

A judge's private room, without the press or the public being present - In camera

A period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful - Halcyon

A tax or levy - Cess

An abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word - Acronym

An ability to do several things at the same time - Multitasking

An ability to express oneself well in speech - Oracy

An ability to make good judgements and take quick decisions - Acumen

An ability to see what will or might happen in the - Foresight

An ability to stay calm in difficult or dangerous situations - Sangfroid

An ability to use one's hands skillfully or an ability to think quickly and effectively - Dexterity

An ability, talent, or special skill needed to do something - Knack

Able to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens - Resilient

Able to do many different things - Versatile

Able to exist together without trouble or conflict going together well - Compatible

Acceptable according to the law, fair or reasonable - Valid

Accepting and closely following the traditional beliefs and customs of a religion - Orthodox

An act of burying a dead person - Interment

An act of carefully watching someone or something especially in order to prevent or detect a crime - Surveillance

An act of causing two people or groups to become friendly again after an argument or disagreement - Reconciliation

An act of committing a serious crime such as murder or rape - Felony

An act of destroying or damaging something deliberately so that it does not work correctly - Sabotage

An act of ending the employment of a worker or group of workers - Layoff

An act of explaining something - Exposition

An act of getting money back from people it has been paid to - Clawback

An act of going or travelling to a place along a way that is different from the usual or planned way - Detour

An act of identifying a disease, illness, or problem by examining someone or something - Diagnosis

An act of illegally copying someone's product or invention without permission - Piracy

An act of no longer caring for, using, or doing something, failure to do one's job or duty - Dereliction

An act of officially charging someone with a crime - Indictment

An act of printing a statement about somebody that is not true and that gives people a bad opinion of them - Libel

An act of punishing or harming somebody in return for what they have done to you your family or friends - Vengeance

An act of remembering or telling about past experiences - Reminiscence

An act of returning something that was lost or stolen to its owner - Restitution

An act of sending someone to another person or place for treatment, help, advice, etc. - Referral

An act of treating a holy place or object in a way that does not show proper respect - Sacrilege

An act of trying to impress someone by saying the names of well-known people that one knows or has met - Name-dropping

An act or fact of having a romantic or sexual relationship with someone other than one's husband, wife, or partner - Infidelity

An act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving - Blockade

An act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage - Gambit

An act that is part of a usually religious ceremony - Rite

An act, activity, or process of finding the way to get to a place when one is travelling in a ship, airplane, car - Navigation

An action of making amends for a wrong or injury - Atonement

An action of marrying a person of a superior caste or class - Hypergamy

An action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt - Redemption

An action or event that is a signal for somebody to do something - Cue

An action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk - Blasphemy

An activity or art of copying the behavior or speech of other people - Mimicry

An activity or excitement that is unusual and that often is not wanted or necessary - Fuss

An activity in that more and more people are becoming involved - Bandwagon

Actor or actress - Thespian

Add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment - Annotate

An additional fact or piece of information about a story that occurs after the main part - Postscript

Advantages or gains secured as a result of corrupt practices - Graft

An advice and future prediction based on the date of a person's birth and the positions of the stars and planets - Horoscope

Agreed to by everyone - Unanimous

An agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting, arguing, etc., for a certain period of time - Truce

An alcoholic liquor especially when it is cheap or made illegally - Hooch

All the plants that live in a particular area, time, period, or environment - Flora

All the things that a person is able to do - Repertoire

Allowed to know about (something secret) - Privy

Always or often happening or existing - Inveterate

An amount (such as an amount of money) that is more than the amount that is needed - Surplus

An amount of moneygiven to a retiring soldier or employee - Gratuity

An amount of money paid for a service - Honorarium

An amount of money that a company or the government pays to a person who is old or sick and no longer works - Pension

An amount of money that is given to someone in return for providing help in a secret and dishonest business deal - Kickback

An amount of money that is paid at one time - Lump sum

An amount of money that is spent - Outlay

An amount of money that must be paid and that is collected by a government or other authority - Levy

An amount of something that is produced by a person or thing - Output

An amount of time that a person holds a job, office, or title - Tenure

Amusing and very strange - Wacky

An angry and unpleasant woman, sexually attractive woman - Vixen

An argument that is complicated and continues over a long period of time - Wrangle

An invigilator at a university or college examination - Proctor

An ancient text in the form of a book, official listof medicines or chemicals - Codex

Anger caused by something that is unfair or wrong - Indignation

An angry and usually long speech or piece of writing that strongly criticizes someone or something - Diatribe

An angry woman who often complains about and criticizes other people - Virago

An animal or plant that lives in or on another animal or plant and gets food or protection from it - Parasite

An animal that has four feet - Quadruped

Annoy (someone) by often complaining about his or her behavior, appearance - Nag

Annoyance or distress at having failed or been humiliated - Chagrin

An annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information such as astronomical data and tide tables - Almanac

