Last weekend was the annual Hardy Plant Society of Oregon's plant sale...aka...Hortlandia. Having just been out on a day-long "plant-centric" field trip on the Thursday before (more about that tomorrow here (a haul post!) and on the plant lust blog) and not really needing anything I was slow to get out the door and didn't make it to the sale until 11am, doors open at 10:00 and special volunteer shopping occurs even before that. I wonder how much those factors had to do with not being tempted to buy a lot? I only bought two plants! I know, it's like you don't even know me anymore...
My modus operandi is to head to the very back corner of the Expo Center and then work my way back to the front. Of course it took me almost an hour to even get started shopping because so many of my favorite people were there and I had to stop to talk to them. This fine selection of Asarum (wild ginger) was temping, but some critter has made a banquet of the leaves on the two plants I already have. I don't think they deserve even more to ruin.
You know how it sometimes takes forever to notice something, but once you do then you start seeing it everywhere? Such was the case with this plant. I don't recall ever having seen it before and would confidently declare it THE plant of the 2016 was everywhere!
Love that foliage!
I think I've finally kicked the "see a Rodgersia / buy a Rodgersia" habit.
I didn't buy a single one.
Rita Lee's is a new-to-me name...
I love it when a nursery assumes the need to educate it's customers.
They had a lot of Epiphyllum for sale and a couple of displays of luscious blooms from their greenhouse plants.
I might need to make a visit to Rita Lee's!
Love this Ligularia...
I probably should have bought one.
Horrid photo I know, but I wanted to share the fabulous foliage color of this Lonicera at the Far Reaches Farm booth.
The blooms (another bad photo) let me know I didn't need this one.
The Sebright Gardens booth is always so darn beautiful, just like the nursery.
The purple makes everything pop!
Ipomopsis aggregata...I really should have bought this one.
The Desert Northwest tempted me with this chartreuse foliage.
But I don't need another small tree...
At the suggestion of Sean Hogan (Cistus Nursery) I think the next challenge (in the vein of the Ornamental OC&K/Poinsettia Challenges) is going to be the Aeonium Challenge. I almost bought a couple of these, but then remembered last year I picked them up cheap at our local everything store. So I will wait. It should also be noted that this same booth (The Tropics) was offering Maihot earlier in the day. I missed out on them...this is a plant that keeps taunting me. So close, and yet so far...
What a nice big Echium at the Rare Plant Research booth! (their open house is in May)
This Aucuba, A. japonica 'Overlook' – yes, named for Portland's Overlook neighborhood, where it was discovered as a sport – has some serious potential for me. I dislike the yellow splotchy Aucubas but this variegation is nice.
It was so nice to see Pomarius Nursery at the sale for the first time, hopefully more people will discover this hidden gem as a result.
Another for the lust list...Homoglad 'West Coast Hybrids' – isn't it lovely?
So what did I buy? Well that purple leaved Clematis...
Evidently I chose well as the "select" indicates: "A selected form of C. purpurea from the old Heronswood which has much darker foliage than typical"...
I also got this (supposedly) compact Abutilon.
I say supposedly only because someone scoffed when reading the tag. I did purchase a compact yellow-flowering plant from Little Prince of Oregon last year and it has stayed small, so I think there's hope.
That's my wrap-up of a most wonderful plant sale...I can't wait until next year!
All material © 2009-2016 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.