Hello everybody and welcome to my Review of the Local Mobile Monopoly Course. As many of you know I have been mega excited about the release of Local Mobile Monopoly for a long time now and this is for one reason only. Mobile marketing is HOT!!!!
This Local Mobile Monopoly review is going to take you through the whole process of what Adam Howitz and Tim Donovan offer and you will get my ‘no fuss no BS’ review of what I think is one of the best local business marketing strategies I have ever seen (can you tell that I am excited about it?)
At the end of the my Local Mobile Monopoly review you will be in a great position to see whether text message marketing is going to be the right decision for you and your offline clients and most importantly make you a nice income all at the same time.
There are lots of reviews of Local Mobile Monopoly and I have to say many of the people who have reviewed this course have never even seen it, so I am a little concerned as to how they can give you an accurate review of the Local Mobile Monopoly course. However as you will soon see that I have actually done the course and am actively using mobile marketing in my business for my offline clients.
There has been a lot of hype surrounding the launch of Local Mobile Monopoly and all I can say is that I am not surprised, and the hype exists because of their last product, which was launched back in the late summer of 2010, which was simply called Mobile Monopoly.
This review of Local Mobile Monopoly will be as honest as it can be and show you exactly what you get for your money and why it will help you and your clients make more money. I am going to show you the facts and then you can make your own decision as to whether or not its for you.
I have access to Local Mobile Monopoly because I purchased it and am currently using it to great effect for my clients. That is why this review is the real deal and I will only present to you the facts and show you exactly what Local Mobile Monopoly is offering.
So at the end of my review you will be able to see for yourself and will be able to answer the questions your self…
Is all the noise and hype surrounding Local Mobile Monopoly all smoke and mirrors? Is Local Mobile Monopoly a scam? I will let you be the judge of that. So lets get started and get stuck into Local Mobile Monopoly.
The Mobile Marketing Industry Is A Trillion Dollar Industry!!!
Everybody carries a mobile phone round with them now and in fact there are more people who have mobile phones than have internet access and look at how big the internet is. Mobile marketing is possibly going to be the one thing that will not only make you very rich but it could even make you a millionaire. These are bold claims but the shear power of mobile marketing is phenomenal and I am going to give you some facts that will not only open your eyes but make you drool at the figures.
The mobile marketing industry is worth over $1 trillion dollars…. I don’t even know how many zeros that is but I sure as hell know that I want a piece of this industry.
That is a heck of a lot of zeros and all though it would be nice to own the whole industry – lets just be realistic, its not going to happen, but I strongly believe that this is one of the easiest ways to make money and I have confidence in the industries growth and stability.
Did you know that there are only a few industries in the world that are bigger than mobile marketing? They are cars, food and military equipment!!
How awesome is this? You are also at the very beginning of this as well as right at the bottom. You see, you always hear people moaning that they got into an industry too late and those people who got in early made the money… well this is the opportunity to get in early and start building a business that could be worth millions of dollars very quickly.
Are you seeing why there is a lot of hype around Local Mobile Monopoly now?
That’s the background to the Mobile Marketing Industry Now lets look at…Local Mobile Monopoly
I can see why some of you might still be a little skeptical about the mobile marketing industry but I have done all the research and the mobile industry is the fastest growing industry ever. What I am trying to say is that the next generation of millionaires is going to come from mobile alone.
I hope you are getting as excited as I am right now – but all that aside, this really is the start of something special. This is not going to be like the dot.com boom. The mobile industry is the real deal – the one that is simply going to blow you away.
Who are the creators of Local Mobile Monopoly?
Adam Howitz is a young entrepreneur and at 19 he is breaking boundaries and making a big impression online. Adam has started many online businesses and has taken them to 6 figures. He is an online marketing expert that is greatly respected. Adam has always said that the internet will be going mobile and he is well ahead of the game and what I like about Adam is that he is so genuine and passionate about everything he does that he has a reputation for under promising and over delivering. Local Mobile Monopoly is no exception.
Tim Donovan is a little camera shy compared to Adam however Tim is a strategic planner and an excellent market researcher who made his name in affiliate marketing and then he went on to launch The Secret Money Maker which was an absolutely fantastic product. Tim is a behind the scenes type of guy he likes to keep himself to himself and that is what I like about him. Everything that he does is perfect and planned out precisely so that you can copy his every move.
