Wer mir schon länger folgt weiß, dass ich schon seit meiner Jugend ein großer Bücherfan bin. Es hat für mich einfach etwas beruhigendes ein Buch in der Hand zu halten. Eine Zeit lang war ich auch Teil eines Bücherblogs, allerdings habe ich es einfach nicht mehr geschafft beide Blog parallel regelmäßig mit Content zu füllen. Daher habe ich mich dazu entschlossen zumindest ab und zu auch hier mal wieder ein paar Büchervorstellungen zu schreiben. Ohne mich da zeitlich festlegen zu wollen. Ich kann mir zum Beispiel gut vorstellen quartalsweise meine gelesenen Bücher zu zeigen. Es wird sich zeigen wie sich das ganze entwickelt. Bei Caro habe ich einen Jahresrückblick gesehen, der mir spontan so gut gefallen hat, dass ich diesen gern übernehmen möchte. Daher hoffe ich, dass ihr euch auf den zukünftigen Bücher Content genauso freut wie ich und vielleicht das ein oder andere Buch dabei ist, was spontan euer Interesse weckt.
Doctor Who: Royal Blood by Una McCormack
“The Grail is a story, a myth! It didn’t exist on your world! It can’t exist here!”The city-state of Varuz is failing. Duke Aurelian is the last of his line, his capital is crumbling, and the armies of his enemy, Duke Conrad, are poised beyond the mountains to invade. Aurelian is preparing to gamble everything on one last battle. So when a holy man, the Doctor, comes to Varuz from beyond the mountains, Aurelian asks for his blessing in the war.But all is not what it seems in Varuz. The city-guard have lasers for swords, and the halls are lit by electric candlelight. Aurelian’s beloved wife, Guena, and his most trusted knight, Bernhardt, seem to be plotting to overthrow their Duke, and Clara finds herself drawn into their intrigue… Will the Doctor stop Aurelian from going to war? Will Clara’s involvement in the plot against the Duke be discovered? Why is Conrad’s ambassador so nervous? And who are the ancient and weary knights who arrive in Varuz claiming to be on a quest for the Holy Grail…?
Silber: Das dritte Buch der Träume (Silber, #3) by Kerstin Gier
Es ist März, in London steht der Frühling vor der Tür – und Liv Silber vor drei Problemen. Erstens: Sie hat Henry angelogen. Zweitens: Die Sache mit den Träumen wird immer gefährlicher. Arthur hat Geheimnisse der Traumwelt ergründet, durch die er unfassbares Unheil anrichten kann. Er muss unbedingt aufgehalten werden. Drittens: Livs Mutter Ann und Graysons Vater Ernest wollen im Juni heiraten. Und das böse Bocker, die Großmutter von Grayson, hat für die Hochzeit ihres Sohnes große Pläne, allerdings ganz andere als die Braut. Liv hat wirklich alle Hände voll zu tun, um die drohenden Katastrophen abzuwenden …
Doctor Who: Deep Time by Trevor Baxendale
‘I do hope you’re all ready to be terrified!’The Phaeron disappeared from the universe over a million years ago. They travelled among the stars using roads made from time and space, but left only relics behind. But what actually happened to the Phaeron? Some believe they were they eradicated by a superior force… Others claim they destroyed themselves.Or were they in fact the victims of an even more hideous fate?In the far future, humans discover the location of the last Phaeron road – and the Doctor and Clara join the mission to see where the road leads. Each member of the research team knows exactly what they’re looking for – but only the Doctor knows exactly what they’ll find.Because only the Doctor knows the true secret of the Phaeron: a monstrous secret so terrible and powerful that it must be buried in the deepest grave imaginable…
The Astronaut Wives Club by Lily Koppel
In a thoroughly researched page-turner that transports readers back to the beginnings of our space race, bestselling author Lily Koppel reveals for the first time the stories and secrets of America’s unsung heroes-the wives of our original astronauts.As America’s Mercury Seven astronauts were launched on death-defying missions, television cameras focused on the brave smiles of their young wives. Overnight, these women were transformed from military spouses into American royalty. They had tea with Jackie Kennedy, appeared on the cover of Life magazine, and quickly grew into fashion icons, donning sherbet-swirled Pucci dresses and lacquering their hair into extravagant rocket styles.Annie Glenn, with her picture-perfect marriage and many magazine features, was the envy of the other wives; platinum-blonde bombshell Rene Carpenter was proclaimed JFK’s favorite; Betty Grissom worried her husband was having affairs; Louise Shepard just wanted to be left alone; and licensed pilot Trudy Cooper arrived on base with a dirty secret. With each spectacular launch, they worried they might never see their husbands again. Together they formed the Astronaut Wives Club.A fascinating, dishy and moving read, , set against the backdrop of the Space Age and a country that would be forever changed by it, THE ASTRONAUT WIVES CLUB tells the real story of the women who stood beside some of the biggest heroes in American history.
Doctor Who: The Dalek Generation by Nicholas Briggs
Sunlight 349 is one of countless Dalek Foundation worlds, planets created to house billions suffering from economic hardship. The Doctor arrives at Sunlight 349, suspicious of any world where the Daleks are apparently a force for good – and determined to find out the truth. The Doctor knows they have a far more sinister plan – but how can he convince those who have lived under the benevolence of the Daleks for a generation? But convince them he must, and soon. For on another Foundation planet, archaeologists have unearthed the most dangerous technology in the universe… A thrilling, all-new adventure featuring the Doctor as played by Matt Smith in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television
Mind Games by Teri Terry
Die Welt, in der du lebst, existiert nur in deinem Kopf – doch was, wenn jemand mit deinen Gedanken spielt? In Lunas Leben ist jeder online: virtueller Unterricht, Dates und Sport als Avatar, sogar das Parlament tagt digital. Nur Luna bleibt offline. Sie ist eine Verweigerin, seit ihre Mutter vor Jahren in einem Online-Spiel starb. Umso überraschter ist Luna, als sie von der mächtigen Firma PareCo zu einem Einstufungstest eingeladen wird – und einen der begehrten Programmierer-Jobs erhält. Warum hat die Firma so ein großes Interesse an ihr? Als Luna den begabten Hacker Gecko kennenlernt, beginnt sie die von PareCo erschaffene Welt immer mehr zu hinterfragen. Doch dann ist Gecko auf einmal verschwunden, und Luna kann sich nicht mehr an ihn erinnern …
Doctor Who: Plague of the Cybermen by Justin Richards
When the Doctor arrives in the 19th-century village of Klimtenburg, he discovers the residents suffering from some kind of plague: a ‚wasting disease‘. The victims face a horrible death — but what’s worse, the dead seem to be leaving their graves. The Plague Warriors have returned. The Doctor is confident he knows what’s really happening; he understands where the dead go, and he’s sure the Plague Warriors are just a myth. But as some of the Doctor’s oldest and most terrible enemies start to awaken he realises that maybe — just maybe — he’s misjudged the situation.
