These are the events that are happening around campus the week of Mon., Feb. 22 through Sun., Feb. 28.
Mon., Feb. 22
Advising Day – Table in the PUB
Mon., Feb. 22: 10 a.m – 1 p.m.
Registration for spring quarter begins next week! To prepare for the occasion, general advisors will be available in the PUB to talk with students about:
Locating your SID and PIN
Determining your assigned registration date
Reviewing Educational Plan for next quarter’s course selection
Previewing the Class Schedule of course offerings
Creating a potential schedule
Understanding pre-requisites for course selections
Learning about payment options and financial aid
You can also participate live online. For details, please email Advising Services at
Transfer Planning 101, PUB 9201
Mon., Feb. 22: 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Thinking about transferring to a 4 year college or university to complete a Bachelor degree? Transfer Planning 101 is an overview of the transfer process with helpful tips and action steps for students preparing to transfer. Come learn about:
•University admission requirements
•When to start planning and important deadlines
•Expectations of universities
•How your Shoreline courses transfer
•How to research possible transfer schools and majors
Whether a student early in the process, just curious, or getting ready to apply, there is something for everyone in this session!
College Rep. Visit – University of Alabama, Table in the PUB
Mon., Feb. 22: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
College representatives will be at Shoreline’s campus to meet with interested students. Reps will discuss topics such as academic programs, campus life, financial aid, and admission procedures for their college. They can answer other questions students may have too.
College Rep. Visit – University of Washington Bothell, Table in the PUB
Mon., Feb. 22: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
College representatives will be at Shoreline’s campus to meet with interested students. Reps will discuss topics such as academic programs, campus life, financial aid, and admission procedures for their college. They can answer other questions students may have too.
Margin to Center: Pinkwashing Exposed, PUB 9208
Mon., Feb. 22: 12:30-2 p.m.
“Pinkwashing” is a term activists have coined for when countries engaged in terrible human rights violations promote themselves as “gay friendly” to improve their public image. In 2012, activists in the Pacific Northwest responded to an Israeli Consulate-funded pinkwashing tour featuring Israeli gay and lesbian activists that were coming to the region. Through the inspiring story of these activists’ victory, Pinkwashing Exposed explores how pinkwashing works and what local activists are doing to fight back.
Transfer Planning 101, PUB 9202
Mon., Feb. 22: 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Thinking about transferring to a 4-year college or university to complete a Bachelor degree? Transfer Planning 101 is an overview of the transfer process with helpful tips and action steps for students preparing to transfer. Come learn about:
•University admission requirements
•When to start planning and important deadlines
•Expectations of universities
•How your Shoreline courses transfer
•How to research possible transfer schools and majors
Whether a student early in the process, just curious, or getting ready to apply, there is something for everyone in this session!
Intramural yoga, Athletics 3025
Mon., Feb. 22: 12:35-1:25 p.m.
Take time out from your day to rejuvenate and build core strength. Free to students, faculty, and staff.
Close Reading: A Path to Better Reading Comprehension, Library Classroom 4214
Mon., Feb. 22: 1-2 p.m.
Close reading is a strategy to improve reading comprehension through a focus on words, syntax, and individual sentences. This workshop will provide you a brief and functional approach to close reading that can easily be applied to reading across the curriculum.
Financial Aid Workshop, Workforce Education (5000 Bldg., rm 5101)
Mon. Feb. 22: 2:30-4 p.m.
Come meet with Shoreline’s Financial Aid staff for help with completing a FAFSA form and applying for federal student aid.
Bring your tax information or estimates, including your parents’ tax information if applicable.
Tues., Feb. 23
Advising Day, Advising & Counseling Center, room 5229
Tues., Feb. 23: 10 a.m – 4 p.m.
Registration for spring quarter begins next week! To prepare for the occasion, general advisors will be available in the in the Advising & Counseling Center to talk with students about:
Locating your SID and PIN
Determining your assigned registration date
Reviewing Educational Plan for next quarter’s course selection
Previewing the Class Schedule of course offerings
Creating a potential schedule
Understanding pre-requisites for course selections
Learning about payment options and financial aid
Come grab free snacks, free advice, and check if you are on track to meet your goals!
You can also participate live online. For details, please email Advising Services at
Margin to Center: The Age of Mass Incarceration, PUB 9208
Tues., Feb. 23: 12:30-2 p.m.
Join us for a discussion on this age of mass incarceration and the ways in which people of color, specifically African Americans, are disproportionately targeted and imprisoned. We will screen a portion of The Central Park Five which is a documentary that tells the story of 5 Black and Latino teenagers who were wrongfully convicted of raping a white woman.
This discussion will be facilitated by Dr. Johnson, professor in the Equity and Social Justice Department, and Rezina Habtemariam, Acting Director of Student Life.
Intramural Zumba, Athletics room 3025
Tues., Feb. 23: 12:35-1:25 p.m.
Take time out from your busy day to dance your way fit. Free to students, faculty, and staff.
Teaching & Learning Conversation: Rachel David and Kathie Hunt, Library classroom 4214
Tues., Feb. 23: 1-2 p.m.