You see what you get when you have a team like Adam and Tim and that is a product that will be very logical and extremely planned out by two marketers that have an extensive knowledge in the field of both internet marketing and also offline marketing. But they also care a great deal about every single one of their members and that for me goes a long way. They want you to make money and be successful. But not only are they very good businessmen they have a heart of gold and with 10% of what they make from Local Mobile Monopoly they are giving to Japan to help pay for aid after the earthquake which quite frankly that is something else.
The fact that you have come this far must mean you are really seeing the power of mobile marketing already and that you understand that Tim and Adam are the real deal when it comes to Local Mobile Monopoly training. You will see that taking the mobile marketing to your local businesses will mean that you are not only providing a cutting edge service and able to make great living but you are going to be in a position to take on some of that trillion dollar industry I was talking about earlier.
Below you will see exactly what you will get when you join the Local Mobile Monopoly training.
Cutting edge “Local Mobile Monopoly” mobile marketing methods and strategies – Adam and Tim have spent over 6 months getting their methods and tactics perfect for mobile marketing and what with their experience you cant get it wrong. With Local Mobile Monopoly you will also learn about location based marketing.
You will be shown exactly what you will be doing and how to start making money and Adam and Tim make this process really easy as they want you to have the best chance of success. They explain every step of the way with Local Mobile Monopoly and make things very clear about how to achieve the best results when using their strategies.
In Local Mobile Monopoly you will be shown ways to start the process of negotiating with local business owners. Adam and Tim do not leave you out in the cold to fend for yourself. You will be confident enough at the end of the course to be in a position to gain trust and get the respect of local business owners who will see you as a mobile marketing expert.
When starting a new business getting a pricing structure can be difficult and this is where most people get stuck, with Local Mobile Monopoly you are given a pricing structure that is tried and tested. There wont be any need to ask questions about how to price your Local Mobile Monopoly strategies as Adam and Tim have laid it all out for you.
With Local Mobile Monopoly you have ‘Mobi-Helpers.com’ branded contracts all ready for you to use, you dont want to be worrying about legal documents when you are starting a new business. This is all included in the pakage and because you wont have to spend money on solicitors or lawyers you will have more money to spend on other things.
Local Mobile Monopoly will help you with social media branding – You will learn how you can get local businesses and brand them using the very best techniques from Twitter, Facebook, as well as Pay Per Click startegies along with many other of the best internet marketing stretegies that Adam and Tim have used over their successful years of internet marketing.
Optional One On One Coaching – This is a must if you really want to kick start your new business and with the extra help you will get even more great advice and tips literally starighjt from the horses mouth. This extra step-up will help you no end when getting started and right through the process of making money using the Local Mobile Monopoly method
The Local Mobile Monopoly Tools
You can see from above that this package is already huge and it still continues to grow take a look below to see what else Adam and Tim are offering in their Local Mobile Monopoly.
Your very own Mobile Helpers branded website. This may not sound like much of a big deal but when you realise that your website will be tied to a website called mobilehelpers.com this suddenly becomes a whole lot more exciting. You get a brilliantly branded company backing.
Completely exclusive Local Mobile Monopoly Business Locater software – This software will help yopu find great local businesses to target for your local Mobile Monopoly ventures. This is a million times better than google maps especially when you are looking for a certain type of business target. I really really like this software I have personally been using the software all week
Mobile Website Creation tool – This is used to create mobile optimised websites, this is one of the best additions to the Local Mobile Monopoly course. The software will enable you to add yet another service to your portfolio which means you get to put more money in your pocket. Its simply a case of pressing a few buttons and thats it. This really is what makes Local Mobile Monopoly.
Local Mobile Monopoly – What are The Benefits?
Grab The $1 Trillion Dollar Mobile Marketing Bull By The Horns
Learn The Most Advanced Techniques For Mobile Marketing
Be Your Own Boss Providing Services To Other Businesses
Learn Mobile Marketing From Experts Who Have Tried & Failed
Help Local Businesses & Your Community At The Same Time
Access To Exclusive Local Mobile Monopoly Tools Including YepText & Mobi-Makers
Is Local Mobile Monopoly Aimed at you??