Girl Online On Tour (Girl Online, #2) by Zoe Sugg
The sequel to the number-one bestseller Girl Online. Penny joins her rock-star boyfriend, Noah, on his European music tour. Penny’s bags are packed. When Noah invites Penny on his European music tour, she can’t wait to spend time with her rock-god-tastic boyfriend. But, between Noah’s jam-packed schedule, less-than-welcoming bandmates and threatening messages from jealous fans, Penny wonders whether she’s really cut out for life on tour. She can’t help but miss her family, her best friend Elliot . . . and her blog, Girl Online. Can Penny learn to balance life and love on the road, or will she lose everything in pursuit of the perfect summer?
Last Vampire Standing (Oldest City Vampire, #2) by Nancy Haddock
Second in the delightful series featuring a vampire princess in the Sunshine State, adjusting to life, undeath, and that brutal Floridian sun. 228-year-old Francesca Marinelli thought her past was dead-then a stranger from the Atlanta vampire nest crashes her home looking for sanctuary. A budding stand-up comic, Jo-Jo’s running from an undead superior eager to drive a stake through the heart of his dream job. But Jo-Jo’s bad jokes aren’t the only dark clouds on the horizon. A psychotic vampire with a murderous agenda has followed Jo-Jo to Florida, putting everyone close to Francesca in danger.
La Vida Vampire (Oldest City Vampire, #1) by Nancy Haddock
First in a delightfully irreverent new series-and second to none when it comes to beautiful 227-year-old career women. Being dead isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Take it from Francesca Marinelli, trapped underground for over 200 years and rediscovered during the renovation of a Victorian mansion in historic St. Augustine. A tourist attraction herself, she’s well suited for a job as an Old Ghost Town Tour guide. Francesca’s due for a new lease on afterlife-and with enough sunblock, she can finally live it. Unfortunately, everything she learned about men is a little dated. And when people in her tour group turn up dead, naturally the police suspect her. After all, she is a vampire. Which is why a crazed vampire-hunting vigilante squad is out to get her as well. Between the dead bodies, the stalkers, and a seriously non-existent love life, she’s starting to wish she was dead. Or at least buried, where she was safe.
Doctor Who: Shroud of Sorrow by Tommy Donbavand
It is the day after John F. Kennedy’s assassination and the faces of the dead are everywhere. PC Reg Cranfield sees his deceased father in the mists along Totter’s Lane. Reporter Mae Callon sees her late grandmother in a coffee stain on her desk. FBI Special Agent Warren Skeet finds his long-dead partner staring back at him from raindrops on a window pane. Then the faces begin to talk, and scream… and push through into our world. As the alien Shroud begins to feast on the grief of a world in mourning, can the Doctor dig deep enough into his own sorrow to save mankind? are trademarks of the BBC. A thrilling, all-new adventure featuring the Doctor and Clara as played by Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television
Die rote Königin (Die Farben des Blutes #1) by Victoria Aveyard
Rot oder Silber – Mares Welt wird von der Farbe des Blutes bestimmt. Sie selbst gehört zu den niederen Roten, deren Aufgabe es ist, der Silber-Elite zu dienen. Denn die – und nur die – besitzt übernatürliche Kräfte. Doch als Mare bei ihrer Arbeit in der Sommerresidenz des Königs in Gefahr gerät, geschieht das Unfassbare: Sie, eine Rote, rettet sich mit Hilfe besonderer Fähigkeiten! Um Aufruhr zu vermeiden, wird sie als verschollen geglaubte Silber-Adlige ausgegeben und mit dem jüngsten Prinzen verlobt. Dabei ist es dessen Bruder, der Thronfolger, der Mares Gefühle durcheinander bringt. Doch von jetzt an gelten die Regeln des Hofes, Mare darf sich keine Fehler erlauben. Trotzdem nutzt sie ihre Position, um die aufkeimende Rote Rebellion zu unterstützen. Sie riskiert dabei ihr Leben – und ihr Herz … Fesselnd, vielschichtig und voller Leidenschaft: Viktoria Aveyard entwirft eine faszinierende Welt mit einer starken Heldin, die folgenschwere Entscheidungen treffen muss. Es geht um Freundschaft, Liebe und Verrat, um Politik, Intrigen und Rebellion, um Gut und Böse – und jede Schattierung dazwischen.
Doctor Who: The Crawling Terror (New Series Adventures, #55) by Mike Tucker
„Well, I doubt you’ll ever see a bigger insect.“ Gabby Nichols is putting her son to bed when she hears her daughter cry out. ‚Mummy there’s a daddy longlegs in my room!‘ Then the screaming starts. Kevin Alperton is on his way to school when he is attacked by a mosquito. A big one. Then things get dangerous. But it isn’t the dead man cocooned inside a huge mass of web that worries the Doctor. It isn’t the swarming, mutated insects that make him nervous. With the village cut off from the outside world, and the insects becoming more and more dangerous, the Doctor knows that unless he can decode the strange symbols engraved on an ancient stone circle, and unravel a mystery dating back to the Second World War, no one is safe.
