, tanned skin and bad blonde hair extensions. The 3 things I’m against but I think if I didn’t live 30 minutes from Los Angeles, I wouldn’t be here today doing what I’m doing. I moved to LA as soon as I graduated high school and haven’t looked back.

Dark Beauty Magazine

I hear you worked with AKON who is also your manager, congrats Jeffree! How has this influenced you as an artist?
It’s honestly crazy that just  8 years ago I was making music in my bedroom for fun and now I’m working with someone who has written songs for the late Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson. Akon writes the best melodies and I look at him like a mentor. He’s had so much success himself as an artist yet is so humble and down to earth. You don’t find that very much in this industry. He’s definitely helping me break out of my comfort zone and try things that I wouldn’t think before would “fit” my style but I like being pushed into being a better artist. I’m excited for the future.

Tell us about your makeup line JEFFREE STAR COSMETICS:
It’s been my dream to have my own makeup line ever since I was a teenager. I’m now in a really good position finically to be able to fund my own line and have 100% control. It’s been such a fun process, being in the lab and creating my own lipstick colors! I’m launching 8 shades first then I’ll be expanding into other beauty products. I wanted to start small so it’s not overwhelming and my fans get to grow with me as I start this journey. Expect high end, amazing quality products. I’ve tried every brand on earth and now know what is missing and what hasn’t worked. I live and breathe “beauty” so this is the perfect next step for my brand!

Your fashion sense is extremely strong and unique, I think people would LOVE anything Jeffree Star as far as fashion. You mentioned your clothing line is expanding, our readers would love to know more:
I created my own street wear brand called Beauty Forever! It’s really fun snapbacks, beanies, hoodies and t-shirts. My fan base and customers are very young so I made everything really affordable but still high end quality. So far in such a short time we’ve grown quickly! I was out on Warped Tour doing meet and greets and had a 30 foot walk-in store for everyone to come shop my clothes and now I’m getting into stores and malls across America. I’m excited to expand and grow this project! Inspiration comes in all forms, what are some of your biggest inspirations whether it be a musician, artist or designer from any era. Growing up I used to have posters of the Spice Girls and movie posters from The Craft and Cruel Intentions covering every inch of my bedroom walls. I loved anything over the top. Pop music was everything back then. The big hair, the high platforms and the glam makeup. I wanted that more then anything so I actually MADE it happen years later [laugh] but funny thing, in high school I had a very “goth” style. I hate that word because basic people look at someone with black lipstick and cool style and label them right away but I was the kid with blue eye shadow and 5 inch boots running around school with my Britney Spears and Korn CD’s. Everyone was confused because I loved glamour but I also had a really “dark” side. What inspires me the most is confidence. I love fearlessness.

I love how you’ve grown as an artist, I remember us being friends on Myspace and listening to your early Electro tracks. Your dedication to your craft is inspiring to me and so many others. How would you describe your musical journey?
I just remember I first started music for fun, that I would never let anyone stop me or my dreams. My music may not be for everyone but you have to respect someone that made some songs in their bedroom that over 100 million ears have heard. Myspace was a great thing but so much time has passed that I don’t even think about those days anymore. The internet in general really took me into the next level. I was the weirdo and the shy makeup artist but being able to express myself online brought out my confidence and gave me hope that I wasn’t the only one who had strange thoughts and loved makeup. It’s crazy how connecting with strangers changes your outlook on life. Fast forward to now, I’ve had the opportunity to tour the world, play in front of huge crowds of kids singing my lyrics, meeting fans who may not even speak English but they still connect with my art. That’s all I ever wanted when I started this journey.

Could you explain to our readers the meaning of your song “LOVE TO MY COBAIN”:
It’s a metaphor for my own past mistakes in old relationships. I think most of us can relate to repeating the same patterns over and over with new people. Always making the stupid mistake to keep dating the same type of person, just over and over. We’re not learning anything new from these experiencing. I reflected back on who I had fallen in “love” with and as I get older and wiser, I see why I chose that person and why they were bad for me. I used the tragic love story of Kurt Cobain and Courtney love to get my point across because Nirvana was one of the few bands growing up that really got me into music. The band’s story and rise to fame always intrigued me. Some people think it’s about them but that’s 100% wrong. I’m basically telling the person I’m with: “We’re not good for each other and this is toxic but I can’t help but love you and want more.”

In your “Prom Night” video I love the two looks you were wearing, are there any stylists in particular that you work well with?
My friend Sammie and his partner Judy are stylist in LA and they go by “The Kids” – they’re amazing and brought my video to life with those clothes! They style Paris Hilton, Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa. They really GET what I’m about and they’re the next generation of people taking over and changing this game up!

Any plans on acting? What type of roles are you interested in playing?
I heard they’re finally making Chuck Palahniuk’s book “Invisible Monsters” into a movie, that’s always been one of my fav books and the main character is a surgery obsessed beauty queen tranny. What better role to play right? Ha!

Model, Fashion Designer, Makeup artist, DJ and singer-songwriter… What are some of your other interests?
I love reading books. Believe it or not I hate going out and dealing with drunk sluts at any club. I love long walks at the beach at night followed by an orgy under the moonlight. You know, Godly things.

How about an inspirational message for your fans:
DO WHATEVER THE FUCK you want because you only live once and if I die tomorrow, I wanna die HAPPY. I don’t wanna WISH I did something… I DO it every day. I’m ME and no one is gonna tell me I shouldn’t do this or that and this goes for everyone. It doesn’t matter if your family or friends don’t truly understand you. YOU have to be happy. Because who else matters in the end?

Dark Beauty Magazine

What are your future plans?
To start having children and create a Beauty army, someone’s gotta blend eyeshadow as good as me when I die.

What does Dark Beauty mean to you?
When I look into the mirror, I see exactly what Dark Beauty means…



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