
With two little girls, morning routines have to be just that, routine. However, sometimes you don’t get to prepare the night before for the morning routine and you have to improvise. Whether you’re on schedule or improvising, here are five easy morning hair care routines for kids. With summer coming to an end, here are five easy back to school natural hairstyles to make your life a little easier.

If you pineapple your daughter’s hair at night, then you’ve taken the first step in facilitating your morning routine. You’re also ensuring the longevity of whatever style she currently has. What’s a pineapple you ask? It’s such an easy but lifesaving style; even your daughter will be able to do it for herself starting around ages 7 or 8, if not sooner depending on her skill and interest.

Ok, back to the pineapple. At night, grab a loose scrunchie. I like the ones called snappee. They can be snapped, which is great in case the hair gets tangled. Flip your little girl’s head over and let her curls hand down. Loosely grab the hair and put it in a high ponytail, but don’t twist the scrunchie. The goal is to hold the hair up high, not to secure a tight style. Once in place, she can keep her head down while you take a silk scarf to wrap around her edges. Place a bonnet or satin cap on her head and she’s ready for her beauty sleep.

In the morning, this leftover pineapple can be transformed into three of these five easy styles:

High Bun or Afro Puff

Depending on your daughter’s hair or texture, either of these will work. Just take off the bonnet/cap and remove the silk scarf. Take a little bit of your favorite holding product, such as Eden Kids Coco Shea Berry Smoothing Gel. Smooth out the edges and secure the scrunchie and either pin it into a bun or fluff the fro for a quick, five-minute hairstyle (or less).

Pineapple & Headband

And that’s it! Follow the same directions as above and add a headband. You can leave the hair as is, bun it up and afro it out.

Side Hair Roll

I love doing this as a protective style, especially in the winter. Part the hair on one side. Then take the hair and start rolling it near the edges. It helps to have a moisturizing styling product, such as EcoStyler gel (any will do, really). Tuck bobby pins in to hold it in place until you get halfway to the nape of the neck. Repeat on the other side. Use bobby pins, a scrunchie or a hair clip to hold the hair in place.

You can leave the back hair out. It will either be curly or fluffed out. Either way it’s cute. Just make sure to spritz it with some water or your favorite hair refresher (e.g. Alikay Naturals Lemon-grass Leave In) and seal it in with some oil. So far, I like to use Hair Hope Growth Oil. If you want me to get really fancy, do a two strand twist instead of a roll.

Two Pigtails or Afro Puffs

I love this style because it allows my girls to embrace their natural hair while still looking like little girls. Simply part the hair down the middle until the nape of the neck. Put it into two pigtails on each side. Smooth the edges to really give the highlight to the pony tails. If you want to do only half up and leave the rest loose, that’ll work too.


When all else fails or you have no time whatsoever, use a headscarf. Get beautiful colors and prints that your daughter will like, add a pair of small hoops and you’re good to go.


The post 5 Easy Back To School Natural Hairstyles appeared first on Curls Understood™.

5 Easy Back To School Natural Hairstyles was first posted on August 26, 2015 at 9:00 am.
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