
The Summer 2013 issue of DAI’s newsletter, Developments, is now available online.

Feature articles include:

Dawn Hayden and Christy Martins describing how a $20 forensic kit is helping to mitigate gender-based sexual violence in Sri Lanka.

Walter Weaver asking whether India will embrace greater water-use efficiency in the face of that country’s admitted “grave crisis.”

Michael Pillsbury writing about the keys to developing the youth workforce in Serbia during a down economy.

Jennifer Bremer advocating for Egypt to address the systemic bribery at the local level that is stifling new enterprise and job creation.

Richard Martin writing about how 12 cities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are taking charge of their own affairs as part of “bottom-up decentralization.”

Keith Forbes prescribing an approach for forest communities to own their REDD+ projects instead of getting exploited by them.

Ulrich Ernst’s piece on how the CIBER competitiveness tool is breaking down business barriers for Moldovan entrepreneurs.

Click here to view Developments on its web and mobile platform, or here for a downloadable pdf. To receive a paper copy of the publication, write to publications@dai.com.

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