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Landing pages are an effective tool to truly get the most out of your website.

By building creating landing pages you’ll have more opportunities to convert new visitors to subscribers, as well as add a little variety to your site, since you’ll have more offers for your new visitors.

Put simply, if you’re not using landing pages, you need to start. Luckily, there are a few WordPress plugins that make it easy for you.

In fact, WordPress has an entire suite of plugins that enable you to build beautiful landing pages that convert. Below we profile some of the top landing page plugins along with the landing pages built with them.

Optimize Press

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Optimize Press is a leader in the field of landing page development. Beyond landing pages, this plugin can help you build membership sites and other custom pages.

It integrates nicely with a lot of autoresponder systems, including Aweber, Infusionsoft, Office Autopilot, Mailchimp, iContact and 1Shopping Cart. This can be very useful when you’re building out a landing page to gain subscribers.

Landing Page Example: Option Alpha

This landing page is a resource page geared towards new website visitors.

This style of page is useful in that it helps the new user get a feel for your site without being overwhelmed.

Think of it like this: Option Alpha holds the user’s hand and points out all the useful areas of your site and where they might want to jump in and look around.

The Good:

Option Alpha does a good job of utilizing this plugin to bring structure to the multitude of areas their site contains. Their opening paragraph is strong, clear, and addresses the need of information overload that comes up with most other platforms. They have a simple call to action button that should lead to very little user resistance, as it’s a free account.

The Bad:

This page might have all the information you’re looking for, but it doesn’t seem to do a whole lot else. If you’re looking for information this page has you covered, but the initial header speaks to the issue of information overwhelm, and it seems this page might only add to that feeling if you continue scrolling to the bottom.

There are seven different content sections with 10+ lessons in each section. As a getting started page this might be too much information and actually turn off the visitor entirely. Lastly, this page could benefit from another call to action at the bottom of the page. If the user made it that far, there’s a great chance they’ll sign up.

Landing Page Example: Expert Voice Book

Expert Voice Book uses the OptimizePress plugin to create an opt-in landing page.

The goal of this page is to collect email addresses that will probably go into some sort of autoresponder.

This page is geared towards someone who may not be an expert, yet wants to learn how to craft and sculpt their image to become more expert-like.

The Good:

The page looks good. The headline is clear and to the point. The video integration is a nice touch and makes the page seem very professional. Overall, the page is very authoritative; especially with the inclusion of the media company logos. As far as landing page elements are concerned, this page ticks all the boxes.

The Bad:

The inclusion of the Amazon book at the bottom of the page is a bit confusing. Usually, for landing pages to convert higher you’d try to optimize for only one action.

In the case of this landing page, its goals are to have the new visitor enter their email address and buy a book. It would be more effective to optimize for one or the other.


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LeadPages offers one of the simplest landing page builders in the industry. Within minutes you can have a high-converting landing page live and ready to bring in new subscribers or customers.

LeadPages offers a large customizable landing page selection to choose from – all you have to do is enter your information into one of many beautiful pre-made templates.

Featured Landing Page: Mike Filsaime

The goal of this landing page is to generate new subscribers before moving on to the rest of the site. It presupposes prior knowledge and interaction with Mike, as it doesn’t divulge a lot of new information.

The LeadPages pop-up is a nice touch and does encourage the user to take action, as they’ve already expressed interest by pressing the ‘download’ button.

The Good:

This landing page is simple and to the point. You have two choices: grab the free report or move on to the blog. If you already know who Mike Filsaime is then chances are you’ll be happy to grab the free report.

The Bad:

If you’re a first time visitor to this website, this landing page might not be very persuasive for you. It does offer testimonials for social proof in order to build trust, but not much else.

Chances are you may just move forward to the actual website.

Featured Landing Page: TCK Publishing

This landing page is for a unique bundle of health, wellness and success books. This is a very simple page that’s geared towards pushing traffic to the other locations the book is being sold online.

Note: the sale mentioned on this landing page is no longer active.

The Good:

Like most LeadPages landing pages, this site is very simple. It has a singular goal in mind of educating the user about the book before buying it from one of the listed vendors.

The call-to-action at the bottom of the page is direct and primes the user for the next step – purchasing the book. Overall, this page is more informative than convincing.

