
I noticed today that as part of moving to South Dakota, Madville Times* author Cory Heidelberger offers us the comedic quote of the day. Here’s the set up….

If any doubt as to Weiland’s credibility as a candidate and a Democratic base booster, consider this announcement fresh from Team Weiland: Rick has just hired fiery Democratic consultant Steve Jarding as senior advisor and spokesman.

And here’s the punchline.

Jarding works for winners, and he’s working for Weiland.

Read it here.

“Jarding works for winners, and he’s working for Weiland?”   Now that’s funny.   Now self-described “super-tough” Steve Jarding, the author of the “not worthy to debate stratagem,” only works for winners? When did that happen?

Let me  offer two words to shatter the ridiculous puffery being thrown about – “Scott” and “Heidepriem.”

With Jarding behind the wheel, Scott Heidepriem, one of the most centrist Democrats (who had formerly run statewide as a Republican) in modern history could not break 39% in the 2010 Gubernatorial race.

Let me repeat. Steve Jarding, who only works for winners, led a former Republican Scott Heidepriem to a 23% vote deficit against Governor Dennis Daugaard.  If that’s winning – BRING ON THE WINNERS!

Given that Jarding’s other electoral assistance in South Dakota this year is represented in the form of Corinna Robinson, who pundits say should expect to lose to Kristi Noem by anywhere from 15-20%, I’m not thinking that Cory’s bass-ackwards recollection of history is going to be up for revision anytime soon.

This November, despite the claim that “Jarding works for winners,” I’m a little doubtful of that boast.

In the meantime, try not to shake in your boots.


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