
Getting older can be brutal. Production of essential anti-aging nutrients that are abundant in your youth begins to slow, some stop entirely, and others you can only (ever) get from your diet.

Age comes to us all – but you can slow the effects naturally and effectively with the right superfoods!

Lower Oxidative Stress and Reduce the Effects of Aging

One state in your body is responsible for more cellular deterioration than any other and is almost exclusively dictated by your lifestyle choices and nutrition.

Oxidation or oxidative stress is a natural process in your body.

When your body is in balance, reactive oxygen species (ROS) responsible for cellular damage is unable to attack healthy cells. Under normal conditions, unstable ROS (and free radicals) are destroyed and eliminated from your body through the process of apoptosis (cell death).

A body that is out of balance falls prey to these persistent mutated molecules (ROS). The result is oxidative stress that wreaks havoc on every single system inside you.

Over time, the results of oxidative stress can be devastating…

Cardiovascular disease

Cancer (prostate, breast, lung, colorectal, reproductive organs)


Respiratory illness and disease

Autoimmune diseases

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and other neurodegenerative disease

Macular deterioration and other conditions of the eye


Liver and kidney disease

Chronic fatigue

Metabolic syndrome

Rapid aging


In the last decade, scientists have linked oxidative stress (and the resulting systemic inflammation) to dozens of conditions and serious diseases. It not only stimulates the onset of sickness, it worsens any illness you may already have. It ravages your immune system, sending it into a tailspin that can lead to your body attacking itself or being unable to protect you.

Lowering oxidative stress is truly critical to your wellbeing and overall health.

Conditions that Help Oxidative Stress Thrive

Diet of pro-inflammatory foods

Excessive alcohol consumption

Tobacco use

Substance abuse

Nutrient deficiency or malnutrition

Contaminants found in food, water, and air

Environmental toxins

Radiation exposure (even low levels)

In our modern world, your body is often overwhelmed by toxins that increase oxidative stress.

The declining quality of our food, water, and air, the access to ready-made “foods” that do far more harm than good because they offer nothing nutritionally, our dependence on pharmaceutical drugs, our increasingly sedentary lifestyle…all of these things make it hard for your body to defend against outside invaders.

If your body is not given the right nutrients to work with, then your body systems won’t be able to fight the ravages of aging.

Antioxidants are organic substances that counteract the harmful effects of oxidation. They perform SSR on your cells and help stabilize, slow, and reverse the aging process.

They are found in natural sources (primarily food) and work with your body to stabilize free radicals and ROS, slow (and stop) the destruction they cause, and have shown the ability to reverse cellular damage in multiple scientific studies.

A new disease fighter in medical news is a little protein molecule known as a chelator. These substances bind to toxins in your body (such as heavy metals) to neutralize them. Scientists are examining how chelators work to detox your blood and organs naturally.

To effectively lower oxidative stress in ways that impact your current and future health, it is important to find the right balance.

You need high levels of specific foods that can detox your body and compounds that can reverse cellular damage. Having a fast food restaurant on every corner and pre-packaged foods to ease the time crunch of your busy scheduled doesn’t encourage you to find this balance.

Another issue is that even if you get some antioxidants in your daily diet, you may not be getting enough to have a powerful impact at the cellular level. It might be time to add a special helper like a delicious nutritious superfood protein powder to your daily nutrition plan.

3 Spectacular Anti-Aging Antioxidants You Need

Cacao: One of our favorite nutritional powerhouses here at Daily Superfood Love is cacao (and it’s delicious). Raw cacao offers many times more antioxidant benefit than media popular blueberries and is one of the best heart healthy foods you can eat.

Acai Berry: High in fiber and healthy fats, these little Amazonian berries pack a nutritional punch that’s hard to find elsewhere. Their emerging benefits in regards to weight loss and maintaining a healthy body weight should be fascinating.

Chlorella: A natural chelator that also supports excellent hormone function and boost heart health, this algae is also showing great promise in aiding the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy. It helps improve energy levels due to good levels of protein and B vitamins.

If you struggle to get the nutrition you need to slow the signs of aging, you need to take an antioxidant powerhouse shortcut that will leave you feeling incredible and filled with natural, organic energy from some of the best ingredients on earth.

I’ve been using chocolate Synchro Genesis regularly for several months and I can feel how much it helps on the days I get too busy to eat or grab something less than healthy in a mad dash to get things done. I don’t typically use it as a meal replacement but I love having a shake in the morning when I normally forget to have breakfast.

Lowering oxidative stress can be easy and delicious. You need to try it for yourself…then tell me how much you love it.


Mandal, A. (2009, November 24). Oxidative Stress In Disease. News-Medical.Net.

Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres. (2012, December 17). Role of oxidative stress in diseases needs to be re-evaluated: Preventive detention for oxidizing agents. ScienceDaily.

Dalleau, S., Baradat, M., Guéraud, F., & Huc, L. (2013). Cell death and diseases related to oxidative stress:4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) in the balance. Cell Death Differ Cell Death and Differentiation. (20), 1615-1630.

Diseases Related To Oxidative Stress. (n.d.) Glutathione – The Master Antioxidant.

Richards, R., Roberts, T., Mcgregor, N., Dunstan, R., & Butt, H. (2015). Blood parameters indicative of oxidative stress are associated with symptom expression in chronic fatigue syndrome. Redox Report, 5(1), 35-41.

Cadenas, E., & Davies, K. (2000). Mitochondrial free radical generation, oxidative stress, and aging. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 29(3-4), 222-230.

Vaziri, N., Wang, X., Oveisi, F., & Rad, B. (2000). Induction of Oxidative Stress by Glutathione Depletion Causes Severe Hypertension in Normal Rats. Hypertension, 142-146.

Antioxidants: What You Need to Know. (2010). FamilyDoctor.org.

Renter, E. (2013, March 14). 6 Foods for Natural Heavy Metal Chelation. Natural Society.

The post Fight Aging & Arthritis With 3 Special Superfoods appeared first on Daily Superfood Love.

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