Any one of the large parts that some countries are divided into - Province

Any one of the lines that go from the North Pole to the South Pole on maps of the world - Meridian

Appearing, happening,, or arriving soon - Forthcoming

An area around or near a particular place - Vicinity

An area in a desert where there is water and plants - Oasis

An area of land that has a particular quality or appearance - Landscape

An area of sea water that is separated from the ocean by a reef or sandbar - Lagoon

An area of soft, wet ground; situation that is hard to deal with or get out of - Quagmire

An area that is not close to any cities or towns - Hinterland

An area with people who are different in some way from the people in the areas around it - Enclave

An area within which someone or something has authority, influence, or knowledge - Purview

Argue loudly about things that are not important - Squabble

Argue with someone in a friendly way - Spar

An arrangement of events or dates in the order of eir occurrence - Chronology

An arrangement of leaves, flowers, fruits, etc., in the shape of a circle that is used for decoration - Wreath

An arrangement to meet somebody at a particular time and place - Rendezvous

Arrival of a large number of people - Influx

An art of growing ornamental, artificially dwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs in pots - Bonsai

An art, science, or profession of teaching - Pedagogy

As compared with; as opposed to - Vis-a-vis

Asking for or demanding and taking (something) for one's use - Requisition

At or near the end of a piece of writing - Ad fin

Attacking on the reputation and integrity of someone or something - Aspersion

Attractive in a sexual way with large breasts and hips - Voluptuous

An attractively arranged bunch of flowers,especially one presented as a gift or carried at a ceremony - Bouquet

Average or ordinary - Run-of-the-mill


Back in which the spine is curved in an abnormal way - Hunchback

Bad or immoral behaviour or habits - Vice

Bad or immoral behaviour that involves sex, drugs, alcohol, etc. - Debauchery

Bad or unfavorable; not good - Untoward

Based on random choices or personal whims,rather than any reason or system- Arbitrary

Based on what is known or seen when something is first considered or dealt with - Prima facie

Basic equipment and structures (such as roads and bridges) that are needed for a country,region, or organization to function properly - Infrastructure

Be a sign of (something that is beginning to happen or will happen soon) - Herald

Be angry or upset about something and to refuse to discuss it with other people - Sulk

Be deprived of a close relation or friend through their death - Bereave

Be repeated several times as it is reflected off different surface - Reverberate

Beat or whip (someone) severely - Flog

Beautiful woman; the most beautiful woman in a particular place - Belle

Beginning or first appearance of something - Dawning

Beginning or origin of something - Genesis

Beginning to develop or exist - Incipient

Beginning to exist; recently formed or developed - Nascent

Behaviour that is accepted as socially or morally correct and proper - Propriety

Behaviour that shows low morals and a great love of pleasure, money, fame, etc - Decadence

Behaviour in which somebody pretends to have moral standards or opinions that they do not actually have - Hypocrisy

Behaviour, in particular sexual or legally dubious behaviour; considered improper but not seriously so - Hanky-panky

Beliefs or ideas that are very important to a group - Tenet

Beliefs or opinions that do not agree with the official belief or opinion of a particular religion - Heresy

Beliefs that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science - Superstition

Belonging or relating to heaven - Celestial

Belonging to a foreign country, supposedly from another world; unfamiliar and disturbing or distasteful - Alien

Belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it from somewhere else - Indigenous

Belonging to the basic nature of someone or something -  Inherent

Belonging to the middle class - Bourgeois

Below or beneath (something) - Underneath

Bending down or over; doing something that is not honest, fair, etc. - Stoop

Benefits which one enjoys or is entitled to on account of one's job or position - Perquisite

Best or most important part of something; the point of greatest success or achievement - Pinnacle

Best or most important person or thing - Numero uno

Best or most important thing owned or produced by a particular organization - Flagship

Better than all others - Par excellence

Blaming or insulting (someone) in strong or violent language - Vituperate

Block of stone or wood that is used as the base for a pillar, statue, etc. - Plinth

Body of remedial substances used in the practice of medicine - Materia medica

Books, articles, etc., that discuss a subject carefully and thoroughly - Treatise

Border or line that separates two things, such as types of work, groups of people or areas of land - Demarcation

Boring or unpleasant work that does not require special skill and usually does not pay much money - Menial

Bottom edge of a dress, skirt, or coat - Hemline

Break off (a meeting, legal case , or game) with the intention of resuming it later - Adjorn

Brief and direct in a way that may seem rude or unfriendly - Terse

Brief and usually unplanned fight during a war - Skirmish

Brief time when an action or activity stops - Lull

Brief trips taken for pleasure - Jaunt

Brief trips that people take for fun usually as a group - Outing

Brief written messages or reports from one person or department in a company or organization to another - Memorandum

Bringing (someone who is unconscious, not breathing, or close to death) back to a conscious or active state again - Resuscitate

Broken parts of a vehicle, building, etc., that has been badly damaged or destroyed - Wreckage

