
Robin Good's insight:

If you need to monitor and track content updates from many different web sources, while being able to manage and easily update such sets of content sources, you may want to look into dynamic OPML reading lists.

In this in-depth article, Marjolein Hoekstra explores, reports and illustrates the power of OPML files and their abilities when paired with specific tools.

Specifically (though not in this same exact order):

What are OPML reading lists

OPML examples on the web

OPML history and Dave Winer

FeedShare OPML exchange site

Limitations of OPML reading lists

InoReader and dynamic OPML reading lists

How to create RSS feeds from your own reading lists

How to generate OPML reading lists from your RSS reader

OPML tools and resources

Create a Google custom search engine with an OPML file

The article is a treasure trove of useful information especially for any journalist or researcher in need to continuously and update its news discovery and monitoring abilities.

N.B.: Organization of the content sections in this article is a bit rough, but if you are not in a rush and dig through it, you can easily make sense of it all-

Informative. Insightful. 8/10

Full article: http://cleverclogs.org/2014/05/rss-reader-inoreader-to-support-dynamic-opml-subscriptions.html

Reading time: 11'

See it on Scoop.it, via Content Curation World

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