
Content Curation Tools

Selecting your tools can be tricky.

Today we’ll talk about Content Curation Tools.

Say that you’ve actually said hey content Curation is a strategy I want to employ for myself or my business.   Now I just need to know what kinds of tools exist. What are your options for Content Curation? That is what we will talk about today.

Well this is a subject we know a lot about because we created a tool called Curation Traffic and why we created that tool is we couldn’t find something that was push-button simple.

We have deep experience with Content Curation tools and when we talk about tools that there’s a couple things to keep in mind will talk about at a high level going to detail.

There is so that is really two buckets of tools :

Hosted Platforms – your curating content is hosted by them it’s on their platform and I it’s not something you can easily control

Owning the Platforms – this is a platform you control and you own the leads, can monetize the traffic and you decide which tools run your curation strategy

Hosted Platforms  

In essence you could say that Facebook is a great Curation tool it allows you to build an audience and easily add content there and build trust with them. The challenge with Facebook is that you can’t really control your monetization.

If you think about it, there is other things trying to get your audience’s attention their, Facebook has its own ads as well, so when you look at the value of and monetizing engaging people on Facebook as a Curation platform you get so many mixed messages how can you really monetize with that? And that to me is really the essence of Content Curation. You’re doing this for a purpose.

Most people want to spread their brand, their idea, their business, their products or they want to build a separate niche site to monetize.

Now you could say that those social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram are Curation platforms  but

I want to talk more specifically about a popular tool out there, a tool we like to use called Scoop.it.

Scoop.it is a Hosted Platform:

Hosted Platform (You Do Not Own It)

Limited Monetization Options

Limited Design Elements

I created a podcast called the Defining New Media and I started the podcast because I was new to podcasting on a hosted platform and that allowed me to get up and get up and running like within 10 min.

I had a site. I had all the feed set-up, iTunes set-up, all I did was upload a logo, Small Description and all that was left to release my show, was just to upload a blog post in the MP3 and everything worked.

Everything was hunky dory until three or four months down the road.

I decided I wanted to actually begin monetizing as I was starting to have more success and see an increase in subscribers, But it became a huge challenge to monetize.

Owning the Platforms

It doesn’t need to be the one in the subway though.

I really didn’t have total control of the stuff I was creating and that was a huge problem for me to take and tackle.

What I had created and transferred over from Defining New Media to a platform that I controlled was independence. So I can actually monetize and set it up as my original intent was at conception and run my owned ads and set-up shop as I wanted to.

Why I wanted to set it up and in the lesson I would take that is the same way with Content Curation.

You can get started on these Curation tools and they provide the ability for free to going airing user tools and another benefit is that it has a community sometimes the you can easily reach additional people but the challenge is your building something on someone else’s platform.

On Your own platform you have the ability to craft and design your own messaging and evolve your messaging to develop and grow with your market.

Content Discovery Tools

The Secret Sauce Behind Content Discovery is You, as a person, we have yet to find a machine that can help us find great stuff you should be sharing. A lot of this is great stuff that isn’t always directly relatable to your marketing niche quite directly.

Examples often rise in the form of marketing storytelling and it is often one of the most powerful things you can do.

So a lot of times we curate stuff around storytelling that is from writing or from writing in websites, on writing about certain characters around character development and plot development and related to how you can employ this in marketing that’s an important aspect. I don’t know any content discovery tool that allows me to like say and we tested them all to say I want to build a subset of writing type of websites and related to marketing that the human that’s the best thinking that the human element brings. So we use a series of RSS feeds newsletter feeds different tools so that we can be kind of the curator and that’s our content discovery week, Re: self-selected our sources so and I as say this because we’ve been curating seriously one I mean seriously all of our clients curate all of our clients use our platform in a series other platforms but we’ve been curating and using it as a strategy ongoing for the last couple years and we tested just about any listening platform out there and we’ve yet to find one that that saves us time above us just creating a series of really simple systems that we tap into that allow you to curate quickly but this so that we cover in our training but that it’s I guess I am on sharing that here in the curate and tools because that’s one of the benefits that constantly comes up with the tools.

it’s also another reason why Curation Traffic, We have not built a listening platform or content discovery tools into our platform because we teach effective Content Curation and it’s very hard I think to create a discovery platform that allows you to do effective Content Curation we are just not Parroting the market. Thus finding great stuff and commenting on it with depth and resourcefulness and length will be rewarded. Look outside the box and what is trending and popular is often the opposite of what you should be spending your time curating. Look at tools that allow you to own the platform for your tools and develop a great readership of newsletters and filters and RSS that is quick and easily available for you to digest and turn into great curated content.

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