Brother or sister - Sibling

Building and the area of land that it is on, statement or idea that is accepted as being true and that is used as the basis of an argument - Premise

Building in which grain is stored - Granary

Building in which the bodies of dead people are burned - Crematorium

Building or chamber above or below the ground in which a dead body is kept - Tomb

Building or room in which images of stars, planets, etc., are shown on a high, curved ceiling - Planetarium

Building that is used for Jewish religious services - Synagogue

Building where aircrafts are kept - Hangar

Business of making fashionable and expensive clothes for women - Haute couture

Businesses that make money through illegal activities, loud, unpleasant noise - Racket

By or for each person - Per capita


Caption to a photograph or other illustration - Cutline

Card from the pack that has been chosen as the most valuable for a particular card game - Trump

Care or maintenance of buildings, equipment,etc - Unkeep

Careful and persistent works or efforts - Diligence

Careful plans or methods for achieving a particular goal usually over a long period of time - Strategy

Cause (a material) to be filled or soaked with something - Impregnate

Cause (someone or something) to receive or take in a large amount of things at the same time - Inundate

Cause (someone) to fall down or be turned over - Upend

Cause (things or people) to separate and go in different directions - Scatter

Cause of pain or harm - Affliction

Centre of public attention - Limelight

Ceremony held for a dead person - Funeral

Ceremony held in a university or college when students receive their degrees - Convocation

Ceremony in which a crown is placed on the head of a new king or queen - Coronation

Certain to die - Mortal

Certain to work properly or succeed - Infallible

Changing (something good) so that it is no longer as what it was or should be - Pervert

Charging an important public figure with a serious crime - Impeach

Changing (something) slightly in order to improve it; to make small adjustments to (something) - Tweak

Changing an earlier statement, opinion or promise because of pressure from somebody/something - Backtrack

Changing direction quickly or suddenly - Veer

Changing from one state or condition to another - Transition

Changing moods quickly and often - Mercurical

Character and atmosphere of a place - Ambience

Cheerful friendliness; geniality - Bonhomie

Chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life- Metabolism

Claim or a piece of evidence that one was elsewhere when an act, typically a criminal one , is alleged to have taken place; excuse or pretext - Alibi

Clear message or request for people to do something - Clarion call

Clever trick or plan that is used to get someone to do something or to gain an advantage over someone - ploy

Climb or moving with difficulty or a lot of effort, using one's hands and feet - Clamber

Close friend one has worked with, been in the military with, etc. - Comrade

Close relationship with someone or something - Communion

Close-knit group of interrelated families, large family, or a group of people who are connected because of a particular thing - clan

Clothes, especially fine or formal ones - attire

Collecting or forming into a mass or group- Agglomerate

Collectable object such as a piece of furniture or work of art that has a high value because of its age and quality- Antique

Collection of different things - Potpourri

Collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution, orgroup of people - Archive

Collection of things (such as photographs, stories, facts, etc.) that have been gathered together and presented as a group especially in the form of a book - Compendium

Collection of things, which may be similar or different - Collage

Collection of weapons and military equipment - Arsenals

Collection of written or spoken texts - Corpus

Combination of events, state of affairs - Conjuncture

Come at a later time; to happen as a result - Ensure

Comparing between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification - Analogy

Compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others - Charisma

Competition for young women in which their beauty, personal qualities and skills are judged - Pageant

Complete change of attitude or opinion - Volte - Face

Complete control of the entire supply of goods or of a service in a certain area or market - Monopoly

Complete freedom to act as one wishes - Carte blanche

Complete lists of items, typically one in alphabetical or other systematic order - Catalogue

Complete range of different opinions,people, etc. - Spectrum

Completely unwilling to change - Intransigent

Complex disputes or arguments - Imbroglio

Complicated and confusing system of connected passage - Maze

Complicated or unpleasant situations that is difficult to get out of or to move through - Morass

Comprising or relating to all sorts or varieties - Omnifarious

Conceal the nature or existence of (a feeling or situation) - Disguise

Concentrated artillery bombardment over a wide area : large number of something, such as questions or comments, that are directed at somebody very quickly, one after the other, often in an aggressive way - Barrage

Conclusion or opinions that are formed because of known facts or evidence - Inference

Condition in which a part of one's body becomes red, swollen, and painful- Inflammation

Condition in which someone is not able to think normally because of being drunk, drugged, tired, etc. - Stupor

Confused struggles or fights involving many people - Melee

Confusing or difficult problem - Conundrum

Confusing or meaningless words or activities - Mumbo-jumbo

Connected with particular circumstances- Circumstantial

Connected with young people who are not yet adults - Juvenile

Consequences or after-effects of a significant and unpleasant event - Aftermath

Consisting of or using both letters and numerals - Alphanumeric

Consisting of things or people that are all the same or all of the same type - Homogeneous

Contests, disputes, competitions, etc., in which neither side can gain an advantage or win - Stalemate