Dean of Humanities Kathie Hunt and Professor Rachel David lead a conversation about the very interesting question, How do we know if our unconscious biases affect students, and what can we do about them?
There’s a national conversation about race and power, and there’s a national conversation about community college students and their willingness to engage and ability to succeed. But there is a smaller conversation that many instructors have with ourselves every day about whether our own understanding of the world helps or hinders our students. Join your colleagues for a safe conversation about a tender topic in order to deepen your teaching practice around student engagement.
Options in Nursing workshop, PUB 9202
Tues., Feb. 23: 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Are you intending to apply to a nursing program? Come learn about options in nursing professional training. At this session, we will cover:
•Nursing degree levels and titles
•Nursing programs in WA state
•Core nursing prerequisites
•Which degree plan to follow here at Shoreline
•Nursing related experience
•Other helpful transfer tips
Evaluating Sources for Research & Essay Writing, Library Classroom 4214
Tues., Feb. 23: 2-3 p.m.
Evaluating outside sources for an essay or research paper can be vexing! How do you know if a source is reliable? This workshop will teach you how to evaluate sources so you can join any scholarly conversation with confidence!
Intramural Zumba, Athletics room 3025
Tues., Feb. 23: 5:05-5:50 p.m.
Take time out from your busy day to dance your way fit. Free to students, faculty, and staff.
Wed., Feb. 24
Planning for a Humanities Degree, Room 1725
Wed., Feb. 24: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
The Humanities faculty advisor will discuss degree requirements and course sequencing for the Associate Arts-General Transfer, the Associate of Fine Arts, and the Associate of Music Degree. In addition, the advisor will work with students to draft an educational (course) plan.
Margin to Center: Dr.Elena Esquibel on Sundown Towns, PUB 9208
Wed., Feb. 24: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Dr. Elena Esquibel earned a Ph.D. in Communication Studies at Southern Illinois University. During her Doctoral program, she focused on Intercultural Communication, Performance Studies, and Critical Communication Pedagogy as well as Critical Race Theory and performance ethnography as theoretical methodologies. She is a professor in the Communications Department at Shoreline.
Dr.Esquibel will discuss the hidden history of sundown towns or “all-White” communities that have historically banned African Americans after dark. Specifically, looking at southern Illinois as a case study.
Community Read: Octavia’s Brood, PUB 9208
Wed., Feb. 24: 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Join us for our weekly meeting of the Community Read of Octavia’s Brood. This week we’ll be discussing the stories: Manhunters, Aftermath, Fire on the Mountain.
Don’t know what Community Read is? Read on:
Each year a new book is selected for our Community Book Read. Together we share our impressions and ideas. Weekly analyses of the text are led by a variety of college volunteers, bringing with them their unique backgrounds, expertise and perspectives. This keeps the discussion fresh, lively and relevant.
This year’s book is Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements. Octavia’s Brood is a collection of social justice-themed science fiction stories that feature things like time travel, shape shifting, dystopian worlds, re-imaginings of “model minorities” and the possibilities of using visionary fiction to develop new ideas of future worlds. The works are inspired by the writings of Octavia Butler, an award-winning science fiction writer (Kindred, Parable of the Sower, and Lilith’s Brood) who lived in Lake Forest Park before her death in 2006.
More Than the Mirror: Maintaining a positive body image in an image obsessed society, PUB 9102
Wed., Feb. 24: 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Do you or someone you know struggle with body image concerns? Would you like to learn about body image and practice techniques for improving body image? If so, join Gwyn Hoffman-Robinson, SCC counselor, for an interactive workshop in recognition of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, 2016.
Did you know?
• The rate of eating disorders among college students has risen to 10 to 20 percent of women and 4 to 10 percent of men (NEDA, 2013).
• Full-blown eating disorders typically begin between 18 and 21 years of age (Hudson, 2007).
• 35 percent of “normal” dieters progress to pathological dieting. Of those, 20-25 percent progress to partial or full-syndrome eating disorders (Shisslak & Crago, 1995).
• Eating disorders are the mental illness with the highest mortality rate (Arcelus, 2011).
• Help-seeking decreases significantly when people are not aware of the options available to them (Ben-Porath, 2002; Friedman, 2009; Nolen-Hoeksema, 2006; Gould, 2007).
Intramural Yoga, Athletics Room 3025
Wed., Feb. 24: 12:35-1:25 p.m.
Take time out from your day to rejuvenate and build core strength. Free to students, faculty, and staff.
Phins Basketball on the road against Everett
Wed., Feb. 24: 5-9 p.m.
The Phins Men’s and Women’s basketball teams take to the road to take on Everett. #GoPhins!
Thurs., Feb. 25
Social Science Open House, Room 1402
Thurs., Feb. 25: 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Come meet Social Science faculty in a friendly, low-pressure environment outside the classroom. Students will interact with faculty to learn more about the Social Sciences, hear about exciting upcoming classes before Spring Registration and create an educational plan for the rest of your quarters here at Shoreline. Personalized attention, helpful information about future pathways, and snacks included…this open house has something for everyone!
Celebrating Food and Wellness around the World, PUB 9208
Thurs., Feb. 25: 12:30-1:30 p.m.
