
The Payless ShoeSource Customer Satisfaction Survey, found at www.Tellpayless.com, is an online survey designed by Payless ShoeSource that gives customers a chance to leave feedback on their services and products. The company uses the information received to strive harder to meet your needs. This is an online survey.

For participating in this survey, you can feel good knowing you helped the company improve their customer service and products. You get a chance to tell the company what you like and dislike. You will also receive a coupon that will save you $5 on your next purchase. You must spend $25 or more in order to use this coupon. You are not required to print and use the coupon in order to leave feedback.

About Payless ShoeSource

Payless ShoeSource is a company that provides discount shoes and footwear accessories to millions of people. Payless provides people with affordable alternatives so that they can have clean footwear at all times for every person in the family. Shoppers can also find socks, backpacks and similar items in a Payless store.

The store first opened in 1956 by some relatives who wanted to make it easier for people to protect and fashion their feet. Payless has more than 4,400 locations and earns a revenue of more than $97 million on any given year. Payless proudly provides jobs for more than 25,000 people, and its slogan is “Payless for style.”

How to Participate in the Payless ShoeSource Customer Satisfaction Survey

You Must:

Have access to a computer and Internet access.

Be able to read English or Spanish.

Have your recent Payless ShoeSource receipt that contains an invitation for the survey.


Go to www.tellpayless.com.

For Spanish, click the blue hyperlink on the left side of the page. For English, please see step 3.

Enter the access code that is printed on the bottom of your receipt. There is a diagram to the right of the text boxes to help you locate this information. Click submit when ready.

You will be asked questions about your recent visit. Answer these honestly and thoroughly.

Answer all questions on a page before moving to the next. Some questions may offer a text box where you can input more information. Please use these when possible.

When finished, you will be prompted to print a valuable coupon. Please follow directions and make sure your printer is hooked to the printer and turned on.

Useful Links:

Payless ShoeSource Customer Satisfaction Survey Privacy Policy: https://www.tellpayless.com/DContent.aspx?Page=Privacy&c=463507

Payless ShoeSource Official Website: http://www.payless.com/

Click Here to Start The Payless ShoeSource Customer Satisfaction Survey

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