Revival by Stephen King
Finster, mysteriös, elektrisierend Revival erzählt die Geschichte des Jungen Jamie und des Predigers Charles Jacobs, deren Wege sich von den Sechzigern bis heute auf unglückselige Weise immer wieder kreuzen. Sie steuert auf ein beängstigendes, auswegloses Ende zu, wie es selbst Stephen King bislang nicht zu Papier gebracht hat, und ist gleichzeitig Abrechnung mit dem Religionsfanatismus in unserem hoch technisierten Zeitalter und Verbeugung vor den Größen des klassischen Horrors. Der kleine Jamie spielt vor dem Haus mit seinen Plastiksoldaten, da schiebt sich ein dunkler Schatten über ihn, ein Schatten, den er sein Leben lang nicht loswerden wird. Er blickt auf und sieht Charles Jacobs über sich, den jungen Methodistenprediger, der in der neuenglischen Gemeinde gerade sein Amt antritt. Im Nu gewinnt der charismatische Jacobs die Herzen der gottesfürchtigen Einwohner. Den Kindern haben es vor allem die elektrischen Spielereien angetan, mit denen er Bibelgeschichten veranschaulicht. Das alles endet, als ihn ein entsetzlicher Unfall vom Glauben abfallen lässt und er eine letzte Predigt hält, die in einer rasenden Gottverfluchung gipfelt. Von der Gemeinde verstoßen, tingelt er fortan über die Jahrmärkte, wo er elektrische Experimente vorführt, die zunehmend spektakulärer werden. Und immer schrecklichere Folgen nach sich ziehen. Über die Jahre trifft Jamie, inzwischen drogenabhängiger Musiker, wiederholt auf Jacobs, der ihn jedes Mal tiefer in seine dämonische Welt zieht. Als Jamie sich dessen klar wird, gibt es kein Zurück mehr. Das finale Experiment steht bevor.
Girl on the Train – Du kennst sie nicht, aber sie kennt dich by Paula Hawkins
Jeden Morgen pendelt Rachel mit dem Zug in die Stadt, und jeden Morgen hält der Zug an der gleichen Stelle auf der Strecke an. Rachel blickt in die Gärten der umliegenden Häuser, beobachtet ihre Bewohner. Oft sieht sie ein junges Paar: Jess und Jason nennt Rachel die beiden. Sie führen – wie es scheint – ein perfektes Leben. Ein Leben, wie Rachel es sich wünscht. Eines Tages beobachtet sie etwas Schockierendes. Kurz darauf liest sie in der Zeitung vom Verschwinden einer Frau – daneben ein Foto von »Jess«. Rachel meldet ihre Beobachtung der Polizei und verstrickt sich damit unentrinnbar in die folgenden Ereignisse …
Doctor Who: The Blood Cell (New Series Adventures, #54) by James Goss
„Release the Doctor – or the killing will start.“ An asteroid in the furthest reaches of space – the most secure prison for the most dangerous of criminals. The Governor is responsible for the cruellest murderers so he’s not impressed by the arrival of the man they’re calling the most dangerous criminal in the quadrant. Or, as he prefers to be known, the Doctor. But when the new prisoner immediately sets about trying to escape, and keeps trying, the Governor sets out to find out why. Who is the Doctor and what’s he really doing here? And who is the young woman who comes every day to visit him, only to be turned away by the guards? When the killing finally starts, the Governor begins to get his answers.
Doctor Who: Silhouette (New Series Adventures, #53) by Justin Richards
„Vastra and Strax and Jenny? Oh no, we don’t need to bother them. Trust me.“ Marlowe Hapworth is found dead in his locked study, killed by an unknown assailant. This is a case for the Great Detective, Madame Vastra. Rick Bellamy, bare-knuckle boxer, has the life drawn out of him by a figure dressed as an undertaker. This angers Strax the Sontaran. The Carnival of Curiosities, a collection of bizarre and fascinating sideshows and performers. This is where Jenny Flint looks for answers. How are these things connected? And what does Orestes Milton, rich industrialist, have to do with it all? As the Doctor and Clara joint the hunt for thr truth they find themselves thrust into a world where nothing and no one are what they seem.
Liv, Forever by Amy Talkington
Eine Liebe für die Ewigkeit … Liv spürt augenblicklich, dass es im Internat »Wickham Hall« nicht mit rechten Dingen zugeht: Wer oder was verbirgt sich in dem alten Gemäuer? Weiß der scheinbar unnahbare Malcolm etwas darüber? Liv verliebt sich in ihn. Unsterblich. Doch dann wird Liv hinterrücks ermordet. Aber sie ist nicht tot, sondern geistert mit den Seelen vieler anderer verstorbener Mädchen durch die Schule. Ist sie verflucht? Wie lässt sich der Bann brechen? Kann Liv zu Malcolm zurückkehren? Bald stößt sie auf das dunkle Geheimnis von »Wickham Hall«.
Doctor Who: Night of the Humans by David Llewellyn
‚This is the Gyre – the most hostile environment in the galaxy…‘ 250,000 years‘ worth of junk floating in deep space, home to the shipwrecked Sittuun, the carnivorous Sollogs, and worst of all – the Humans. The Doctor and Amy arrive on this terrifying world in the middle of an all-out frontier war between Sittuun and Humans, and the countdown has already started. There’s a comet in the sky, and it’s on a collision course with the Gyre…When the Doctor is kidnapped, it’s up to Amy and „galaxy-famous swashbuckler“ Dirk Slipstream to save the day. But who is Slipstream, exactly? And what is he really doing here? This is a thrilling, all new adventure featuring the Doctor and Amy, as played by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television.
The Witch Hunter (The Witch Hunter, #1) by Virginia Boecker
The magic and suspense of Graceling meet the political intrigue and unrest of Game of Thrones in this riveting fantasy debut. Your greatest enemy isn’t what you fight, but what you fear. Elizabeth Grey is one of the king’s best witch hunters, devoted to rooting out witchcraft and doling out justice. But when she’s accused of being a witch herself, Elizabeth is arrested and sentenced to burn at the stake. Salvation comes from a man she thought was her enemy. Nicholas Perevil, the most powerful and dangerous wizard in the kingdom, offers her a deal: he will save her from execution if she can break the deadly curse that’s been laid upon him. But Nicholas and his followers know nothing of Elizabeth’s witch hunting past–if they find out, the stake will be the least of her worries. And as she’s thrust into the magical world of witches, ghosts, pirates, and one all-too-handsome healer, Elizabeth is forced to redefine her ideas of right and wrong, of friends and enemies, and of love and hate. Virginia Boecker weaves a riveting tale of magic, betrayal, and sacrifice in this unforgettable fantasy debut.
Doctor Who: Nuclear Time by Oli Smith
‚My watch is running backwards.‘ Colorado, 1981. The Doctor, Amy and Rory arrive in Appletown – an idyllic village in the remote American desert where the townsfolk go peacefully about their suburban routines. But when two more strangers arrive, things begin to change. The first is a mad scientist – whose warnings are cut short by an untimely and brutal death. The second is the Doctor… As death falls from the sky, the Doctor is trapped. The TARDIS is damaged, and the Doctor finds he is living backwards through time. With Amy and Rory being hunted through the suburban streets of the Doctor’s own future and getting farther away with every passing second, he must unravel the secrets of Appletown before time runs out… A thrilling, all-new time travel adventure featuring the Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory, as played by Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill in the spectacular hit Doctor Who series from BBC Television.