Continual increase in the price of goods and services - Inflation

Continuing without stopping - Incessant

Continuous rattling sound as of hard objects falling or striking each other - Clatter

Control or affect (something, such as a game or election) in a dishonest way in order to get a desired result - Rig

Controlling or influencing a situation in a skilful but sometimes dishonest way - Manoeuvre

Controlled breeding and rearing of fish. - Pisciculture

Conversations in which clever statements and replies are made quickly - Repartee

Correcting something that is unfair or wrong - Redress

Corrupt behaviour in a position of trust, especially in public office - Malversation

Courage or bravery - Valour

Courtesy and considerate behaviour towards others - Comity

Course of action leading nowhere - Blind alley

Covered passages with arches along one or both sides - arcade

Covered with decoration - Ornate

Created or done for a particular purpose as necessary - Ad hoc

Crime of getting money from someone by the use of force or threat - Extortion

Crime of trying to overthrow one's country's government or of helping one's country's enemies during war- Treason

Crimes or other morally wrong acts : illegal or immoral behavior especially by young people - Delinquency

Cruel and unfair treatment by people with power over others - Tyranny

Cry very loudly and noisily - Squall

Curved paths along which something (such as a rocket) moves through the air or through space - Trajectory

Curved paths followed by a planet or an object as it moves around another planet, star, moon, etc- Orbit

Customs or a way of acting or doing things that is widely accepted and followed - Convention

Customers of a shop, bar, or place of entertainment - Clientele

Cut made in something - Incision


Dance or musical performance - Recital

Dangers or problems that are hidden or not obvious at first - Pitfall

Dark and dirty : not fresh or clean - Dingy

Dark and underground prisons in castles - Dungeon

Date or time when something must be finished : the last day, hour, or minute on that something will be accepted - Deadline

Days when day and night are of the same length - Equinox

Dead bodies of animals - Carcass

Dead persons who leave the grave at night to bite and suck the blood of living people - Vampire

Decayed mixture of plants (such as leaves and grass) that is used to improve the soil in a garden - Compost

Decayed with usually a very bad or disgusting smell - Putrid

Deceiving or to trick (someone) to persuade (someone) by telling lies - Con(v)

Deep unconscious state, usually lasting a long time and caused by serious illness or injury - Coma

Deep, wet sand into which heavy objects sink easily - Quicksand

Deeply religious : devoted to a particular religion - Devout

Defeating (someone or something) easily and Throughly - Trounce

Defeating and gaining control of (someone or something) by the use of force - Subjugate

Defeating or tricking (someone) by being more intelligent or clever - Outsmart

Delay doing something until a later time because one does not want to do it, because one is lazy - Procrastinate

Describing (someone or something) as unimportant, weak, bad, etc - Disparage

Designed or intended to teach people something - Didactic

Desire to cause harm to another person - Malice

Determined not to change one's opinion or attitude; difficult to deal with, remove, etc. - Stubborn

Developing friendlier relations between countries or groups of people who have been enemies - Rapprochement

Dictionary of the special terms in a particular field or job - Glossary

Die because one is unable to breathe - Suffocate

Difference between two opposite things : a division into two opposite groups - Dichotomy

Difference especially between things that should be the same - Discrepancy

Difficult and unpleasant to do or deal with - Onerous

Difficult to handle, control, or deal with because of being large, heavy, or complex - Unwieldy

Difficult to understand : having or seeming to have a hidden meaning - Cryptic

Dilemma or difficult circumstances from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions - Catch-22

Direct descent from an ancestor; ancestry or pedigree - Lineage

Disappointing end to an exciting or impressive series of events- Anticlimax

Disease or disorder that involves a particular group of signs and symptoms - Syndrome

Disease that spreads over a whole country or the whole world - Pandemic

Disguising of military personnel, equipment, and installations by painting or covering them to make them blend in with their surrounding - Camouflage

Dishonest or immoralpersons - Sleaze

Displaying wealth, knowledge, etc., in a way that is meant to attract attention, admiration, or envy - Ostentatious

Distance of a place east or west of the Greenwich meridian, measured in degrees - Longitude

Distance of a place north or south of the equator (= the line around the world dividing north and south), measured in degrees - Latitude

Doing activities for fun or enjoyment - Play-off

Doing better than (someone or something) : to be more successful than (someone or something) - Outdo

Doing something that is not allowed : to disobey a command or law - Transgress

Doctor's opinion about how someone will recover from an illness or injury - Prognosis

Done or given because one wants to and not because one is forced to - Voluntary

Dramatic works in which all or most of the words are sung to music; works of this type as an art form or entertainment - Opera

Drawing or pictures that show only the shape of an object - Outline

Dull and ordinary - Mundane

Dull or socially ineptperson, especially someone who is excessively studious - Spod


Eager to own and collect things - Acquisitive

Easily affected, influenced, or harmed by something - Susceptible

Easily annoyed or angered and likely to argue - Truculent

Easily hurt or harmed physically, mentally, or emotionally : open to attack, harm, or damage - Vulnerable

