
I am looking a good place, preferably free or lower cost Kids Clothing patters. I am specifically looking for girls clothing, like dresses. Anyone know of any good sites?

Check your local library for books with patterns included – some may have designs to be traced off while others may give measurements for rectangles & other simple shapes.

Check used book stores, eBay, or mothers’ cooperatives for a copy of Kwik Sew pattern books for babies, toddlers, and children (birth to 2 years, 2 years to size 5 or so, and size 4/5 to size 14 in the third).

They are very basic patterns (elastic waist pants to make in different fabrics or lengths for pajamas, sweat pants, shorts, or what-have-you), elastic waist skirts or attach to the basic t-shirt pattern (which can be a dress, cut up the front with a zipper added for a lightweight jacket, or a pajama top), and so forth & so on.

I used those three books…..and a few other patterns bought on sale to dress my younger child from birth until he got opinionated enough to want some store bought clothes (mostly jeans – he still wore t-shirts that I made if I picked the "right" fabric).

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