
Local Congressman Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1) is asking his constituency to sound off about the current direction of the country and more in a new Legislative Survey, which could—if he chooses to listen—help steer his Congressional ship in the coming months.

Zeldin—who has applauded Trump's refugee ban and, most recently, his sanctions against Iran—canceled an upcoming April 13 appearance to meet with the East End community at Rogers Memorial Library in Southampton following protests at another of his events in East Patchogue. But it seems, with this survey, the Congressman is trying to get a handle on what his constituents actually want, and the answer to that question remains to be seen.

The survey asks a series of five questions, starting with: Do you believe our country is on the right track or wrong track?

It then asks what should be done with Obamacare, with options to repeal and replace, improve, or leave it as is.

Perhaps most striking is the question: "Do you believe Congress should be a check and balance on President Trump or help President Trump pass his agenda?"

Finally, the survey asks whether voters approve of Zeldin's performance, and then asks constituents to check off issues that are most important to them, including economy/jobs, healthcare, veterans, immigration/border security, foreign affairs/terrorism, spending/debt, taxes, infrastructure, environment, spending/debt, taxes and "other."

While it seems quite obvious that Congress exists to be a check and balance on the president, any president, (and certainly NOT to help him push through his agenda—no matter what side you're on); and connecting the very wide subject of foreign affairs with terrorism is a bit strange, this survey appears to be a commendable effort on Zeldin's part to determine whether his current support of Trump and his agenda is in fact what the people want.

There has been a very loud resistance to Trump and his policies, but that doesn't necessarily mean those protesting speak for the majority of people Zeldin represents. It looks as though the Congressman means to find out.

Make your voice heard and take Lee Zeldin's survey here: https://zeldin.house.gov/2017-legislative-survey-0

The post Lee Zeldin Surveys Constituency About Trump and More appeared first on Dan's Papers.

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