
Hey girls! I'm beyond excited today to share with you my experience with MoYou London stamping

nail art plates. MoYou London is a company specialized in selling nail art products. I got in touch with
them recently and they kindly offered me to review two image plates from their amazing assortment.
I opted for plate 04 from their PUNK collection and plate 10 from BIKER collection. Besides these
two, on MoYou London you can also find: EXPLORER, REBEL, FAIRYTALE, KITTY, PRINCESS,
ROCKSTAR and many more different collections.

Each plate comes in a cute cardboard sleeve (which is great for storage) and each collection has it's
own muse as you can see on the packaging. The cardboard sleeve also has instructions on the back.
Along with these two plates I got a stamper and scraper. I'm totally satisfied with the stamper quality,
it's squishy but not sticky. You can easily clean it with the acetone and it won't be harmed. The squishy
pad allows you to stamp the full nail without any gaps, and it picks the image really good.

OK, let's see how it actually works. Each plate has protective foil that needs to be peeled off before first

use. Choose a design you want and apply a lacquer on it. Then, remove excess lacquer with scraper

using 45-degree angle. Pick up the design with stamper using a rolling motion. Also use a rolling

motion when stamping the design on your nail. And that's it! Sounds easy, right? Well... you'll need

some practice, especially if you don't have much or don't have any experience at all (like me) with

this kind of stuff. So, I'm trying nail art plates for the first time. Before, I used to do some freehand

nail art and that was totally frustrating. These plates are a huge discovery for me. They have taken

nail art to a totally new level.

Today I'll show you the very first nail art I did using the plates, the day I received them. As I said,

I didn't have any experience in this and I think it turned out pretty fine for the first usage. In the

coming days I'll share with you some more designs to show you what an "expert" I become XD

(I used the first image from the BIKER plate)

What you think about the nail art plates? Did you have a chance to use them or, if not, would you
try them out?

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