Photo from FX Gallery
While I love to work out every day, sometimes I experience those days when I don’t have the motivation to go to the gym. It is not only because it is a far walk, but also because working out is a commitment for which I have to mentally prepare. So, how do you get in the state of mind to workout when you’re having a lazy day?
Here are my top ten recommendations:
Put on your workout clothes when you get dressed in the morning. If you wear your workout clothes during the day, you will feel more motivated to want to workout since you’re already in the right attire.
Make a workout playlist with new songs. Try a new artist or even save your favorite song to play on repeat to put you in the right mood to exercise.
Remind yourself of your fitness goals. Remember those New Year’s resolutions you made? Don’t forget about them because I can guarantee working out was related to one of your health and/or fitness goals. (I know it was on my list.)
Don’t use time as an excuse. No matter how long or short your workout is, there is always a way to sneak in some exercise in your day. Whether it is going for a quick run around campus or taking out an hour of your day to go to the gym, you can always make time to workout.
Think about working out as a positive force in your life. Working out should not be about getting that “spring break body,” but rather a way to to maintain a healthy lifestyle that promotes a positive body-image.
Try a new workout. Tired of your old workout regime? Maybe it is time to ramp up your workout by trying something new such as a group class at a studio.
Reward yourself. Don’t forget, your reward comes at the end of your workout. Whether it is 30 minutes or 1 ½ hours, whatever you accomplish during your workout is better than not exercising.
Use your space wisely. It is understandable that you sometimes don’t feel like making the trek to the gym. In this case, use your room to your advantage. Grab a yoga mat and some weights to sneak in a quick ab and arm workout in your day.
Work out with people that motivate you. Don’t like to workout alone? Bring a friend to the gym in order to make a social plan you can’t get out of. Furthermore, you’ll have a workout partner that will motivate you to exercise.
Change your mindset. Don’t think of working out as a chore, but rather as a chance to create something positive in your life. Working out not only improves your physical health, but also makes you feel good. So next time you approach the gym, don’t think of it as an obstacle, but rather an opportunity do something for your personal well-being.
Carly Price is a freshman majoring in journalism. Her column, With a Twist, runs every week on Wednesday.
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