
CERA Gem Show 2015

It’s that time again – time for the second CERA Brookhaven Show!  (click on link above for the flyer)

You are invited to set up indoors or outside.  Preference is given to vendors from last year – if you were with us last year and won’t be available this year please let me know so I can make your space available.

PREVIOUS VENDORS – if I do not hear back from you by May 4th your spot will be made available to others.

PRICING – same as last year:

SINGLE BOOTH (3-sided against a wall) – $100

SINGLE ISLAND (4-sided, middle of room) – $150



OUTDOORS – call or email me to discuss price, all valuables outdoors must be taken home at night.

TO JOIN US – (returning vendors)

email me your name, the name of your company, and your postal address.

mail a check for the FULL amount made out to “Corporate Employee Recreation Association” with “Rockhounds” in the memo line to:

Steve Shearin
860 Stafford Station Drive
Saginaw, TX  76131

upon receipt of your check a contract will be sent to you via postal mail.

sign contract, make a copy for back-up and mail original to:

Brookhaven College Geotechnology Institute, BCGI
Building H
3939 Valley View Lane
Farmers, Branch TX 75244
Attn: Melanie Gamble

TO JOIN US – (new vendors)

email me your name, the name of your company, a description of your products, and your preferred booth/table option.

I will get back to you quickly and let you know if we have space available.

Looking forward to a great show,

Steve Shearin Commissioner – Cowtown Gem, Mineral & Glass Club
Member Corporate Employee Recreation Association (CERA),
Bryant Irvin Recreation Complex
3300 Bryant Irvin Road
Fort Worth, TX 76109 (817)-777-1997, (817)-733-5368 (cell)    steve.l.shearin@lmco.com

Infodio Profundi Petra Canis

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