
For many years Hubs refused to join facebook. After many discussions he finally caved in and joined. But, before that I was friend requested by the people he went to school with and because he wasn’t on facebook, I was tagged in photos like this one…

He’s always been a stud.

This type of activity was one of my
discussion points in finally convincing Hubs to get his own dang page. I am still trying to train him to actually check his notifications. In order to do this I have refrained from telling him important things that he needs to know in person and instead tell him things via facebook such as…

I am going to Indiana in August.

We are having dinner with friends on Saturday night.

The house is slightly on fire.

So far he has not sucumbed to the siren call of the facebook notification sound. I guess I have to step up my game.

Anyways, this post is called Rhubarb Upside Down Custard Cake, so you are probably wondering what this has to do with Hubs and facebook. Well you see, one of his high school friends that I have become facebook friends with is Noah. Noah is a pretty awesome dude, he can build an addition on your house, he makes wine and he can bake a cake. Hub’s must have missed the wine making and cake baking class that Noah took in high school.

Noah posted this cake several years ago on facebook and I made it and it was amazing. Then the following year I wanted to make it again and couldn’t find the recipe so I had to pester Noah for it again. This same scenario repeated at least once more. Finally I made it and took photos and I am posting it here for you all to enjoy but mostly so I don’t have to ask Noah for the recipe again. I am also going to pin it on pinterest, because I can!

This cake is the perfect way to use up the copious amounts of rhubarb that a person might have lying around. I also like it because it’s a low sugar rhubarb recipe. Most rhubarb recipes have you dumping all kinds of sugar on it. This cake only has the sugar that a normal cake has and that doesn’t mean the rhubarb is so tart you can’t stand it. This cake is super eatable without gobs of sugar. It’s delicious, unique, super simple and easy to tweak to make it your own. So let’s start with what you need from the refrigerator, grocery store and/or backyard.

I like Duncan Hines cake mix the best. No, they did not pay me to say that. If they wanted to I wouldn’t say no. But I would also be happy if they would share my blog. Sharing is caring Duncan Hines. Just saying! The Kemps cream is not from our cows but lots of our neighbors ship their milk to DFA and that goes into Kemps products. So woot neighbor cows!

Rhubarb Upside Down Custard Cake

1 box white, yellow, pineapple, lemon, orange or maybe even strawberry cake mix.

3 eggs

1/4c. Butter, melted

1c. water, lemonade, pineapple or orange juice

16oz container of Heavy Whipping Cream

Rhubarb, at least 3 cups worth.

So let’s make a cake! Preheat your oven to 350F. Mix the cake mix, eggs, butter and water or juice in a bowl like the box tells you. Your box may call for oil instead of butter but your box doesn’t know what it’s talking about and should be ignored. Butter is better than oil. Mix it good, mix it real good!… Sorry that was the Salt and Pepper talking. Anyways, pour the mix into a buttered cake pan. Probably a standard 9×13 would work best.

Rhubarb from one of the three massive plants I have. Who needs three rhubarb plants? I mean really? Also, be sure that your rhubarb plant is not a burdock plant. They look a like, they do not taste a like. Or so I’ve heard.

Chop up your rhubarb into smallish pieces. Rhubarb is really pretty, don’t you think?

Yep, rhubarb, it’s pretty. But the word rhubarb, that’s a weird word. Who the heck looked at the plant, tasted it and thought “I shall call this sour thing I just put in my mouth rhubarb!”. Then he died because he ate the leaves too and the leaves of rhubarb are toxic.

So take your cake mix and sprinkle your rhubarb on top of it. Noah says to really load it up and I agree. I have about 3 cups of rhubarb on the cake here, it totally could handle 4 cups, I should have put on 4 cups.

The next step is the best part! Slowly pour all of the cream over the top of the cake. Make sure the cream covers all of the cake. All 16 glorious ounces of Heavy Whipping Cream, all over the cake. Like cake lotion. Delicious cake lotion.

Carefully place your cake into your oven. Did I mention that this cake is magic? No? Well it is. The cream and the rhubarb that were on top of the cake are going to migrate South while it bakes. I don’t know why or how it does it but it does and the results are delicious and magical. This would be why this cake is called Rhubarb Upside Down Custard Cake, because, magic!

Bake your cake for about 26 minutes and then check it to see if it’s done. If you stick a knife in the center make sure you don’t quite go all the way to the bottom because you’ll get cream on your knife and it will look like undone cake batter and then you’ll cook the cake too long and it will ruin your day and possibly your life and this is a really long sentence. Take the cake out of the oven when it’s done, duh!

I forgot to take a photo of this part. But it looks like a boring cake, you won’t see any evidence of the rhubarb or the cream on top. Let the cake cool and then put the cake in the fridge and eat it tomorrow.

Who am I kidding? Who has that kind of restraint? But seriously, this cake should be served totally cooled and it’s even better cold. When you slice the cake flip the piece onto your plate and it will look like this…

Ta-da! See the rhubarb?!?!?! See the custard?!?!?! They got married! Such a delicious union! Apparently they registered for paper plates instead of china. Rhubarb and Cream, such a practical pair!

So there you have it! A simple Rhubarb Custard Upside Down Cake. Play around with the recipe and make it your own. You won’t be disappointed!

You should probably pin this on pinterest so you don’t misplace the recipe. Just a little hint!

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