Godspeed – Die Ankunft (Across The Universe, #3) by Beth Revis
Der fulminante Abschluss der Godspeed-Trilogie! Endlich können Amy und Junior die Godspeed verlassen. Ein neues Leben auf dem Zielplaneten Zentauri wartet auf sie. Aber diese neue Erde entpuppt sich nicht als das Paradies, das Amy und Junior erhofft hatten. Wer oder was lebt noch auf diesem Planeten? Können Amy und Junior die eigene Kolonie retten? Und was wird aus ihrer gemeinsamen Zukunft?
Doctor Who: The King’s Dragon by Una McCormack
In the city-state of Geath, the King lives in a golden hall, and the people want for nothing. Everyone is happy and everyone is rich. Or so it seems. When the Doctor, Amy and Rory look beneath the surface, they discover a city of secrets. In dark corners, strange creatures are stirring. At the heart of the hall, a great metal dragon oozes gold. Then the Herald appears, demanding the return of her treasure…. And next come the gunships. The battle for possession of the treasure has begun, and only the Doctor and his friends can save the people of the city from being destroyed in the crosfire of an ancient civil war. But will the King surrender his new-found wealthy? Or will he fight to keep it
Godspeed: Die Suche (Across The Universe, #2) by Beth Revis
Die Zukunft für Amy und Junior liegt in weiter Ferne. Während ihre Gefühle füreinander stärker werden, wird die Lage auf dem Raumschiff, der „Godspeed“, immer bedrohlicher. Ohne die kontrollierende Droge Phydus, das heißt ihrem freien Willen unterworfen, sind die Menschen an Bord überfordert. Die Stimmung droht zu kippen. Auch die Technik entpuppt sich als trügerisch: Wird nur eine Gruppe Auserwählter das Ziel, die Zentauri-Erde, erreichen? Der Druck auf Amy und Junior wächst: Wer ist Freund, wer Feind? Und wohin führt sie ihre Liebe?
Doctor Who: The Forgotten Army by Brian Minchin
‚Let me tell you a story. Long ago, in the frozen Arctic wastes, an alien army landed. Only now, 10,000 years later, it isn’t a story. And the army is ready to attack.‘ New York – one of the greatest cities on 21st century Earth…But what’s going on in the Museum? And is that really a Woolly Mammoth rampaging down Broadway? An ordinary day becomes a time of terror, as Ice Age creatures come back to life, and the Doctor and Amy meet a new and deadly enemy. The vicious Army of the Vykoid are armed to the teeth and determined to enslave the human race. Even though they’re only three inches high. With the Vykoid army swarming across Manhattan and sealing it from the world with a powerful alien forcefield, Amy has just 24 hours to find the Doctor and save the city. If she doesn’t, the people of Manhattan will be taken to work in the doomed asteroid mines of the Vykoid home planet. But as time starts to run out, who can she trust? And how far will she have to go to free New York from the Forgotten Army? This is a thrilling, all new adventure featuring the Doctor and Amy, as played by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television.
An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes, #1) by Sabaa Tahir
Laia is a slave. Elias is a soldier. Neither is free. Under the Martial Empire, defiance is met with death. Those who do not vow their blood and bodies to the Emperor risk the execution of their loved ones and the destruction of all they hold dear. It is in this brutal world, inspired by ancient Rome, that Laia lives with her grandparents and older brother. The family ekes out an existence in the Empire’s impoverished backstreets. They do not challenge the Empire. They’ve seen what happens to those who do. But when Laia’s brother is arrested for treason, Laia is forced to make a decision. In exchange for help from rebels who promise to rescue her brother, she will risk her life to spy for them from within the Empire’s greatest military academy. There, Laia meets Elias, the school’s finest soldier—and secretly, its most unwilling. Elias wants only to be free of the tyranny he’s being trained to enforce. He and Laia will soon realize that their destinies are intertwined—and that their choices will change the fate of the Empire itself.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondō
This guide to decluttering your home from Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes readers step-by-step through her revolutionary KonMari Method for simplifying, organizing, and storing.Despite constant efforts to declutter your home, do papers still accumulate like snowdrifts and clothes pile up like a tangled mess of noodles?Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes tidying to a whole new level, promising that if you properly simplify and organize your home once, you’ll never have to do it again. Most methods advocate a room-by-room or little-by-little approach, which doom you to pick away at your piles of stuff forever. The KonMari Method, with its revolutionary category-by-category system, leads to lasting results. In fact, none of Kondo’s clients have lapsed (and she still has a three-month waiting list). With detailed guidance for determining which items in your house “spark joy” (and which don’t), this book featuring Tokyo’s newest lifestyle phenomenon will help you clear your clutter and enjoy the unique magic of a tidy home—and the calm, motivated mindset it can inspire.
Apollo 23 by Justin Richards
‚For a few moments this afternoon, it rained on the moon…‘ An astronaut in full spacesuit appears out of thin air in a busy shopping centre. Maybe it’s a publicity stunt. A photo shows a well-dressed woman in a red coat lying dead at the edge of a crater on the dark side of the moon – beside her beloved dog ‚Poochie‘. Maybe it’s a hoax. But as the Doctor and Amy find out, these are just minor events in a sinister plan to take over every human being on earth. The plot centres on a secret military base on the moon – that’s where Amy and the TARDIS are. The Doctor is back on Earth, and without the TARDIS there’s no way he can get to the moon to save Amy and defeat the aliens. Or is there? The Doctor discovers one last great secret that could save humanity: Apollo 23. This is a thrilling, all new adventure featuring the Doctor and Amy, as played by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television.