Easily managed or controlled : willing to learn or be guided by another - Tractable

Eating both plants and animals : eager to learn about many different things - Omnivorous

Economic situations where there is high inflation (= prices rising continuously) but no increase in the jobs that are available or in business activity - Stagflation

Effective from a particular date in the past - Retrospective

Elaborate or glib speeches or stories, typically those used by a salesperson - Spiel

E-mails that are not wanted : an e-mail that is sent to large numbers of people and that consists mostly of advertising - Spam

Embarrassing social mistake - Faux pas

Ending a romantic relationship with (someone) in a sudden and painful way - Jilt

Ending an organization or group (such as a club) - Disband

End or failure of an institution, an idea, a company, etc. : death of a person - Demise

Enjoy (something) for a long time - Savour

Enjoying oneself or celebrating in a noisy or boisterous way - Roister

Enjoyable in a lively or noisy way - Rollicking

Enjoyments that someone gets from being violent or cruel or from causing pain - Sadism

Entering (someone) as a member of or being a participant in something - Enroll

Entering or appearing somewhere suddenly and with a lot of force - Irrupt

Enthusiastic and vocal supporters of someone or something - Cheerleader

Enthusiastic clapping by an audience as a sign of their approval - Ovation

Error in the way a law, rule, or contract is written that makes it possible for some people to legally avoid obeying it - LOOPHOLE

Events causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering; a disaster - catastrophe

Events involving destruction or damage on a catastrophic scale - apocalypse

Events marked by festivities or celebration - fiesta

Event or a short period of time that is important or unusual - episode

Events or situations in which many people are killed and many things are destroyc espicially by fire- holocaust

Events that may or may not happen - contingency

Exact or very close copy of something - Replica

Examinations intended to qualify successful candidates for higher education -Baccalaureate

Examples that represent or express something very well - Epitome

Excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner - Codependency

Exchanging goods, property, services, etc. for other goods, etc. without using money - Barter

Excluding (someone) from a group - Ostracize

Existing as a basic part of a person's nature or character - Inbred

Existing from the beginning of time : very ancient - Primordial

Existing or continuing in the same way for a long time - Perennial

Existing or happening in the same time period - Contemporary

Existing, but not yet very noticeable, active or well developed - Latent

Experiences that are very unpleasant or difficult - Ordeal

Experienced or felt by watching, hearing about, or reading about someone else rather than by doing something yourself - Vicarious

Expressing doubts about whether something is right, honest, etc. - Impugn

Expressing severe disapprovals of (someone or something), especially in a formal statement - Censure

Expressing feelings or opinions in a very loud or forceful way - Vociferous

Expressing opinions or criticism in a very forceful and often annoying or unpleasant way - Strident

Expressions designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly : an indirect or passing reference - Allusion

Expressions of strong anger or disapproval by many people - Outcry

Extensive groups of islands - Archipelago

Extra vote given by a chairperson to decide an issue when the votes on each side are equal - Casting vote

Extracting money from (someone) by fine or taxation - Mulct

Extreme anger : a strong feeling of unhappiness because of something bad, hurtful, or morally wrong - - Outrage

Extreme physical or mental sufferings - Agony

Extreme self-confidence or audacity (usually used approvingly) - Chutzpah

Extremely easy tasks - Cinch

Extremely excited and enthusiastic about doing something - Gung ho

Extremely good and deserving to be admired and copied - Exemplary

Extremely or unusually small - Diminutive

Extremely strong dislikes or fears of someone or something – Phobi


Facts or the process of ending or being brought to an end - Cessation

Failing to show proper respect and courtesy - Impudent

Failure to fulfil an obligation : something that happens or is done when nothing else has been done or can be done - Default

Familiar or humorous names given to a person or thing instead of the real name - Nickname

Families of rulers who rule over a country for a long period of time - Dynasty

Famous persons, especially in entertainment or sport - Celebrity

Farmers in the past who owned a small amount of land : very good, hard, and valuable work that someone does especially to support a cause, to help a team, etc. - Yeoman

Features (such as mountains and rivers) in an area of land - Topography

Feeling a strong desire or wish for something or to do something - Yearn

Feeling nervous because the ending is not known until the final moment - Nail-biting

Feeling or showing great sadness because someone has died - Mourn

Feeling sorrow or regreting for (something) - Rue

Feeling of being sorry for doing something bad or wrong in the past - Remorse

Feelings of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general - Angst

Feelings of doubt or uncertainty about whether Qualm one is doing the right thing

Feelings of enjoyment and enthusiasm - Zest

Feelings of foolish or very strong love or admiration for someone or something - Infatuation

Feelings of great happiness and excitement - Euphoria

Feelings of guilt or regret - Compunction

Feelings of like or dislike for someone or something especially when it is not reasonable or logical - Prejudice

Feelings of sadness mixed with pleasure and affection when one thinks of happy times in the past - Nostalgia

