
There’s only so many original ways I can introduce the new term, so I’ll just jump right into it. Welcome to your Spring 2012 term with CTRL-A! As usual, you can expect lots of great things to happen over the course of the next few months! I’m your webmaster, Dylan, and I’ll be here every Sunday (except this one, since I’m here early) to inform on all the upcoming events that the club has planned. If you’re new to the club, then welcome! I’ll refer you to the club introduction at the bottom of this post for some more general info on what we do.


Upcoming Events

SDF Macross Marathon – Saturday, May 5 and Sunday, May 6, 12:00PM to 8PM, MC 2065. If you simply can’t wait for show 1, or if you are simply interested in mecha anime, then the SDF Macross Marathon is not to be missed. All info/questions can be found/asked on our forum here.

Monday Meeting – Monday, May 7, 6:30PM, MC 4063. Meetings commence in a slightly updated Monday timeslot; please note the new 6:30PM start time. This meeting will meet with discussion of show 1, most importantly, the Friday show booking and the schedule. If you’re interested in how the club operates, come check it out.

Project Night – Wednesday, May 9, 6PM to 10PM, SLC 2143. Project night is a constant presence in the week-to-week life force of CTRL-A. Read the intro below for more info, and then come be a part of it!

Clubs Days – Thursday, May 10 and Friday, May 11, 10AM to 3PM, SLC Great Hall. To kick off the new term, this triannual event run by the Federation of Students offers student clubs, services and societies the opportunity to advertise and attract new membership. CTRL-A will be making an appearance, so if you are a new member who wants to meet and ask questions, please stop by our booth. If you are a regular member, feel free to come by and help run the booth. More on this will be discussed at the weekly meeting.

Show 1 – Friday, May 11, 4:30PM to 10PM, E5 5106/5128. and Saturday, May 12, 2:30PM to 9PM, AL 116. Shock and awe! Our first anime show of the term, the inaugural show 1, kicks off early! Our shows are traditionally our most popular events, so if you want to meet a crowd of like-minded anime fanatics, come hang out and watch some great stuff. As usual, we’ll have our concession stand ready with your snack and drink needs, pizza on the dinner break on both days, and some sort of an activity during the same break. Schedule is available here. Don’t miss it!


Election Results

The results are in, and the CTRL-A executive team for Spring 2012!

President: Jess. Runs meetings, and coordinates the club. Rules with an iron fist. That sorta deal.

Vice-President: Jon. In charge of our shows, backup for the president.

Secretary: Riel. Takes minutes at meetings.

Treasurer: Karl. In charge of money.

External Relations Officer: Asher. Communication point for external entities. Gathers screening permissions.

Publicity: Tory. Advertises the club.

Electronic Communications: Charlotte. Sends email updates to the mailing list.

Activities Coordinator: Vacant, therefore VP Jon. Runs activities during meetings and shows.

Webmaster: Dylan. Master of the website. That’s me.

Concession Manager: Jon. Runs the concession stand at shows.

Subtitling Coordinator: Bryan. Officially in charge of club subtitling efforts, but that purpose has long been defunct. I think he’s just meant to help out with general stuff, and to support Jon since he has a lot to do this term.


Spring 2012 Anime Shows

Four regular anime shows will occur this term, as per usual. Shows will generally take place on a Friday from 4:30PM to 10PM, and the following Saturday, from 2:30PM to 9PM. The decided show dates are as follows:

Show 1: May 11 & 12

Show 2: June 1 & 2

Show 3: June 22 & 23

Show 4: July 13 & 14

Exact schedules will be announced closer to the dates of the individual shows. The anime we’re planning to watch is still being decided on, so check back here later for the details!


Club Introduction

For those of you just joining us… Well, first of all, welcome! We are the Club That Really Likes Anime (CTRL-A for short), a club built around the love and enjoyment of Japanese animation.  But we’re so much more than just an anime club. We are a social club, first and foremost, and we have many weekly events that promote socialization between our members. I figure the best way to explain who we are and what we do is to give a quick rundown of the events we normally hold.

Anime Shows – On four predetermined weekends every term, we actually sit down and watch some anime. This is the bread-and-butter of CTRL-A; without it, we couldn’t exactly call ourselves that, now, could we? The typical format is to show 5 continuing series (meaning that each show will have more of the same series), 8 sampler series (2 per show; we only show the first 3 episodes, hence, sampler) and 4 movies (1 per show). We also run a concession stand (profits go to support the club) and order pizza for a dinner break on both days.

Monday Meetings – These happen every Monday, starting at 6PM, and are usually followed by dinner. This is when we deal with all of the official club business, and make important decisions that influence the direction of the club, such as deciding what anime to show and when. All important decisions are decided by vote, so if you want to have your say, you are welcome to come, provided you are a registered member of the club. If you have something you want to discuss at the meeting, you can bring it up then, or send an email to prez@ctrl-a.org and get it put it on the agenda. The room will be announced in each week’s news post.

Project Nights – Every Wednesday, a smaller subset of CTRL-A meets for what is best described as “general socialization,” meaning you can pretty much do what you want. There’ll be lots of gaming, and if Jeremy is there you can be sure there will be a board game played, but the core purpose behind these nights is to give you chance to work on any projects you might have. If you need people to help you with an idea or half-finished project, come at 6PM every Wednesday. The room will be announced in each week’s news post.

Games Nights – On non-show Fridays (that is, Fridays where we don’t have a show scheduled) we get together and play games. Whether it be card games, board games, or video games, games are happening. Show up at 4:30 and get your game on! The room will be announced in each week’s news post.

And much more… Those are just our regular events. We also have sushi lunches, hot pot, anime marathons, cosplay cafe, and more! Trust me, stick with us, you’ll have a great time.

Getting involved – The best and most obvious way to get involved is to come to our events! Our shows are the most popular event, but if you want to get to know us, the best way is at one of the other events, where it’s easier to talk. Another way is via our forums; many of our members have accounts on there, and there is plenty of ongoing discussion to jump into. If you’re not feeling quite so adventurous, you can also comment directly to this post too! Either way, we read everything that comes in here, so you can be sure your voice is being heard. Oh, and don’t forget to sign up for our mailing list to receive weekly updates on all the events, if you’re too lazy to come back here every week.

Any questions? – That’s what we’re here for! Send an email to the appropriate exec (if you aren’t sure who’s appropriate, check out this handy reference page), or just send it to ctrl-a@ctrl-a.org and we’ll sort it out for you.


And that concludes my prattling. Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you at our next event! Look forward to a great term!

Dylan “Start, Start, Precious Start” Mead

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