Girl Online by Zoe Sugg
Unter dem Namen Girl online schreibt die 15-jährige Penny einen Blog über die täglichen Dramen in der Schule. Über Jungs, über ihre verrückte Familie – und über die Panikattacken, die sie seit einiger Zeit immer wieder bekommt. Außer ihrem besten Freund Elliot weiß niemand, wer die Autorin dieses Blogs ist, dessen Fangemeinde immer größer wird. Im wirklichen Leben sinkt Pennys Fangemeinde dagegen nach einem megapeinlichen Auftritt in der Schule weit unter Null. Da kommt ein Auftrag der Eltern in New York gerade recht. Penny darf mitkommen und trifft den hinreißenden Noah, der Gitarre spielt und in den sie sich sofort verliebt. Die beiden verbringen Weihnachten und ein unvergessliches Silvester zusammen. Doch erst als sie wieder nach Hause kommt, erfährt Penny, dass Noah ihr nicht alles erzählt hat …
Doctor Who: The Glamour Chase by Gary Russell
An ancient spaceship and deadly illusions force the Doctor and Amy to doubt reality itself
Snow Like Ashes (Snow Like Ashes, #1) by Sara Raasch
A heartbroken girl. A fierce warrior. A hero in the making. Sixteen years ago the Kingdom of Winter was conquered and its citizens enslaved, leaving them without magic or a monarch. Now, the Winterians’ only hope for freedom is the eight survivors who managed to escape, and who have been waiting for the opportunity to steal back Winter’s magic and rebuild the kingdom ever since. Orphaned as an infant during Winter’s defeat, Meira has lived her whole life as a refugee, raised by the Winterians’ general, Sir. Training to be a warrior—and desperately in love with her best friend, and future king, Mather — she would do anything to help her kingdom rise to power again. So when scouts discover the location of the ancient locket that can restore Winter’s magic, Meira decides to go after it herself. Finally, she’s scaling towers, fighting enemy soldiers, and serving her kingdom just as she’s always dreamed she would. But the mission doesn’t go as planned, and Meira soon finds herself thrust into a world of evil magic and dangerous politics – and ultimately comes to realize that her destiny is not, never has been, her own.
Doctor Who: Hunter’s Moon by Paul Finch
‚There’s no end to the horror in this place – it’s like Hell, and there are devils round every corner.‘ On Leisure Platform 9 gamblers and villains mix with socialites and celebrities. It’s a place where you won’t want to win the wrong game. With Rory kidnapped by a brutal crime lord, the Doctor and Amy infiltrate a deadly contest where fugitives become the hunted. But how long before they realise the Doctor isn’t a vicious mercenary and discover what Amy is up to? It’s a game that can only end in death, and time for everyone is running out. A thrilling, all-new Doctor Who adventure featuring the Doctor, Amy and Rory, as played by Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television.
The Heir (The Selection, #4) by Kiera Cass
Twenty years ago, America Singer entered the Selection and won Prince Maxon’s heart. Now the time has come for Princess Eadlyn to hold a Selection of her own. Eadlyn doesn’t expect her Selection to be anything like her parents’ fairy-tale love story. But as the competition begins, she may discover that finding her own happily ever after isn’t as impossible as she always thought.
Night of Cake & Puppets (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #2.5) by Laini Taylor
In Night of Cake & Puppets, Taylor brings to life a night only hinted at in the Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy — the magical first date of fan-favorites Zuzana and Mik. Told in alternating perspectives, it’s the perfect love story for fans of the series and new readers alike. Petite though she may be, Zuzana is not known for timidity. Her best friend, Karou, calls her “rabid fairy,” her “voodoo eyes” are said to freeze blood, and even her older brother fears her wrath. But when it comes to the simple matter of talking to Mik, or “Violin Boy,” her courage deserts her. Now, enough is enough. Zuzana is determined to meet him, and she has a fistful of magic and a plan. It’s a wonderfully elaborate treasure hunt of a plan that will take Mik all over Prague on a cold winter’s night before finally leading him to the treasure: herself! Violin Boy’s not going to know what hit him.
Doctor Who: Touched By An Angel by Jonathan Morris
„The past is like a foreign country. Nice to visit, but you really wouldn’t want to live there.“ In 2003, Rebecca Whitaker died in a road accident. Her husband Mark is still grieving. He receives a battered envelope, posted eight years ago, containing a set of instructions with a simple message: „You can save her.“ As Mark is given the chance to save Rebecca, it’s up to the Doctor, Amy and Rory to save the whole world. Because this time the Weeping Angels are using Mark himself as a weapon to change history. Will the doctor stop mark or will the angels feast?
A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird, #1) by Claudia Gray
Every Day meets Cloud Atlas in this heart-racing, space- and time-bending, epic new trilogy from New York Times bestselling author Claudia Gray. Marguerite Caine’s physicist parents are known for their radical scientific achievements. Their most astonishing invention: the Firebird, which allows users to jump into parallel universes, some vastly altered from our own. But when Marguerite’s father is murdered, the killer—her parent’s handsome and enigmatic assistant Paul—escapes into another dimension before the law can touch him. Marguerite can’t let the man who destroyed her family go free, and she races after Paul through different universes, where their lives entangle in increasingly familiar ways. With each encounter she begins to question Paul’s guilt—and her own heart. Soon she discovers the truth behind her father’s death is more sinister than she ever could have imagined. A Thousand Pieces of You explores a reality where we witness the countless other lives we might lead in an amazingly intricate multiverse, and ask whether, amid infinite possibilities, one love can endure.
A Dance with Darkness (Angelfire, #0.5) by Courtney Allison Moulton
With scorching romance and fantastic action, this original novella is a prequel to Courtney Allison Moulton’s gripping and epic Angelfire series. There were shadows in this alley that no light touched, and where there was no light, anything could hide. At the end of the fourteenth century, angelic reapers struggle to defend London against a legion of the demonic who have their sights set on claiming human souls and ancient relics for a dark purpose. Madeleine, a young but powerful warrior, is duty-bound to fight the demonic, and she lives for this pursuit above all else. Then, on a routine night of tracking, she is ambushed by a cadre of reapers and, though she defeats them all, she is left wounded and at the mercy of their lord, the notorious Bastian. Madeleine is astonished when Bastian lets her live. She goes deeper into the world of the demonic and is shocked to meet him again—this powerful reaper whose touch makes her restless and gives her a thrill unlike anything else. When they fall into a dangerous clandestine affair, her head and her heart must wage their war: can their love overcome his demonic nature? Will her dance with darkness burn her or bring Bastian into the light?
Doctor Who: Borrowed Time by Naomi Alderman
‚You want more time Mr Brown, of course you do. We all want more time. Let me make you an offer…‘ Andrew Brown never has enough time. No time to call his sister, or to prepare for that important presentation at the bank where he works. The train’s late, the lift jams. If only he’d had just a little more time. And time is the business of Mr Symington and Mr Blenkinsop. They’ll lend him some – at a very reasonable rate of interest. Detecting a problem, the Doctor, Amy and Rory go undercover at the bank. But they have to move fast to stop Symington and Blenkinsop before they cash in their investments. A thrilling all-new adventure featuring the Doctor, Amy and Rory, as played by Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill in the spectacular hit Doctor Who series from BBC Television.