During the summer of 2015, Alison Leahy, Nutrition/Dietetic Faculty, and Amy Rovner, eLearning Support, conducted a MOOC (Massive Online Open Class) that celebrated food and its relationship to wellness, focusing on a global approach. Over 1300 participants investigated culinary and dietary practices from six regions around the world, looking at the correlation and interconnections between food and health.
Join us to discuss the class, what they learned, and plans to host the class again in the future.
For more info about the guest speakers, visit our biographies page.
All About WOIS: Washington’s career research tool! Computer Lab 1302
Thurs., Feb. 25: 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Learn more about one of Washington’s greatest secrets … WOIS!
Learn to use WOIS/The Career Information System to explore careers, create goals for your future, make educational plans to reach your goals, and find the training programs and the right schools to help you achieve your dreams.
Whether you are ready to find a job right now, or you want to make a plan for more education and future employment, WOIS has the exploration and planning tools for YOU!
Workshop is open to all and no RSVP needed.
Questions about the workshop? Contact Sheryl Copeland at or 206.533.6712.
Intramural Zumba, Athletics 3025
Thurs., Feb. 25: 12:35-1:25 p.m.
Take time out from your busy day to dance your way fit. Free to students, faculty, and staff.
Tackling Procrastination and (a lack of) Motivation, PUB 9208
Thurs., Feb. 25: 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Part 3 of the Time Management Series:
Do you find yourself busy doing things you don’t need to do in order to avoid the things you are actually supposed to be doing? Do you want to create some goals to help guide how you are spending your time? Come learn some strategies for tackling procrastination and increasing motivation!
*This session will be recorded and posted online. To view go to our website:
SCC Art Gallery Artist’s Reception with Andrew Fallat, Art Gallery (1000 bldg.)
Thurs., Feb. 25: 5-7:30 p.m.
Join us for an artist’s reception with Andrew Fallat to celebrate his solo show: “The Banal in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.” The show is housed in the Admin bldg (1000) art gallery now through March 4.
The reception celebration will include collaboration with English and Writing students from Shoreline Community College, who will share writing inspired by Fallat’s work at the reception.
About the show:
Through the exploration of kinetic systems and phenomena, Andy Fallat’s work focuses on the condensation of a narrative into an three dimensional object. Building machines and sculptures that are slightly above human scale, he calls attention to our place within a system. Fallat creates creatures and interactive situations with industrial and classically sculptural processes that question our relationships to them and each other.
The work presented in this exhibit is a series of sculptures and low reliefs. They are machines that imitate life. The hope, fear, and complexity that Fallat finds on walks around his neighborhood. It is a shrub as potent as its cousin the mighty spruce. They are lines that become form and patterns that mute shape. It is what happens when two things point to the same mark.
Intramural Personal Training, Athletics bldg., room 3007
Thurs., Feb. 25: 6-6:50 p.m.
Come get free, hands-on training to help you reach your fitness goals.
Fri., Feb. 26
Intramural Yoga, Athletics bldg., room 3025
Fri., Feb. 26: 11:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.
Take time out from your day to rejuvenate and build core strength. Free to students, faculty, and staff.
Writing Under Pressure, Library classroom 4214
Fri., Feb. 26: 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Do you ever go blank at test time or when you have in-class writing? Learn how to prepare for timed writing tests and follow a six-step plan for writing essay test answers.
Winter Quarter Campus Community Update, Room 2308
Fri., Feb. 26: 1-2:30 p.m.
A Campus Community Update is planned for Friday, February 26, 2016 from 1:00 – 2:30 PM in room 2308 in building 2300.
Meeting topic(s) will be posted prior to the February 26 meeting. Thank you.
Student Winter Formal, PUB Main Dining Room
Fri., Feb. 26: 6-9 p.m.
Shoreline Community College students are formally invited to Shoreline’s Annual Winter Ball. This year’s ball is themed “The Great Gatsby” and entrance is FREE.
A FREE dinner buffet (with vegetarian options) will be catered by BlueFin Sushi & Seafood. Live music performances by student artists, a fun photo booth, and lots of dancing will also be provided!
The Winter Ball is only open to Shoreline students (ID required) and it’s happening on:
Friday, February 26, 6-9 p.m. in the Main Dining Room
Dress code: semi-formal
Please remember to bring your student ID.
Your Associated Student Government (ASG) and the following six student clubs have collaborated in order to make this Winter Ball one of the best:
– Asian Students Association
– Chinese Culture Club
– Hong Kong Students Association
– Shoreline’s Field of Justice
– Vietnamese Students Association
– Taiwanese Students Association
(See a list of all active student clubs at
Note: We recommend not bringing any large bags (backpacks, duffle bags, etc.) in order to make bag check at the door run smoothly.
Sat. Feb. 27
Phins Basketball at Home
Sat., Feb. 27: 2-6 p.m.
Women’s and Men’s Phins Basketball teams play at home this Saturday so come on out and support them! Women play at 2 p.m., and Men play at 4 p.m. #GoPhins!
Filed under: Announcements, Athletics, Committees & Groups, Community, Events, Workshops & Trainings Tagged: campus events