
Tutor Preparations

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The full patent application


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Warm-up (2-3 minutes)
Use the questions to lead your student to the article topic.

What are some items that help people see better?
Aside from helping people see better, what are other uses for contact lenses?

Unlocking Word Meanings (5 minutes)
Let your student read the items below. Confirm that he/she understood each word. Use additional info/definition/question only when necessary.

1. multinational /ˌmʌl tiˈnæʃ ə nl / [muhl-tee-NASH-uh-nl] (adj.) – relating to many nations

Example: There are multinational organizations dedicated to fighting poverty.
Additional info: Synonyms for multinational include international and multicultural.

2. sensor / ˈsɛn sɔr / [SEN-sawr] (n.) – a device that can sense something (e.g. light, movement) and has a corresponding reaction to it

Example: The police was alerted when the motion sensor detected movement near the vault.
Additional info: Other variables that can trigger sensors include change in temperature and sound.

3. delete / dɪˈlit / [dih-LEET] (v.) – to erase something stored in computer memory

Example: She accidentally deleted her files from the computer.
Additional info: Synonyms for delete include erase and remove.

4. program / ˈproʊ græm / [PROH-gram] (v.) – to insert instructions into a device

Example: Can you program your computer to shut down after ten minutes?
Additional info: Synonyms for program include set up and arrange.

5. scramble / ˈskræm bəl / [SKRAM-buh l] (n.) – a struggle or competition

Example: There is a scramble for funding among scientists.
Additional info: Synonyms for scramble include race and clash.

Article (10 minutes)
Let the student read the article aloud. For the Comprehension Questions, you may:
(a) Ask the questions in between. Tell the student ahead of time when to pause from reading.
(b) Ask the questions after he or she finishes reading everything.

For words difficult to pronounce, pronunciation guides are provided beside the word.

Japanese multinational corporation Sony files a patent for a new type of contact lens.

With its ability to record videos and immediately save them on the user's eyeballs, Sony's new lens is in effect a video camera. The device, which only needs to be put on one eye, consists of an image capture unit, a main control unit, storage module, antenna, and a sensor.

Q: What are the two special abilities of Sony’s new contact lens?
A: It can record videos and immediately save them on the user’s eyeballs.

The sensor helps differentiate involuntary blinking from intentional eye blinking, which turns the camera on and off. The same sensor also notices blinking during a recording and deletes black shots that result from it.  Additional features of the lens include autofocus, instant exposure adjustment, and zoom control. Power is supplied by a nearby device, such as a computer or smartphone, through electromagnetic field resonance, electromagnetic induction, or radio waves.

Aside from recording videos, the lens can also be programmed to play videos with eyelid movement that is distinct from the blink needed to start and stop other functions. It can also be controlled via a smartphone.

Q: How is the camera turned on and off?
A: The camera is turned on and off by intentional eye blinking.

Sony's new development happened in the midst of a scramble among technology giants to develop and patent "smart" contact lenses with different functions. Google's version of the smart lenses is intended to aid diabetic people by checking the blood sugar levels in their tears.  Another similar technology is Samsung's lens. Although it is similar to Sony’s lens, Samsung’s lens houses a tiny camera that relies on a smartphone to save videos. All three lenses are still in the prototype phase, however, and are still far from being accessible to the public.

Q: What can Google’s lens do?
A: It can aid people suffering from diabetes by checking the blood sugar levels in their tears.

Follow-up (optional)
Use the question below to check if your student understood the article.

What is the article all about?

Viewpoint Discussion (7-8 minutes)
Lead the discussion using the questions below.

Discussion A

Given the chance, how would you use Sony’s contact lens?

Do you think the invention should be available to everyone? Why or why not?

Discussion B

What are some possible positive and negative consequences of smart contact lenses?

Aside from those mentioned in the article, what features would you like to be added to contact lenses?

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