
Hartford- State Representatives Livvy Floren (R-149), Mike Bocchino (R-150), and Fred Camillo (R-151) joined their fellow legislators for the start of the 2015 Legislative Session today at the State Capitol. They then participated in a Joint Convention as Governor Malloy delivered his State of State address.

State Representative Livvy Floren (R-149) was sworn into her 8th term today and retained her titled as Assistant Republican Leader from House Republican leader Themis Klarides. Republican Leader Klarides assigned Rep. Floren to Legislature’s committees on Insurance and Real Estate, and Finance, Revenue, and Bonding. Floren will serve as Ranking Member on the General Bonding Sub-Committee, the highest appointed position of the Republican Party on the committee.

“My main concern has always been bonding for the greater good and keeping debt under control. I look forward to returning to the bonding committee—a post that is particularly meaningful to me and ensuring that we continue to “pay it forward” for future generations,” said Rep. Floren.

State Representative Fred Camillo (R-151) was sworn into his 4th term today. He also received the title of Assistant Republican Leader from House Republican Leader Themis Klarides last month. Camillo was assigned to legislature’s committee on Banking, and Executive and Legislative Nominations. He was designated as Ranking Member on the Commerce Committee.

“I am excited about starting my new leadership role in the caucus as well as returning to committees in which I have long-standing experience particularly with the Commerce committee,” said Rep. Camillo. “My main focus has and always will be job creation and retention as well as making sure the tax payers are rewarded for tax expenditures that provides beneficial partnerships to the state.”

State Representative Mike Bocchino (R-150) was sworn into his first term as a state legislator, replacing the outgoing Stephen Walko.

“I am excited to begin my work in Hartford and hope to bring a fresh perspective to the committees that Rep. Klarides has assigned me to,” said Rep. Bocchino. “My main priorities are to continue to advocate for education as well as putting forth common sense budget solutions that don’t burden tax payers.”

State Representatives Floren, Bocchino, and Camillo took the oath of office and were sworn in by Secretary of State Denise Merrill on Wednesday in the State House Chamber. They then participated in a Joint Convention of both the House of Representatives and Senate as Gov. Dannel Malloy addressed lawmakers about the 2015 Session. The 2015 Legislative Session will adjourn June 3rd.

Constituents can follow committee meetings and House debates as they unfold live on Connecticut’s public affairs television network, CT-N, or by streaming the proceedings online by visiting www.ctn.state.ct.us.


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