Most people who buy Local Mobile Monopoly will not have any idea what mobile marketing can do for them or their clients and they most likely wont have any idea about the advanced tactics shown in the course that will boost their earnings considerably. If you are one of these people who I would call a Mobile Marketing Newbie then you are in luck because everything in Local Mobile Monopoly will be be a huge lesson in helping you understand what goes on and the concept and how to run things on a daily basis.
But if you are a bit like me, and I would call myself an advanced marketer, the chances are you don’t really understand mobile marketing so by using Local Mobile Monopoly you could just as well be adding services to your current cleints that is proven to work. You may not need the extra lessons on web marketing or SEO but you may need more help with other parts of the course which I promiose you will learn lots from and when you get to grips with all the concepts you will be blown away by the power. That is why I think that Mobile Monopoly is for everybody who is interested in getting involved in mobile marketing but doesnt know where to start.
My Local Mobile Monopoly Review Summary
You have pretty much finished my review of Local Money Monopoly and I hope you can now see the potential – not only this industry but the power of what Adam Howitz and Tim Donovan are teaching. This is the perefct platform to merge your offline ventures with your online ventures. Please remember that the internet has come on leaps and bounds in 10 years and mobile internet is growing 100x faster; and in 5 more years most internet access is going to be accessed using a mobile device of some sort and this course soon becomes a no brainer.
The knowledge that you will get from Local BVusiness monopoly will provide you with not only the power to charge good sums of money for your services which will be almost on autopilot but you will be doing it knowing that you are helping your local businesses in your local area by bringing in new customers for them. The Local Mobile Monopoly startegy is a tried and its tested – and it works.
Local Mobile Monopoly is an amazing course that goes into so much detail; and after you have watched the many videos that Adam and Tim have provided you will be confident enough to approach local businesses and to be in a position to make the money that you have always wanted to.
Many business owners are at a loss with marketing their own businesses and are not in a position to spend the time to look into new ways of driving people off the streets and to their business. This is what what they have all been looking for. Some business owners are simply waiting for one of their competitors to make a start and take the lead which they will then follow. Some business owners are just worried about the extra costs and are not aware that the services can be tailored completly to their needs and to their budget.
In my review of Local Mobile Monopoly I have already proven to you that the mobile industry is going to produce some millionnaires but isn’t going to change the way that we do businss and make money and I firmly beleive you need to strike while the iron is hot.
The sky is not the limit; the limit is literally out of this world. This is the begining of the mobile revolution and you need to get on this gravy train and start making some real money. Dont worry because those of you who actually take action will make money and will secure your finacial future and will make a fantatsic living for you and your families that is somethimg I am sure of.
Adam and Tim have definitely over deliverd on this course and not only for just the training videos but all the extra tools and bonuses they have thrown in. I really think that it does a great job and makes every other mobile marketing course I have looked at in the past look bad and I beleive that Local Mobile Monopoly has set the bar extremely high.
I would like to thank you for reading my review of Local Mobile Monopoly and I sincerley hope that you take action and make the most of what is going to be an a truly fantatstic opportunity.
Take action and get in early!!
If you would like more information then please to go to the Local Mobile Monopoly website.
PS. If you buy Local Mobile Monopoly through my link I will give you Annihilation Engine Completely free… Read below to see what exactly is Annihilation Engine….
The Annihilation Engine is the new Online Money Making and Internet Marketing course from Mike Long.
Mike Long, the famous online marketer behind massive product launches such as StomperNET, Pipeline Profits, Mind of Mystery, and several others, is gearing up to launch his own Online Marketing program: The Annihilation Engine.
The Annihilation Engine will no doubt create a lot of buzz in the internet marketing community. Mike was instrumental in creating the massive hype behind some of the most well known “launches”, and no doubt his own product is going to be just as epic.
So please use our link to buy Local Mobile Monopoly and when you have done that send me an email with your receipt details and I will happily give you your free bonus Annihilation Engine
Originally posted 2012-03-17 10:55:09. Republished by Blog Post Promoter