
Issue No. 37, brought to you by Culture Amp


This is the thirty-seventh issue of Culture Amp’s weekly email updating you on all the best #peoplegeek news around.

 Tweet of the week (2.5 sec)

“Just hiring diverse candidates isn’t good enough. If you’re not welcoming and engaging them, they’ll leave #techinclusion15” — JESSICA ROSE  (@jesslynnrose)

Ain’t Disneyland (2 min)

Work isn’t supposed to be fun, in the best case scenario it’s rewarding in financial and psychological ways, but it’s not like going to Disneyland. That was the (contentious!) argument put forward in a recent article by Guy Kawasaki in The New York Times. The article has divided opinions online, including on our people geeks slack channel.  We’d be interested in hearing your thoughts.

Pets at work (5.5 min)

A common workplace perk offered at many startups in recent years has been to allow pets to accompany their owners to the job. Studies show animals are often helpful in creating workplace creativity, calmness and collaboration. But, that is not the case for everyone. Some people have had bad experiences in life with animals, or medical conditions that would make having a dog or cat in the office an unpleasant experience. Several companies, including Eventbrite, explain how pet policies have worked and how some haven’t.

Get tickets to our upcoming Geekup

Introverts and extroverts (6 min)

Kathy Caprino, a contributor to Forbes, sits down with Jennifer Kahnweiler, Ph.D in this Q&A style article to discuss the major differences between introverts and extroverts and if the two vastly different personality types can ever work well together. Dr. Kahnweiler believes it is possible though patience and learning from each side.

Boredom (9.4 min)

Employee retention and motivation is widely discussed, but rarely handled in the most proactive and efficient way. It isn’t until a highly acclaimed employee quits that managers truly begin to question the drivers that lead to his or her complacency. Medium contributor Michael Lopp insists that “boredom is easier to fix than an absence of belief.”

Remote work (12 min)  PICK OF THE WEEK

Many companies are discovering that there is no longer a need to be limited by local candidates, which means more companies are having to deal with remote workers. Several companies have found ways to successfully keep team members engaged while being spread around the globe. Successful companies, like Automattic, Buffer, Zapier among others have made it work with the help of various applications, the Cloud, and creating team meetups/retreats to keep everyone in tune with each other and the company.


Have you RSVP’d for the September San Francisco People Geekup yet? The Foo Fighters or The Killers won’t be performing, but there will be a awesome group of people geeks from the Bay Area and great conversation. Make sure you RSVP and grab your ticket now before it sells out.

After selling out in San Francisco earlier this year, Culture Amp is happy to announce that it’s bringing its Culture X Design Unconference to New York. The idea is to get #peoplegeeks together so we can learn from each other with a combination of keynote speakers and unconference sessions. Don’t miss out on our special early bird rate.


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