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CFI-L.A. Events and News – July 29, 2015
Cafe Inquiry: The Inexplicable Universe TONIGHT!
Musical Performance by Shelley Segal Sunday, Aug. 2
Barry Lynn of Americans United to discuss church/state issues Wednesday, Aug. 12
L.A. Women’s Atheist & Agnostic Group Tuesday, Aug. 4
The Science of TV’s The Big Bang Theory Sunday, Aug. 16
The Skeptic’s Toobox August 6-9 in Eugene, Oregon
Book sale – Most books 50% off!
Become a CFI Contributing Member

Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson on The Inexplicable Universe: Unsolved Mysteries
TONIGHT! Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.Doors open at 7 p.m.
CFI-LA is excited to bring astrophysicist Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson to Café Inquiry on July 29! OK, not in person, but through a video series, The Inexplicable Universe: Unsolved Mysteries, from The Great Courses. We will show the first two of six episodes, followed by general discussion. Each episode runs 30 minutes.
Episode one, ”History’s Mysteries,” covers two of the scientific mysteries that were only solved when science moved out of thought and into experimentation: the existence of an “aether” and the seemingly peculiar orbit of Mercury. The second episode, “The Spooky Universe,” covers some of the strangest aspects of our world, including time-dilation from relativity, how electrons and quarks are observed, and more.
The Course is taught by astrophysicist Dr. Tyson, director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. He is famous for his skill as a science communicator and writing numerous books, including Death by Black Hole: and Other Cosmic Quandaries and The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of America’s Favorite Planet. Dr. Tyson also hosts the TV series Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, which aired its first season on Fox. A graduate from Harvard, the University of Texas at Austin, and Columbia University where he received his doctorate in astrophysics, he has headed the Hayden Planetarium since 1996 and has received numerous honors for his contribution to science communication.
Other episodes will be shown two at a time at future Café Inquiry events.
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Sunday, August 211 a.m. at CFI-L.A.Aussie singer/songwriter Shelley Segal will be performing new music from her latest EP entitled “Strange Feeling”.An artist, a secular activist and an explicit storyteller, Shelley uses her music not only to express the way she sees the world, but to create the world that she wants to see.This event is co-sponsored by Atheists United. Event admission is $8 at the door.
God and Government: 25 Years of Fighting for Equality, Secularism, and Freedom of Conscience

Wednesday, August 128 p.m.
Lynn will emphasize what he calls the “big wallbangers” of the next few decades:  the “faith-based initiative,” and the insistence by fundamentalist religious groups that they have a right to refuse to comply with laws with which they have a theological disagreement.
For nearly a quarter century, Lynn has been the executive director of Americans United. He is both an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and a member of the Supreme Court bar, which allows him to argue cases in front of the nine justices. He has been an “in your face” player in virtually every separation battle for the past 25 years. Pat Robertson has labeled him “lower than a child molester” while the late Jerry Falwell claimed he was “a rancher with no cows”. Nevertheless, he has never been deterred from speaking up for secularists—theistic and non-theistic alike.     Lynn will be introduced by Eddie Tabash, chair of the CFI Board of Directors and chair of the national legal committee for Americans United.     There is a suggested donation of $5 for his talk. God and Government will be available for sale and signing.
Tuesday, Aug. 4 at 7 p.m.
Join us for a godless hangout and networking night at CFI-L.A.! This month’s meet-up is for women only and has no specific topic planned but we’ll discuss the possibility of doing some art projects as a group, and maybe find a charity walk or positive outreach project we can do together in the coming months. So if you have any suggestions or things you would like to do, please bring those ideas and share them at the meet-up!
Amy will bring wine and soda, and if you can also bring a small snack to share, that would rule – but it is not at all required to attend.
Feel free to invite any of your atheist or agnostic lady friends for this fun a relaxed mixer.
See you soon!
LAWAAG’s August meeting is for those who primarily identify as women. Next month’s meeting will be open to all genders.
Dave ZobelThe Science of TV’s “The Big Bang Theory”
Sunday, August 16
*This lecture will be repeated at 4:30 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Community Center at 1845 Park Ave. Hosted by the CFI Community of Orange County.AdmissionPublic: $8Students: $4Contributing Members: FREE
The Skeptic’s ToolboxFRAMING: Sanctifying the Bogus andDemonizing the Scientific
August 6-9, 2015Eugene, Oregon

Help us with our overstock of books, and we’ll save you money! Most books are 50% off the publisher’s price, except some of the newer and special ones as marked.
Now is the time to pick up one of our outstanding books, many of them autographed, from authors who spoke here, and also help us make room for new books this year. Add to your collection or give as gifts ALL YEAR LONG!
We also have a few lecture DVDs left at below cost in our bookstore, too.

NEW! Joe Kirschvink A New History of Life: Are We Really Martians?

Tony Ortega How the Church of Scientology Tried to Destroy Paulette Cooper
Yvette d’Entremont, AKA Science Babe BS Detection and the Fall of “Food Babe”

Wendy Russell If You Teach Critical Thinking, Will Your Kids Become Secular?

PZ Myers (for Darwin Day) Bad Biology: How Adaptationist Thinking Corrupts Science

Tremendous thanks to volunteer videographer Carl Wong for recording and uploading these.

Become a Contributing Member of CFI-Los Angeles
If you wish to support CFI-Los Angeles, keep informed about its activities, and participate in its programs, please make a donation and become a member today!       Contributing member ($60 or more) benefits include:• The knowledge that you are supporting the mission of CFI• CFI Membership card, good at any CFI worldwide• Free entry into all CFI-L.A. regular events• Invitations to special donor events.• Discounts on conferences and special events• 15% off books purchased in the CFI-L.A. bookstore.• Discounts offered through our Friends of the Friends program. A list of participating businesses is here.
(323) 666-9797 · la@centerforinquiry.net

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