
If you have sensitive skin year-round, you know how rough the winter months can be. If you have dry skin, it can be frustrating to find products that work without spending a fortune or worrying about harmful side effects.

I’ve struggled with hyper-sensitive skin all my life. I’ve invested thousands of dollars in fancy creams and ointments because my face is my calling card to the world.

Symptoms of dry skin include irritation, inflammation, tightness, itchiness, flaking or scaling, fine lines, redness, and increased sensitivity. From acne to dryness to splotches – it’s shown on my face at one time or another and I’m self-conscious when I don’t look my best.

Unfortunately, most products I’ve tried are ineffective and some have even worsened my existing problems. All hype, no substance.

A few years ago, I started trying natural alternatives for skin care. I love finding natural options that don’t break the bank and give me measurable results.

The answer for your dry skin may lie in your pantry. Some of these methods have been around for centuries and people still use them today because they’re more effective than you’ll believe until you try them yourself.

The answer for dry skin just may lie in your pantry! #NaturalSkinCareClick To Tweet

Top 3 Causes of Dry Skin

Aging: Your body changes over time and your skin is no exception. The production of natural oils that hydrate the skin diminishes as does your ability to regenerate fresh skin cells.

Weather and environment: Excessive UV exposure, extreme cold, and wind speed up skin dehydration as does artificial heating and cooling.

Lifestyle: There are two extremes to lifestyle causes of dry skin. The first is excess: too many processed foods, alcohol, and smoking. The second is deprivation: not having enough of the essential fatty acids and nutrients your body needs to stay healthy and hydrated. Treating your body right or wrong translates to your face.

To get your skin back on track, you need the right nutrients. Your skin is your body’s first line of defense against pollution, weather, and dirt. Treating from the inside out creates a level of protection for your skin that will make it more resilient.

The right foods, especially those rich in vitamins A, C, and E, will boost your natural production of collagen and oils to return moisture and suppleness to your skin. Drinking plenty of pure water will give your body immediate hydration.

There is no dispute that diet is critical to skin health.

Diet is critical to skin health. #EatClean #NaturalSkinCareClick To Tweet

I know you want results now and changing your diet and lifestyle habits is a gradual process – it will take several weeks before you begin to see and feel the changes they make on your skin.

There’s a faster solution. Take those natural ingredients your body is starving for and use them topically. That’s right…eat them and wear them. Attack your dry skin problems from both fronts!

Facial Masks and Natural Cleansers for Dry Skin

1. Honey has been used for millennia to aid wound healing. It’s naturally antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic qualities made it a medical miracle in ancient times. It helps your skin retain water, mimicking the effects of a synthetic moisturizer without the cost or side effects. Apply directly to your skin and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes. It will give you a boost you didn’t know you needed!

2. Olive oil is cheap and effective. Used on the skin and scalp, your body will soak it up ravenously and use it to repair dry and damaged skin. Apply gently to dry skin and allow to sit for 5 minutes before rinsing gently with warm water and blotting dry. You’ll feel as though you’ve been to the spa.

3. Avocado is one of the most incredible antioxidants for your body and one of the least known. Puree the meat of an avocado with a bit of lemon juice and spread evenly on your face. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water for smooth, supple skin. It’s a natural moisturizer proven to reverse the signs of sun damage.

4. Green tea works as a natural sunscreen without the harmful side effects of chemicals. Apply a soft cloth soaked in cooled green tea and allow to sit for 15 minutes. Your skin will absorb it greedily.

Green tea works as a natural sunscreen without the harmful side effects of chemicals.Click To Tweet

5. Coconut oil acts a safe and gentle cleanser for your face while providing desperately needed hydration for dry skin. It’s able to remove dirt and harmful oil without damaging the new skin underneath.

6. Licorice root has anti-inflammatory properties that have been used by Asian culture for centuries. It is now being used in various cosmetics due to its proven effect against rosacea, dermatitis, psoriasis, and skin eruptions including cankor sores. Various research studies also show it to be anti-allergic, anti-viral, and antibacterial.

If you have problems with sensitive or dry skin, be careful about how you treat your face. It might seem like common sense to use hot water and soaps to “scare away” whatever issues you’re dealing with but fight that urge.

Stick with cool or lukewarm water on your skin, avoid harsh soaps (especially those with added deodorizers), be gentle while washing, always rinse sweat away as soon as possible, and protect your face from the sun with a natural sunscreen.

You can fight dry skin…naturally and effectively…and then eat your products.

The post Fight Dry Skin with Everyday Superfoods appeared first on Daily Superfood Love.

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