
On Monday, citizens in numerous states will meet in front of their senators' offices to protest Trump's climate-denying cabinet.

Any nominee who denies the dangers of climate change and the need to end our reliance on fossil fuels must be stopped. There are quite a few of them. Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson was the CEO of Exxon, a company that funded climate-change denial for years after their own research pointed to the veracity of human-caused global warming. Environmental Protection Agency nominee Scott Pruitt built a career suing the very agency he is set to head. Secretary of Energy pick Former Texas Governor Rick Perry once advocated for the total elimination of the Department of Energy and sat on the board of the company building the Dakota Access Pipeline. [...]

This Monday, January 9th, join the Day Against Denial. To show that we won’t stand for a climate-denying cabinet, people across the country will gather at their senators’ offices to demand that they reject Trump’s reckless picks.

You can find a map of events in all 50 states here and if you don’t see one in your area, there’s a toolkit to help you organize one yourself. Even if you can’t make a protest, follow #DayAgainstDenial on twitter and be sure to spread the word.




You're Fired! Trump Drops Announcer Who Has Covered Inaugurations Since Eisenhower https://t.co/gU79eFlHI2

— #TheResistance (@SocialPowerOne1) January 8, 2017


At Daily Kos on this date in 2006—On Saving This Government:

I must save this government if possible. What I cannot do, of course I will not do; but it may as well be understood, once for all, that I shall not surrender this game leaving any available card unplayed. —Abraham Lincoln

When Lincoln said that, it was a Civil War which threatened to divide our country. Today, there isn't a war between citizen and citizen, but between citizen and government.  Why? Because the Bush administration has attacked the interests of the American people, squandered its fortune, and caused so many to die in war.  Today's divide is not between north and south, but between the people and its government, a government which has proved over the last few years that it is created by and for the powerful rather than the citizenry of these United States.

There are times when a certain form of governance becomes toxic, where those in the public trust act not as civil servants, but as self-serving politicos. We are living in such a time.

The Congress no longer belongs to ordinary Americans; it belongs to the lobbyist who can cut the largest check.  The Presidency no longer leads, but misleads.  And the Judiciary (specifically the Supreme Court) is set to belong to the most vile, extreme, and un-American element of our society.

Democrats can either surrender this government to a party which seeks to destroy it, or we can take Lincoln's advice and play our available cards.  To those who say filibusters--judicial, patriot act, etc--are too politically costly, I say that failure to filibuster is conceding that this nation isn't worth fighting for. Instead of worrying that we will be labeled "obstructionist," I say we filibuster Alito, filibuster the Patriot Act, filibuster time and time again until this crazy government comes to a screeching halt.  Enough is enough. The list of scandals is overshadowed only by the list of names of the 2,190 whose deaths have yet to be honored by this administration.

Monday through Friday you can catch the Kagro in the Morning Show 9 AM ET by dropping in here, or you can download the Stitcher app (found in the app stores or at Stitcher.com), and find a live stream there, by searching for "Netroots Radio.”

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