Feelings of strong dislike or disapproval of someone or something you think does not deserve respect - Disdain

Feelings or beliefs that bad things will happen in the future - Pessimism

Feelings or belief that good things will happen in the future - Optimism

Feelings or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement - Ecstatic

Feelings or a particular quality that is very noticeable and seems to surround a person or place - Aura

Feelings or showing a lack of courage or confidence - Timid

Feelings that someone or something gives you - Vibe

Female ballet dancers - Danseuse

Fictitious or factual works describing a series of events - Chronicle

Fights between women - Catfight

Fights, briefly and usually not very seriously - Scuffle

Figures shaped like a human body that is used for making or displaying clothes - Mannequin

Filled with or showing sexual desire - Lascivious

First time an actor, musician, athlete, etc., does something in public or for the public - Debut

Fixed sum of money paid to someone each year, typically for the rest of their life - Annuity

Flat cases for carrying documents or drawings, investments that are owned by a person or organization - Portfolio

Fleet of warships - Armada

Flowing out of something in a fast and forceful way - Spew

Following, watching, and bothering (someone) constantly in a way that is frightening, dangerous, etc. - Stalk

Food that a person or animal usually eats- Diet

Food that is cooked in a particular way, style of cooking - Cuisine

Foolish talks or ideas.- Guff

Foolish, confused, or meaningless words - Gibberish

For an intervening or temporary period of time - Ad interim

Forcing someone to go somewhere with you, often using threats or violence - Abduction

Forceful or angry speeches - Harangue

Forming An opinion about something without definitely knowing the truth - Surmise

Form of punishments or tortures that involved caning the soles of someone's feet - Bastinado

Formal acts or the process of placing someone into a new job, position, government office, - Induction

Formal ceremonies or series of acts that are always performed in the same way - Ritual

Formal meetings in which representatives or experts discuss important matters, make decisions, etc. - Congress

Formal processions ofpeople walking, on horseback, or riding in vehicles - Cavalcade

Formally choosing (someone) as a candidate for a job, position, office, etc. - Nominate

Formations of clear and distinct sounds in speech - Articulation

Fortresses, typically one on high ground above a city - Citadel

Formal and serious promises to tell the truth or to do something - Oath

Fraudulent or dishonest acts or practices - Rort

Fraudulent practices of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information - Phishing

Freedom from being required to do something that others are required to do - Exemption

Freedom from punishment, harm, or loss - Impunity

Freedom to do something the way you want to do it - Leeway

Friendly relationships - Rapport

Friendly remarks and jokes - Banter

Full and wide view of something - panorama

Full of anger, arguments and bad feelings - Acrimonious

Full of clever tricks : very clever - Wily

Full of hate or anger, extremely or excessively harsh or strong - Virulent

Funny and clever - Witty

Funny plays or movies about ridiculous situations- Farc


General laws, rules, principles, or criteria by which something is judged - Canon

General or basic quality or meaning of something - Tenor

Generous and friendly treatment of visitors and guests - Hospitality

Genuine, real or legal; not false - Bona fide

Girlfriends of criminals - Moll

Giving a brief summary of something - Recapitulate

Giving or being a sign of (something that will happen or develop in the future) - Presage

Giving somebody a signal using your finger or hand, especially to tell them to move nearer or to follow you - Beckon

Giving up (something) : to give (something, such as power, control, or possession) to another person or group - Relinquish

Giving help or support to the main group of workers - Auxiliary

Going in a direction that is away from a group or from the place where one should be - Stray

Going on someone's land without permission - Trespass

Goods that are bought and sold - Merchandise

Government departments that control public money - Exchequer

Governments formed by two or more political parties working together - Coalition

Government officials who are the representative of his or her country in a foreign country - Consul

Government orders that limit trade in some way - Embargo

Gradual increase in noise : the loudest point of a period of continuous noise - Crescendo

Gradual reduction in the size of a business, activity, etc. - Runown

Great and often wild or uncontrolled activities - Frenzy

Great disaster or complete failure - Debacle

Great number of things or people - Multitude

Great technical skill and brilliance shown in a performance or activity - Bravura

Great work : the greatest achievement of an artist , or a writer - Magnum opus

Groups of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants - Species

groups of members of the public who listen to the facts of a case in a court and decide whether or not somebody is guilty of a crime - Jury

Groups of military ships commanded by the same person - Fleet

Groups of musicians who play usually classical mt sic together and who are led by a conductor - orchestra

Groups of officials led by an ambassador who represent their government in a foreign country :building in which an embassy works - embassy

Groups of people or businesses that work together - Syndicate

Groups of people who are doing something together - Platoon

Groups of people who are the leaders of an action or movement in society, politics, art, - Vanguard

Groups of people who are together for a particular - Posse

Groups of people who go with and assist an important person - Entourage

Groups of people who have gathered to watch or listen to something (a play, concert, somebody speaking, etc.) - Audience

