
We require that all applicants are at least 18 years of age. This may be considered contentious by some, particularly those who consider themselves "close" to be 18 years of age, or somehow as (or more) capable of participating in mature community than those who are older. This page is written for those "younger" players who may be feeling a bit pissed about being declined based on age. Firstly, don't take it personally.

We recognise that age is no guarantee of maturity. However, how often do you actively choose to hang out with people who are twice your age in a social setting? The staff on this server are largely in their late 20s, 30s and 40s. In some instances, server staff and many members may be OLDER than your parents.

Minecraft appeals to all ages, but communities online have to define their culture. Our culture is set to be enjoyable particularly those who have been around the world for quite some time, and think they know a thing or two about how the world works. The culture is set so that after a hard-day's work, study, or looking after kids players can drop in to the server and relax.

If you prefer to behave online as you do with your friends at School, then this is NOT the community for you. We do not tolerate behaviour on our MineCraft server that many of us see in our own children when they misbehave. However, equally, we recognise that it is important that children ARE able to behave as children and not be forced to grow up beyond their years. So this is another reason why we have a minimum age.

We are not here to run a social education club. Whilst a certain amount of rules and policies are set, if one player takes up too much of our time (and this is true of any age) through constant reminders of how they should be behaving, their time in our community will be curtailed.

If you are under the age of 18 and still consider yourself able to act accordingly amongst such "distinguished" company, think of it like every day you will have to (even when you think we're not looking) behave as if you are with your parents and their friends visiting your ancient grandparents or aunt. Still interested in joining us? Then apply, convince us why. Join as a tourist, but remember it's up to you to demonstrate you can fit in to our community.

Statistics: Posted by MAKroy — Yesterday, 21:36

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