
Reiki, one of the most popular types of energy therapy techniques, can heal most of psychological and organic diseases such as depression, diabetes, cancer, scoliosis and back pain and many others
(Photo Courtesy of Heartwood Center for Body, Mind and Spirit)

By Rana Khaled

Energy therapy and hypnotherapy healing techniques are an alternative to traditional medical therapies in the treatment of diseases like heart strokes, respiratory disease, kidney failure, and liver diseases which kill thousands of citizens every year. Although energy healing is widely used in America, Germany, India, and China, many Egyptians still think of it as quackery and delusion.

Pharmacist Ashraf El-Hanbaly decided to study vital energy therapy techniques when he lost his aunt after a long struggle with cancer where usual chemical medicines didn’t help. He studied the latest healing methods in a number of certified centres in the Philippines, Britain, and the US, and was the first Egyptian specialist to heal with Quantum touch techniques that works with the life-force energy of the body to promote optimal wellness.

“Energy therapy can be described simply as giving the human body the amount of energy it needs to regain its power to heal itself from any disease,” he said.

In his opinion, the main difference between chemical medicines and energy healing is that medical cures look at human body as a chemical block. When you suffer from depression, doctors give you pills to urge your body to generate the chemical component it misses. However, energy therapy is based on the concept of connection between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms of our lives so it deals with human body from all possible perspectives.

According to the official website for the International Center for Vital Energy, vital energy is the life pulse in every organism taken from the cosmic environment that contains galaxies, suns, moons and stars. The vital energy flows in the human body through channels or paths similar to electric plexus in the car. If any damage happens on any of these energy paths, the body feels pain according to the degree of that damage.

A diagram that shows energy paths in the human body
(Photo Courtesy of Dr Ashraf El-Hanbaly)

The most popular types of energy therapy nowadays include acupuncture, Reiki, reflexology, Aromatherapy, Prana, Quantum touch, Chi, cupping therapy and others. These techniques can heal most of psychological and organic diseases such as depression, diabetes, cancer, scoliosis and back pain and many others.

“At the beginning of the sessions I listen to the patient’s complaints to diagnose the disease and select the most appropriate plan for healing it. In my last session, a mother came with her daughter who suffers from scoliosis and by the end of the first session we could achieve a massive progress as the girl’s case improved with a percentage that exceeded 50%,” El-Hanbaly added.

According to ancient manuscripts, ancient Egyptians were pioneers in using energy therapy techniques which they taught to Indian, Jews and Chinese people who linked it to spirituality and mixed it with their religions.

Unfortunately, some Egyptians believe that energy therapists are imposters and jugglers because people here are convinced that chemistry and medicines are the only perfect treatment for all kinds of diseases. Sometimes, they even wonder how energy therapy sessions can heal pain faster than traditional medical ways and that’s how they always refer it to demons and djinns, he noted.

Hypnotherapy can also be used to heal wide range of chronic organic diseases as well as behaviour disorders. However, most of people still don’t know about it.

Papyrus shows Pharaohs using energy therapy through stressing energy paths in hands and feet
(Photo Courtesy of Dr Ashraf El-Hanbaly)

Hypnotherapy uses guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness called a trance in which the respondent would accept the suggestions of the therapist without resistance or refusal,” Nihad Ragab, a certified hypnotherapist, explained.

The technique depends mainly on inducing hypnotic state in client to increase motivation or alter behaviour patterns. Hypnosis can help patients get rid of depression, bad memories, post-trauma anxiety as well as stress and sleeping disorders. It can also help patients feel better by blocking their awareness of pain.

“Pain is the brain’s signal sent to your body to warn you that there’s something wrong. Thus, when the patient has an organic disease, it’s so important to visit a doctor first because hypnotherapy will help patients get rid of the pain which is a symptom but will not be able to heal its hidden reasons,” Ragab added.

However, you should pay attention to the specialist you’re seeking help from. El-Hanbaly asserted that energy healers and specialists must have a medical background in order to be able to treat patients properly. “I advise people to be alert in order not to be cheated by non-specialists who aim only to collect money without paying any attention to people’s health,” he said.

The post Egypt’s alternative therapists appeared first on Daily News Egypt.

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