Groups of people who have the same job, interests, etc. - Fraternity

Groups of people who operate a ship, airplane, or train - Crew

Groups cf people who share a common feature or aspect of behaviour - Cohort

Groups of people with shared concerns within a political party or larger organization - Caucus

Groups of people, companies, etc., that agree to work together - Consortium

Groups of people, countries, organizations, etc., that are joined together in some activity or effort - Confederation

Groups of people, especially traders or pilgrims,travelling together across a desert in Asia or North Africa - Caravan

Groups of separate companies that agree to increase profits by fixing prices and not competing with each other - Cartel

Groups of singers or dancers performing together in a supporting role in a musical or opera - Chorus

Groups of vehicles or ships that are travelling together usually for protection - Convoy

Groups or organization of nations or people united for a purpose - League

Groups within a larger group that have different ideas and opinions than the rest of the group - Faction

Guiding beliefs of a person, group, or organization - Ethos


Happening after death, medical examination of the body of a dead person to determine the cause of death - Post-mortem

Happening as a result of something - Consequent

Happening at the same time - Concurrent

Happening often but not regularly : not constant or steady - Sporadic

Happening or appearing again and again - Recurrent

Happening or appearing in many places and not unusual : very common or ordinary - Common place

Happening or popular at a particular time - Du jour

Happening, done, or published after someone's death - Posthumous

Happy and enjoyable scenes or experience - Idyll

Happy and lively in a way that is attractive - Vivacious

Harming (someone) through sexual contact to touch (someone) in a sexual and improper way - Molest

Harsh and angry words - Vitriolic

Harsh criticisms that show a lack of respect or approval for someone or something - Scorn

Harsh discordant mixture of sounds - Cacophony

Harsh or critical statements about someone - Obloquy

Having (something) as a part, step, or result - Entail

Having a speech problem that causes one to repeat the beginning sound of some words - Stutter

Having A dull 01 uninteteiting appearance not attractivc, or stylish - Dowdy

Having a god or helpful result especially after something unpleasant has happened - Salutary

Having a pleasant, spicy taste interesting and exciting - Piquant

Having a strong and unpleasant smell or taste front no longer being fresh - Rancid

Having a strong, sharp taste or smell - Pungent

Having a very appealing taste or smell - Luscious

Having a very noticeable quality that attrats a lot of attention - Flamboyant

Having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline - Recalcitrant

Having complete or unlimited power - Omnipotent

Having fair hair and a light complexion - Blonde

Having many twists and turns : compliLated. long, and confusing - Tortuous

Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone - Ambivalent

Having no legal power - Nutt

Having no useful purpose - Otiose

Having or relating to two sides affecting both sides, involving two parties, especially countries - Bilateral

Having or showing a desire to hurt someone who has hurt or caused problems for you - Vindictive

Having or showing a lot of courage or determination - Plucky

Having or showing a lot of violence and blood - Gory

Having or showing an ability to understand difficult ideas and situations and to make good decisions - Sagacious

Having or showing courage : very brave or courageous - valiant

Having or showing knowledge that is learned by studying - erudite

Having people of different types or from different countries, and influenced by their culture : showing an interest in different cultures, ideas - cosmopolitian

Having the letters q, w, e, r, t, and y arranged in a ,Oweitt row in the top row of letter keys - querty

Having the qualities or appearance considered to be typical of men - Masculine

Having very fixed beliefs and being unlikely or unwilling to change them - Hardliner

Heavy automatic guns that fire shells from an aircraft or tank - Cannon

Height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level - Altitude

Helping someone or something pay for the costs of (something) - Subsidize

Highest point in the development of something :a climax or culmination - Apogee

Highest point of a mountain : the top of a mountain - Summit

History of the family members in a person's or animal's past especially when it is good or impressive - Pedigree

Hitting (someone or something) very hard with a stick, whip, etc - Thrash

Hitting (someone) on the buttocks with one's hand as a form of punishment - Spank

Hitting or beating something or someone and make a loud, deep sound - Thump

Hitting something with a loud, dull sound - Thud

Honor or fame given for some achievement - Laurel

Honor or respect that is felt for or shown to (someone or something) - Reverence

Hopeful or romantic in a way that is not practical - Quixotic

Houses or part of a house in which the women of a Muslim household live - Harem

Houses where men visit prostitutes - Brothel

Humour that shows the weaknesses or bad qualities of a person, gOvernment, society, etc. - Satire

Humorous in a clever and often ironic way - Wry

Humorous rhyming poem of five lines - Limerick

Hundredth anniversary of a significant event - Centenary

Husband's (or wife's) provision for a spouse after separation or divorce : maintenance -Alimony


Ideas about doing something that is far removed from normal reality - Fantasy

Ideas or beliefs that people are born again with a different body after death - Reincarnation

Ideas or inventions which are considered to be a particular person's creation - Brainchild

Ideas or sets of beliefs that guide the actions of a person or group - Credo

Idea or a set of principles or religious beliefs - Creed

Ideas or theories that are not proven but that leads to further study or discussion - Hypothesis