The Bad:

Most strong, high-converting landing pages have a single call-to-action. Above the fold there are over five different actions you can take, which could be overwhelming. However, at the bottom of the page the call-to-action is simplified to a single action.

The offer also isn’t very compelling. It seems to be more of a descriptive page than a landing page trying to persuade the user to take action.

Thrive Landing Pages

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Thrive Landing Pages is a specialized plugin that excels in creating landing page sets – sequences of landing pages that work well together – and long-form sales pages.

There are over 30 templates for you to choose from. Each of the templates are drag-and-drop for easy and quick customization.

This plugin includes several editable options, including content boxes, responsive columns, call-to-action buttons, testimonials, featured product grids and a countdown timer.

Featured Landing Page: Cowabunga Life

This long-form sales letter takes the classic sales letter format and upgrades it with modern elements. It’s a more animated landing page, which helps to pull the user’s eyes down to the bottom of the screen.

Cowabunga Life uses the power of personal story to spark the users interest, then continues to hit emotional chords, until finally presenting the final solution of purchasing the product.

The Good:

The page looks professional and the small details help to build trust in the eyes of your viewer. The interactive elements bring life to the page, and the customizable template ensures the design looks professional.

The Bad:

This landing page has very little that it can improve upon, especially from a design and layout standpoint.

Featured Landing Page: IM Impact

This is a very simple splash page. The goal of this landing page is to collect the user’s email address in exchange for a free report.

The Good:

The headline is strong, the page is very clear and the copy is compelling. There’s no guessing what this page is about.

It looks very professional, and even includes an image that will help stir up emotion in the user.

The Bad:

This landing page does everything right. It’s simple, to-the-point, and the call-to-action inspires action.

Landing Pages Builder

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Landing Pages Builder is another landing page plugin that relies on custom templates to create high-quality landing pages. There are over 40 different templates to choose from and are categorized by different industries.

If you’re using your landing page to generate email subscribers, it integrates with Mailchimp, AWeber and VerticalResponse.

All templates are 100% mobile friendly, SEO optimized and have very fast loading speeds. As a nice bonus there’s a built in A/B tester which will allow you to further optimize your landing page for conversions farther down the line.

Featured Landing Page: UC Baby

This landing page is used to gather email addresses in exchange for a contest entry. The contest is obviously closed, but it gives you an idea of how simple your landing pages could be, while still managing to convert.

All this page includes is an opt-in form, a clear header and a few bullets points about their company.

The Good:

You can automatically see from the opt-in box that the contest was actually successful in gathering over 500 email addresses. Even with gathering that many email addresses, there is some definite room for improvement.

The Bad:

This landing page isn’t very aesthetically pleasing. For instance, you’ll notice the header is in all-caps, which can feel somewhat ‘loud’. The contest’s copy is also very sparse and doesn’t go into detail about what the actual prize is.

The contest landing page could have been improved further by removing the navigation bar and the footer content, which would go a long way to minimizing distractions.

Featured Landing Page: Clamcleat

This landing page is for a contest to win a Topper Daz Dinghy, a style of small sailboat. The style of this page is structured more like a blog post than a typical landing page or contest form.

The opt-in form is placed along the right sidebar, so you can access the form while you’re reading the content. Overall, the page looks good, but might require the user to do too much, thus reducing conversion rates.

The Good:

This landing page does a great job of having a compelling headline and an incentive that really encourages people to sign up. The use of white space on this contest page is nice and feels more friendly than most landing pages designed for conversions at all costs.

The Bad:

This landing page has a lot of large walls of text that could potentially turn-off the reader. Even splitting up the content with paragraph breaks could make it more readable.

The opt-in form requires the reader to answer a series of questions, give out their phone number, email, name and other information. If the goal of this landing page is to collect email addresses, these distractions could be reducing the number of people that sign up.


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SeedProd is one of the best plugins (if not the best plugin) for building a list before your site launches, and times when your site may be undergoing maintenance. It features a unique countdown timer, full-screen backgrounds and a few easy to customize templates.

Before any website launch you’ll want to collect as many email addresses as possible. SeedProd makes it easy by integrating with the following email marketing services: MailChimp, Mad Mimi, AWeber, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, GetResponse, MailPoet and Gravity Forms.