Die Überlebenden (Die Überlebenden, #1) by Alexandra Bracken
Ruby hat überlebt. Doch der Preis dafür war hoch. Sie hat alles verloren: Freunde, Familie, ihr ganzes Leben. Weil sie das Virus überlebt hat. Weil sie nun eine Fähigkeit besitzt, die sie zur Bedrohung werden lässt, zu einer Gefahr für die Menschheit. Denn sie kann die Gedanken anderer beeinflussen. Deshalb wurde sie in ein Lager gebracht mit vielen anderen Überlebenden. Deshalb soll sie getötet werden. Aber Ruby hat nicht überlebt, um zu sterben. Sie wird kämpfen, schließlich hat sie nichts zu verlieren. Noch nicht …
Doctor Who: Paradox Lost by George Mann
‚The Squall feed on psychic energy. They spread like a plague and if they are not stopped they will strip the Earth clean…‘ London 1910: an unsuspecting thief finds himself confronted by grey-skinned creatures that are waiting to devour his mind. London 2789: the remains of an ancient android are dredged from the Thames. When reactivated it has a warning that can only be delivered to a man named ‚the Doctor‘. The Doctor and his friends must solve a mystery that has spanned over a thousand years. If they fail, the deadly alien Squall will devour the world. A thrilling all-new adventure featuring the Doctor, Amy and Rory, as played by Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill in the spectacular hit Doctor Who series from BBC Television.
Die Chroniken des Magnus Bane by Cassandra Clare
Tauche ein in die Welt von Magnus Bane! Der schillernde Oberste Hexenmeister von Brooklyn hat ein ereignisreiches Leben hinter sich. Sei es die Französische Revolution in Paris, der Börsencrash von New York oder das frühe London – Magnus war immer dabei und hatte seine funkensprühenden Finger im Spiel. Keine Frage, dass es dabei auch manchmal riskant wird für den vorlauten und lebenslustigen Draufgänger. Wenn man ewig lebt, muss man sich schließlich die Zeit vertreiben, da kommt eine kleine Romanze dann und wann gerade recht. Und wenn eine Situation doch mal zu heiß wird, gibt es ja immer noch den alles verhüllenden Zauberglanz. Alle Geheimnisse und Rätsel rund um Magnus Bane – aus der Feder von Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan und Maureen Johnson. Der perfekte Begleitband zu den Serien Chroniken der Unterwelt und Chroniken der Schattenjäger!
Dead of Winter (The Arcana Chronicles, #3) by Kresley Cole
Can Evie convince her rival loves to work together? Their survival depends on it in this third book of #1 New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole’s Arcana Chronicles, a nonstop action tale of rescue, redemption, and a revenge most wicked. Heartbreaking decisions Evie was almost seduced by the life of comfort that Death offered her—until Jack was threatened by two of the most horrific Arcana, the Lovers. She will do anything to save him, even escape Death’s uncanny prison, full of beautiful objects, material comforts…and stolen glances from a former love. Uncertain victory Despite leaving a part of her heart behind with Death, Evie sets out into a perilous post-apocalyptic wasteland to meet up with her allies and launch an attack on the Lovers. Such formidable enemies require a battle plan, and the only way to kill them may mean Evie, Jack, and Death allying. Evie doesn’t know what will prove more impossible: surviving slavers, plague, Bagmen and other Arcana—or convincing Jack and Death to work together. Two heroes returned There’s a thin line between love and hate, and Evie just doesn’t know where she stands with either Jack or Death. Will this unlikely trio be able to defeat The Lovers without killing one another first…?
Godspeed – Die Reise beginnt (Across The Universe, #1) by Beth Revis
Die 17-jährige Amy ist einer der eingefrorenen Passagiere an Bord der „Godspeed“. Sie und ihre Eltern sollen am Ende der Reise zu einem neuen Planeten wieder erweckt werden 300 Jahre in der Zukunft. Doch Amys Kühlkasten wird zu früh abgeschaltet. Wollte jemand sie ermorden? Gewaltsam ins Leben zurückgerissen, findet sie sich in einer fremden Welt wieder, in der alle Menschen einem tyrannischen Anführer folgen. Nur einer widersteht: der rebellische Junior, der sich fast magisch angezogen fühlt von Amy. Gemeinsam versuchen die beiden, den schrecklichen Geheimnissen der „Godspeed“ auf die Spur zu kommen. Doch kann Amy Junior trauen? Eine packende Gesellschaftsvision und ein fesselnder Pageturner um eine große Liebe, der Traum von Freiheit und tödliche Gefahren.
Der Herr der Ewigkeit (Poison Princess, #2) by Kresley Cole
Wen der Tod liebt, den vergisst er niemals … Von Jack betrogen, gefangen in einer Welt des Verderbens, nimmt Evie ihre Gabe und ihr wahres Wesen an. Doch womit sich die Herrscherin nicht abfinden will, ist das grausame Spiel, das sie und die anderen Arkana verbindet. Sie findet Verbündete in ihrem Kampf, doch sie trifft auch auf ihren erbittertsten Gegner – den schönen wie geheimnisvollen Tod, den Herrn der Ewigkeit. Evie hängt immer noch an Jack, aber mit dem Tod, das spürt sie, verbindet sie eine weit in die Vergangenheit reichende Geschichte – und eine ebenso alte Schuld. Und der Tod vergisst nie …
Fallen (Fallen, #1) by Lauren Kate
What if the person you were meant to be with could never be yours? 17-year-old Lucinda falls in love with a gorgeous, intelligent boy, Daniel, at her new school, the grim, foreboding Sword & Cross . . . only to find out that Daniel is a fallen angel, and that they have spent lifetimes finding and losing one another as good & evil forces plot to keep them apart. Get ready to fall .
