
Speaker: Jeff Bolf

There are a couple absolutes in this business:

Know Your "Why"


Definition of Commitment

Doing the thing you said you would do, long after the mood you said it is gone.

Commitment #1: Sit with every new rep within 24 hours of signing up

Commitment #2: 2 Exposures every day

Commitment #3: Attend a live event

Commitment #4: Plug into your Fast Start 

Commitment #5: Attend your monthly regional training

Commitment #6: Attend the national events

Commitment #7: Commit to personal development

Commitment #8: Have a workout partner

Commitment #9: Use the product!

Commitment #10: Be here a year from now (Doing 1-9)

Within a year, everyone of us can live a life that we all dreamed about. This is the perfect time to go out there and share this business. What's freedom worth to you? Is it going to be easy? No, but it's worth it.

This whole business is about finishing.

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