When it comes to music I’m a huge fan, especially when artists can take me back to my childhood. One label that does this like no other is D.C.’s Dischord Records and the man behind it, Ian MacKaye. Honestly, the first time I saw him in person I totally lost my shit, and my then 16 year old daughter got to see her father become a fanboy for one of my childhood heroes. Later that day, I got my shit together and introduced myself to Ian, who was awesome! In memory of that day, my now 20 year daughter sent this to me, and I knew I had to share it with our readers. Ian MacKaye changed so much in underground music over the past three decades, it’s almost hard to put into words. Anyway, check out this really cool mini interview he just did with NPR! Minor Threat & Fugazi still rule!!!
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Ian MacKaye Streaming Now! appeared first on CVLT Nation.