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner (Twilight, #3.5) by Stephenie Meyer
Fans of The Twilight Saga will be enthralled by this riveting story of Bree Tanner, a character first introduced in Eclipse, and the darker side of the newborn vampire world she inhabits. Bree Tanner can barely remember life before she had uncannily powerful senses, superhuman reflexes, and unstoppable physical strength. Life before she had a relentless thirst for blood…life before she became a vampire. All Bree knows is that living with her fellow newborns has few certainties and even fewer rules: watch your back, don’t draw attention to yourself, and above all, make it home by sunrise or die. What she doesn’t know: her time as an immortal is quickly running out. Then Bree finds an unexpected friend in Diego, a newborn just as curious as Bree about their mysterious creator, whom they only know as her. As they come to realize that the newborns are pawns in a game larger than anything they could have imagined, Bree and Diego must choose sides and decide whom to trust. But when everything you know about vampires is based on a lie, how do you find the truth? In another irresistible combination of danger, mystery, and romance, Stephenie Meyer tells the devastating story of the newborn army as they prepare to close in on Bella Swan and the Cullens, following their encounter to its unforgettable conclusion.
14th Deadly Sin: (Women’s Murder Club 14) (Women’s Murder Club) by James Patterson
Detective Lindsay Boxer and her three best friends are back and recovering from the events that pushed them all to the edge. After her near-death experience, Yuki is seeing her life from a new perspective and is considering a change in her law career. San Francisco Chronicle reporter Cindy has healed from her gunshot wound and has published a book on the infamous serial killers she helped to bring down. Lindsay is just happy that the gang are all still in one piece. But a new terror is sweeping the streets of San Francisco. A gang dressed as cops are ransacking the city, and leaving a string of dead bodies in their wake. Lindsay is on the case to track them down and needs to discover whether these killers could actually be police officers. Maybe even cops she already knows…
The Fledgling Handbook 101 by P.C. Cast
Merry meet, fledgling. Welcome to a new life, a new world, and a new you. Welcome to the House of Night! This might seem like a scary time, Fledgling, but never fear! As you start your journey through the ancient halls of the House of Night, this indispensable handbook will aid you in your transition from human to fledgling. Within these pages you will find invaluable information about the history of vampyres. You will also come to a better understanding of your body’s transformation, as well as read words of hope from great vampyres of the past and learn essential foundations of rituals and lore. Now, Fledgling, read on. A new life awaits you; your path to that magickal future begins here!
Der letzte Kampf der Feuergöttin (Angelfire, #3) by Courtney Allison Moulton
Ellie steht vor der größten Herausforderung ihres Lebens: Ihr Beschützer Will wurde im Kampf von einem Dämon verletzt und vergiftet. Wenn Ellie nicht bald ein Gegengift findet, wird ihre große Liebe sterben. Als sie erfährt, dass sie eine riskante Reise auf sich nehmen muss, um das Heilmittel zu beschaffen, zögert sie keine Sekunde. Aber das ist nicht die einzige Gefahr, die sie erwartet. Ein Heer von Dämonen bereitet sich auf den letzten Kampf vor, um das Böse über die Welt zu bringen. Gemeinsam mit Will könnte Ellie sie aufhalten …
Auf den Schwingen des Bösen (Angelfire, #2) by Courtney Allison Moulton
Als Ellie mit siebzehn erfährt, dass sie im Auftrag des Himmels Dämonen bekämpfen soll, kann sie das zuerst nicht glauben. Nur langsam erinnert sie sich an ihre vorherigen Leben, in denen sie sich den dunklen Mächten bereits gestellt hat. Doch diesmal ist alles anders. Der bösartige Dämon Bastian will sie endgültig besiegen und die dunklen Seelen der Verdammten erwecken. Und dann ist da noch Cadan, eigentlich ein Dämon und ihr Feind, zu dem sie sich dennoch auf mysteriöse Weise hingezogen fühlt. Wird sie trotzdem stark genug sein, um gegen die dunklen Mächte anzutreten?
Dreams of Gods & Monsters (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #3) by Laini Taylor
By way of a staggering deception, Karou has taken control of the chimaera rebellion and is intent on steering its course away from dead-end vengeance. The future rests on her, if there can even be a future for the chimaera in war-ravaged Eretz. Common enemy, common cause. When Jael’s brutal seraph army trespasses into the human world, the unthinkable becomes essential, and Karou and Akiva must ally their enemy armies against the threat. It is a twisted version of their long-ago dream, and they begin to hope that it might forge a way forward for their people. And, perhaps, for themselves. Toward a new way of living, and maybe even love. But there are bigger threats than Jael in the offing. A vicious queen is hunting Akiva, and, in the skies of Eretz … something is happening. Massive stains are spreading like bruises from horizon to horizon; the great winged stormhunters are gathering as if summoned, ceaselessly circling, and a deep sense of wrong pervades the world. What power can bruise the sky? From the streets of Rome to the caves of the Kirin and beyond, humans, chimaera and seraphim will fight, strive, love, and die in an epic theater that transcends good and evil, right and wrong, friend and enemy. At the very barriers of space and time, what do gods and monsters dream of? And does anything else matter?
Days of Blood and Starlight (Zwischen den Welten, #2) by Laini Taylor
Wo würdest du dich verstecken, wenn die ganze Welt nach dir sucht? Was würdest Du tun, wenn deine große Liebe plötzlich deine Familie auf dem Gewissen hat? Wie würdest du entscheiden, wem du trauen kannst, und wem nicht? Der Traum vom Frieden, den Karou und Akiva einst teilten, ist vorbei. Wenn aus Liebe Hass wird, kann uns nur noch die Hoffnung retten…
Doctor Who: Tales of Trenzalore: The Eleventh Doctor’s Last Stand by Justin Richards
As it had been foretold, the armies of the Universe gathered at Trenzalore. Only one thing stood between the planet and destruction – the Doctor. For nine hundred years, he defended the planet, and the tiny town of Christmas, against the forces that would destroy it. He never knew how long he could keep the peace. He never knew what creatures would emerge from the snowy night to threaten him next. He knew only that at the end he would die on Trenzalore. Some of what happened during those terrible years is well documented. But most of it remains shrouded in mystery and darkness. Until now. This is a glimpse of just some of the terrors the people faced, the monstrous threats the Doctor defeated. These are the tales of the monsters who found themselves afraid – and of the one man who was not. (Tales of Trenzalore documents four of the Doctor’s adventures from different periods during the Siege of Trenzalore and the ensuing battle: Let it Snow by Justin Richards An Apple a Day by George Mann Strangers in the Outland by Paul Finch The Dreaming by Mark Morris)
Doctor Who: The Taking of Chelsea 426 by David Llewellyn
The Doctor battles the Sontarans, in the latest novel in the bestselling Doctor Who range.