Ideas suggested by a word in addition to its main meaning - Connotation

Ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc. - Propaganda

Ideas or stories that are not true but that many people have heard or read - Folklore

(Illness) persisting for a long time or constantly recurring - Chronic

Imaginary places in which the government, laws, and social conditions are perfect - Utopia

Imaginary sea creatures that have a woman's head and body and a fish's tail instead of legs - Mermaid

Impartial advisers to a court of law in a particular case - Amicus curiae

Important, real, or meaningful - Substantive

Impossible to defeat or discourage - Indomitable

Impossible to defeat or overcome - INVINCIBLE

Impossible to harm, damage, or defeat - INVULNERABLE

Impossible 'to solve or get control of : impossible to overcome - INSURMOUNTABLE

Impressive display or range of a particular type of thing - ARRAY

In a careless and unplanned way - WILLY NILLY

In a confused and careless way - HELTER - SKELTER

In a state of tremulous excitement - AFLUTTER

In a very bad condition and needing to be repaired - RAMSHACKLE

In an uncertain or undecided state or condition - LIMBO

In great disorder or confusion - TOPSY - TURVY

In preparation or progress happening or beginning to happen - AFOOT

In a very bad condition because of age or lack of care - DILAPIDATED

Including many different things : full of variety - VARIEGATED

Increased effectiveness that results when two or more people or businesses work together - SYNERGY

Indefinite and very long period of time - AEON

Independent persons or a body officially appointed to settle a dispute - Arbitrator

Indirect and usually bad results of an action or event that may happen some time afterwards - Repercussion

Influence or control over another country, a group of people - Hegemony

Influence or power , especially in politics or business - Clout

Informal ways of spreading information or rumors through conversation - Grapevine

Information about a person and about what they have done in their life - Biodata

Inscriptions on a building, statue, or coin - Epigraph

ill Institutions,places, or persons strongly maintaining particular principles, attitudes, or activities - Bastion

Insulting remarks made in public - Brickbats

Intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory - Blitzkrieg

Introduction to a book or speech - Preface

Introduction to a book, play, etc. - Prologue

Involving a chance that something bad or unpleasant could happen - Dicey

Involving a lot of violence, confusion, or disorder - Tumultuous

Involving death or violence in a way that is strange, frightening, or unpleasant - Macabre

Involving only one group or country - Unilateral

Items of additional material added at the end of a book or other publication - Addendu


Japanese art of folding paper into shapes that look like birds, animals, etc. - Origami

Japanese flower arranging, that has strict formal rules - Ikebana

Japanese form of self-defence and martial art that uses locks, holds, throws, and the opponent's own movements - Aikido

Jargon or slang of a particular group or class - Argot

Jobs, activities, etc., that are very suitable for someone - Niche

Journals or newspapers, especially the official one of .an organization or institution - Gazette

Journalists who are not on the regular staff of a newspaper but who write stories for that newspaper - Stringer

Journeys especially by a group of people for a specific purpose - Expedition


Killing (a person or animal) by squeezing the throat - Strangle

Killing (an animal) for food, kill (many people) in a very violent way - Slaughter

Killing (someone) illegally as punishment for a crime - Lynch

Killing of a large number of people - Carnage

Killing or wounding of people, typically on a large scale during a conflict - Bloodshed

Kindness shown to somebody when they are being punished : willingness not somebody so severely - Clemency

Knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge - omniscient

Knowing or using several languages - Polyglot


Lack of agreements between people, ideas, etc - Discord

Lack of order : a confused or messy condition - Disarray

Lack of respect or dislike for someone or something - Contempt

Lack of seriousness - Levity

Lack of solidity or substance; thinness - Tenuity

Lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group - Anomie (anomy)

Lacking confidence : not feeling comfortable around people, very careful about acting or speaking - Diffident

(Land) used or suitable for growing crops - Arable

(Language) used in conversation but not in formal speech or writing - Colloquial

(Legislative body) having two chambers - Bicameral

Language of ordinary speechs rather than formal writing - Vernacular

Language or behaviour that is nonsense and is intended to hide the truth from people - Hocus-pocus

Language that is intended to influence people and that may not be honest or reasonable - Rhetoric

Language that is used among people who speak various different languages - Lingua franca

Language used by a particular group of people - Parlance

Language used for a particular activity or by a particular group of people - Jargon

Large amount of money that has been given to a school, hospital, etc., and that is used to pay for its creation and continuing support : person's natural ability or talent - Endowment

Large amount of rain that suddenly falls in an area : large amount of things that come at the same time - Deluge

Large amount of something that is released suddenly - Torrent

Large and beautiful view of an area of land or Vista water

Large and very unpleasant amount of dirt - Filth

Large areas of land that have been farmed, too- much with the result that plants will not grow there - Badlands

Large buildings or group of buildings for soldiers to live in - Barracks

Large ,burial ground, especially Qne

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