Senate Room, Senate House, University of London
We’re busy putting the finishing touches to IRMW12, the first London-wide Institutional Repository Managers’ Workshop, which will be held at Senate House on Friday June 15th, in the oak-panelled splendour of the University of London Senate Room.
IRMW12 is a one-day workshop for the community of London-based managers of institutional research repositories. We hope to address key topics of interest in the IR community, including REF 2014, Open Access, research information management, research data management, e-Theses, semantic searching, special collections and digital preservation.
We have a full programme for the event, including a great line-up of speakers, many of them friends and associates of longstanding, including Balviar Notay and Josh Brown from JISC, Jackie Wickham from RSP, Owen Stephens from the CoRe project, and DCC Director, Kevin Ashley. Repository managers who have agreed to talk about their experiences include Dominic Tate (RHUL), Beth Clark and Huei-Lan Liu (SOAS) and Bernard Scaife (IOE).
We will also have plenty of opportunities for discussion and networking, and hope to explore synergies and collaboration opportunities. Technical advice will also available from ULCC’s Repositories team, which manages IRs for many of the universities and colleges attending.
ULCC is organising this event in association with our friends at SHERPA-LEAP, and we believe it is the first repositories event specifically for London-based repository managers. Institutions invited include not only University of London colleges, but also our neighbours in and around the capital.
Booking for the event is closed now, but there may be cancellations or returns, if you would like to add your name to the waiting list. A full event report will follow.