
In browser wars, Google Chrome has been increasingly positioning itself as the winner in the future. With row updates, an awesome way to interpret the latest code and support of a titan like Google quickly, this browser is becoming the favorite . But that’s not all: it also has a huge market extensions to personalize our web experience, having everything inside, from aggregates to manage social networks to different ways of screen capture and make notes. As such, Google Chrome is quite complete. Indeed, so complete that there are probably things you did not know him , and you can really leverage to increase our productivity and have a different experience and satisfactory navigation.

So on this day we’re going to have about 10 ways you can take advantage of Google Chrome you probably do not know . Of course, we do not want to generalize, and it is possible that many of you are already using these features. But for those who do not know, or have just recently migrated to this great browser, it will be a great way to discover new things.

Synchronizing Accounts : With Google Chrome extensions we can sync our bookmarks and creating an account and then synchronizing between different devices. So, never lose our favorite pages we use or work every day, even when you change computer, or need to work from a computer that is not ours.

Use the iPad Interface : do we want to replicate the mobile experience of the iPad in your own computer? We can also do it. All pages that have an optimized version for the Apple mobile device can be viewed in the same way the computer. They have to follow some very simple steps that are sorted in Guiding Tech .

Task Manager : Chrome also have access to a task manager to know exactly what we are consuming resources on certain pages. Chrome treats each tab you have open like a process to remove a if you do have a problem. With the Task Manager which is accessed from the Tools Chrome, we can see all this. There is also a keyboard shortcut, Shift + Esc with

The search bar : one of the most notable features is its impressive Chrome search bar. We can do mathematical calculations and search within a certain site (which can also be configured from the Tools browser) to save steps when you’re in a hurry.

Drag and drop of downloads : Chrome downloads are located in a special bottom bar that can close at any time. To move files from place, nothing we have to select one that is in that bar, and move it to the folder you want. Tip: to access old downloads from Chrome, we have to enter in the navigation bar: chrome :/ / downloads.

Set a tab : through its role as Pin, Chrome allows us to keep a tab always in the same position, not accidentally lose it, move it or close it instead. With Pin functionality, for example, we can always open the pages have always used, such as Gmail or Facebook. This is accessed by right clicking on the tab, and selecting “Pin tab” or “pin tab”.

Hide tabs : are we looking at something wrong that we lower productivity at work and the boss is about? We need not despair: pressing F4 in Chrome, the tabs are hidden. To do this, we need to have installed an extension called Panic Button , which will allow us to hide some tabs or all of them.

Move tabs in and out of a window : another more practical features offered by Chrome is the ability to move tabs in and out of a particular window. To get them out of a window, we simply have to drag “out” of your area, and a new window will be created. To be able to add them back, repeat the same process, but by pressing the Ctrl button on the keyboard.

Incognito mode : to protect our data navigation also offers a Chrome incognito mode that can easily change. Just have to right click on the top bar and choose to create a new incognito tab. With a keyboard shortcut, you can also open. Some extensions do use and abuse of incognito mode, so you can take advantage of multiple ways.

Paste only text : when copying text from a web page, we’re not just copying what is written. We are also taking with us the format, which often hampers our work. Therefore, a great way to paste only the text from Chrome to a word processor quickly is through Ctrl + Shift + V.

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