Meine Seele gehört dir (Angelfire, #1) by Courtney Allison Moulton
Sie ist stark. Sie ist kämpferisch. Nur sie kann die Welt retten Zuerst kamen die Albträume. Jede Nacht wurde Ellie von ihnen heimgesucht. Schreckliche Wesen verfolgen und töten sie dann. Aber sind es tatsächlich Träume – oder nicht doch Erinnerungen? Und dann ist da dieser mysteriöse Fremde, Will. Es kommt ihr vor, als würde ihre Seele ihn wiedererkennen. Und wirklich weiß er mehr über sie als sie selbst – denn er offenbart ihr, dass sie magische Kräfte besitzt, an die sie sich nicht mehr erinnern kann. Und dass die Wesen in ihren Träumen schreckliche Realität sind, finstere Kreaturen, die es auf die Seelen der Menschen abgesehen haben. Ellie ist die Einzige, die den Kampf gegen sie aufnehmen und ihnen Einhalt gebieten kann. Doch zuerst muss sie sich ihrer eigenen Vergangenheit stellen, auch wenn die Erinnerungen daran fast schmerzlicher sind, als sie ertragen kann.
Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #1) by Laini Taylor
Around the world, black handprints are appearing on doorways, scorched there by winged strangers who have crept through a slit in the sky. In a dark and dusty shop, a devil’s supply of human teeth grows dangerously low. And in the tangled lanes of Prague, a young art student is about to be caught up in a brutal otherwordly war. Meet Karou. She fills her sketchbooks with monsters that may or may not be real, she’s prone to disappearing on mysterious „errands“, she speaks many languages – not all of them human – and her bright blue hair actually grows out of her head that color. Who is she? That is the question that haunts her, and she’s about to find out. When beautiful, haunted Akiva fixes fiery eyes on her in an alley in Marrakesh, the result is blood and starlight, secrets unveiled, and a star-crossed love whose roots drink deep of a violent past. But will Karou live to regret learning the truth about herself?
Der goldene Thron (Das kupferne Zeichen, #3) by Katia Fox
England, 1183. Der königstreue und ruhmreiche Ritter Guillaume le Maréchal wird der Majestätsbeleidigung bezichtigt. Zutiefst in seiner Ehre verletzt, zieht er sich vom Königshof zurück. Alles scheint er verloren zu haben, seine Freunde, den König und sogar seine große Liebe, die Schwertschmiedin Ellenweore. Auf der Suche nach Antworten pilgert er nach Köln, wo ihm eine geheimnisvolle Seherin eine glorreiche Zukunft voraussagt. Wird sein Weg ihn tatsächlich wieder an die Seite des Königs führen?
Der Weg ins Labyrinth (Magisterium, #1) by Holly Black
Geschlagen mit einem lahmen Bein und einer scharfen Zunge ist der zwölfjährige Callum nicht gerade der beliebteste Junge auf dem Planeten. Doch das ist erst mal sein geringstes Problem. Denn just in diesem Moment befindet er sich auf dem Weg ins Magisterium. Der unterirdischen Schule für Zauberei. Ein dunkler und geheimnisvoller Ort. Dort soll er bei Master Rufus, dem mächtigsten Magier der Schule, in die Lehre zu gehen. Doch alles was Call über ihn und das Magisterium weiß, lässt ihn befürchten, das erste Schuljahr nicht lebend zu überstehen …
Hot Property (Hot Zone, #4) by Carly Phillips
Just one short season ago, major league center fielder John Roper had it all: the looks–and personal life–of a sports hero and the public’s adoration. But this hot property’s lucky streak has run out. After a World Series disaster, fans diss him, shock jocks mock him and his dysfunctional family hassles him for money he really can’t spare. Now it’s up to him, and Hot Zone publicist Amy Stone, to get his life back on track. Amy finds it’s easier said than done. What with the constant intrusions of his nutty family, a crazed fan playing stalker, and Roper’s refusal to put his own needs first, she’s starting to think that life in the fast lane isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. But when the two retreat to a secluded lodge, the sexy center fielder throws Amy a curveball–one she never saw coming….
Dark Places by Gillian Flynn
Sie war sieben, als die Schüsse fielen. Als sie in die kalte Nacht hinauslief und sich versteckte. Als ihre Mutter und ihre beiden Schwestern umgebracht wurden. Als ihre Zeugenaussage ihren Bruder hinter Gitter brachte. Jetzt, 25 Jahre später, ist aus Libby Day eine verbitterte, einsame Frau geworden, deren Leben eigentlich keins mehr ist. Doch inzwischen gibt es Leute, die an der Schuld ihres Bruders zweifeln. Libby muss noch einmal ihre Vergangenheit aufrollen: Was hat sie in jener verhängnisvollen Nacht wirklich gesehen? Ihre Erinnerungen bringen sie in Lebensgefahr – so wie damals.
Der Verehrer – by Charlotte Link
Als in einem Waldstück die Leiche einer erst kürzlich ermordeten jungen Frau gefunden wird, stehen die Polizei und die Angehörigen vor einem Rätsel. Denn die Frau galt seit sechs Jahren als spurlos verschwunden. Erst der Telefonanruf einer ehemaligen Urlaubsbekanntschaft liefert den ersten Anhaltspunkt für die Ermittlungen.
Als Doctor Who Fan kaufe ich seit vielen Jahren auch immer wieder die neusten Bücher. Während manche Titel mir richtig gut gefallen, gibt es auch weniger gute Titel. Ansonsten hat mich im letzten Jahr vor allem Fantasy sehr begeistern können. Bei manchen Reihen war ich sicherlich spät dran in der Entdeckung, aber lieber spät als nie. Gefällt mir der erste Teil, kaufe ich mir im Regelfall auch die weiteren Teile. Welche mich leider im Nachhinein enttäuscht hat ist Daughter of Smoke & Bone. Der erste Teil war sehr spannend und alles was danach kam meiner Meinung nach eher mau Auch den Abschluss der Silber Reihe fand ich insgesamt recht enttäuschen. Nichts passierte wirklich udn dann war es auf einmal vorbei. Da hatte ich mir mehr erwartet. Angelfire, Poison Princess und Godspeed haben mir dagegen richtig gut gefallen. Oldest City Vampire kann ich euch ebenfalls empfehlen. Überraschender weise nicht einfach nur irgendeine neue Vampirgeschichte sondern wirklich gute Unterhaltung.
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