
I think as ID rotating guest already has an investigation thread on me, it's only fair I likewise have an investigation thread on ID rotating guest.

After I posted this piece showing the mass editing of Damoney on LOP:

Quote:I think it's time I posted a silver nugget:

In the first two images, you will see, one of the individuals who had something like 8+ connections on the ID mapping, Damoney, an account that was deleted very shortly after the ID mapping was published. You will see both posts marked 'null/void'.

Null is a particular programming term. It means empty.

In the next three posts you will see a google search for the term involving Damoney and null/void. It shows pages 1, 7 and 19.

It goes on for 19 pages (the last image shows the last page).

There's 10 results per page. This would total up to about 190 posts (google says 189 results) which have all been edited to say 'null/void'.

That is an awful lot of effort for a human poster.

...guest turned up to immediately insist that:

(01-27-2015 08:58 AM)Guest ID:488 Wrote:  For someone that claims to know a lot about computers you sure act dumb about them a lot (when convenient). Please explain how running one single SQL query to delete/empty specific records is "a lot of effort"?

Or is this another "reverse psychology" type game?

...It was an SQL query. When I rebutted this point, he then ignored the post and proceeded to argue other topics and further derail the investigation thread, never addressing my original point.

Again, in the GMG investigation, curiously, when I quipped that GLP's claims of DDOS couldn't be true because GLP are behind DDOS mitigation (Black Lotus):

(01-20-2015 03:48 AM)Joshua Flynn Wrote:  If Black Lotus geniunely had issues with DDOS... you'd see nothing. A DDOS phrase is 'distributed denial of service' - that is to say, you'd get no service at all. No page. Nothing. Nada. (Especially if Black Lotus was supposedly crippled.)

Notably because GLP's page was still up:

Guest turned up to insist I was absolutely wrong about GLP lying:

(01-28-2015 12:53 AM)Guest ID:490 Wrote:  You are wrong about this. A ddos may target the sql database server and take it out of the picture. And if the site requires sql to function then the functionality of the site may be down as well, but that sill wouldn't stop the webserver from being able to serve static pages that do not require the sql database.

Except after derailing the thread with much trivial debate (where guest danced around the issue and didn't state SQL injection until many pages later on an entirely different thread), guest switched from claiming it was DDOS to it being an SQL injection attack as the means for takedown. The problem with that is, according to expert sources:

Quote:SQL Injection is a web based attack used by hackers to steal sensitive information from organizations through web applications


Quote:SQL injection is one of the most common web attack mechanisms utilized by attackers to steal sensitive data from organizations.


...SQL injection is used to mainly steal sensitive information, not perform a distributed denial of service (because injection exploits database tables in order to get back or delete data). This point guest avoided addressing and insisted I was performing ad hominems (despite performing numerous ones himself), however:

Even Mister Obvious states for the record there was no hacking attempt, just "fake traffic", which clearly nullifies the SQL injection attempt, and furthermore:

Only three thread results total return when searching for SQL injection, none of which relate to GLP's DDOS attack. And there were no mentions of data theft, modification or deletion, table corruption or any kind of hack attempt in general.

Despite this obviously undermining guest's argument, he proceeded to decry yet more ad hominems without addressing the original point.

The most curious thing about guest though, is his writing style:

(01-30-2015 11:18 AM)Guest ID:494 Wrote:  You can't ,

(01-14-2015 09:51 AM)Guest ID:340 Wrote:  Hey friends ,

Hyena why are you messing with my friend Joshua Flynn are you ok? , Do you need a hug ? with all this Bovine Fecal Matter that is here lately we don't know who is who. be safe friend and Hyena if you ever need to talk I am here for you.

Sincerely and respectfully



...Which is the same as that as the Nutz/Hyena troll, the latter of which rotated through many IDs when posting.

Why does guest have to derail every investigation thread, by starting up trivial debate on irrelevant points? What's his game?

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