Social sharing is also embedded into SeedProd landing pages, so it’s easy to build buzz before a launch.

Featured Landing Page: Occasion House

The goal of this coming soon landing page is to gather email addresses before their big launch. In exchange for their email address, this page offers the incentive of a free custom mug.

This coming soon page has a nice crafty feel and is probably in alignment with the overall design of the website. The font-choice even makes it feel handcrafted.

The Good:

This landing page has very high aesthetic appeal. If you’re the kind of person into home-based crafts, this website will appeal to you. It’s a nice break from the general, cookie-cutter coming soon pages.

The countdown timer is a nice touch and helps to create a sense of urgency.

The Bad:

Although it does look good, this landing page feels crowded. The bold font and big paragraph of text make it hard to read and washes out the call-to-action.

Stating the call-to-action more clearly would also help out a great deal.

Featured Landing Page: Backpacker Travel

This coming soon page is simple: A moving background and no more than a few sentences is all it take to create a compelling offer. Sometimes less really is more.

The Good:

Backpacker Travel knows it audience. Because of this they were able to create one of the simplest landing pages on this list. The moving background also pairs great with the brand and the backpacker ambiance.

The Bad:

There isn’t a whole lot that could be improved with this landing page. However, in an effort to increase sign-ups, they could offer some sort of incentive besides being notified once it’s live.

Final Plugin Roundup

You can create a staggering number of landing pages from the plugins mentioned above. Hopefully this landing page showcase will help you create a landing page that looks good, speaks to your market and (most importantly!) converts at a high rate.

That being said, we’ll leave you with a concluding plugin roundup before we dive into our final decision for the best WordPress landing page plugin:

Optimize Press: Optimize Press is a flexible landing page plugin that uses pre-made templates. Beyond being used as a landing page creation tool, it can also be used for membership sites and custom pages.

LeadPages: LeadPages is one of the quickest landing page creators. Within minutes of installing the plugin you can have a high-quality landing page ready to bring in leads. It’s great for simple landing pages that offer free downloads in exchange for an email address.

Thrive Landing Pages: Thrive Landing Pages excels at long-form landing pages. This is a great tool for selling information products or any other kind of digital product. Thrive is also very flexible and great for opt-in sequences.

Landing Pages Builder: Landing Pages Builder allows you to create very simple landing pages that are great for contests and giveaways. Choose from over 40+ mobile-optimized templates.

SeedProd: SeedProd is the premier plugin for creating coming soon and maintenance mode landing pages. Every landing page integrates perfectly with your social media accounts and email marketing provider.

Other Plugins

Unfortunately, I was unable to source landing page examples for the following plugins, but they bear mentioning nonetheless:

WP Lead Plus: WP Lead Plus is great for building small and simple squeeze pages. It works with all email autoresponders and can even create opt-in popups. The templates are easy to customize and you can upload your own images or videos for the squeeze page background.

Parallax Gravity: Parallax Gravity lets you create beautiful, animated landing pages. This plugin is best suited for long-form sales letters, or product sales pages for digital products.

Ultimate Landing Page: Ultimate Landing Page uses pre-made templates, so you can have a simple landing page up in a matter of minutes. The features for this plugin are sparse, but loading times are quick and customization is easy.

WordPress Landing Pages: WordPress Landing Pages comes equipped with a visual editor and integrated split-testing so you can create the highest converting landing page possible. Third-party add ons extend the functionality of this plugin.

And The Winner Is..?

It’s tough to choose the best landing page plugin for every circumstance and website.

However, in terms of landing page elegance, ease-of-use, premium features, and ability to create varying styles of landing pages we’ve been able to choose a winner.

It was a close race, but Thrive Landing Pages Builder slightly nudged out the competition.

No matter what style of landing page you need to create, this plugin will help you do it in the most intuitive manner possible.

But seriously – that’s just my subjective opinion, and I fully expect you to disagree. The fact is that each of the above plugins can do a great job; your task is to choose which one is right for you. I hope that the above can help you do just that.

What plugins do you prefer for creating landing pages? What are your favorite WordPress landing pages? Share in the comments below.

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