
Starting point for the Bomin Linde LNG GmbH & Co. KG: The first project is the construction of a liquefied natural gas terminal intended to provide ships with the cleaner fuel in the P ort of Hamburg. This is based on the successful completion of a feasibility study conducted by the Hamburg Port Authority and Linde.

Shortly after its establishment, the Bomin Linde LNG GmbH & Co. KG has been concentrating on the implementation of initial projects to build storage and refuelling infrastructure for liquefied natural gas ( LNG) in several European ports. The f irst specific step taken by the joint venture of Linde Group and Bomin , a subsidiary of the Marquard & Bahls AG, is the construction of a terminal for fuelling ships with LNG in the Port of Hamburg. Potential ways of implementation are presently being evaluated in order to comply with the legal approval criteria necessary to set up a so-called small scale LNG terminal on the Marquard & Bahls subsidiary Oiltanking premises in the Hamburg port.

Thanks to economic and eco-political developments, LNG has a very promising future as an alternative ship fuel. As of 2015, the limits on sulfur emissions will be reduced significantly for shipping in the North and Baltic Seas. On the one hand, LNG offers the ship proprietors and owners the opportunity to sustainably fulfill the new emission standards while simultaneously reducing the operational costs of their ships. On the other hand, the Port of Hamburg will have the opportunity to gain a pioneering role in the introduction of LNG as an alternative ship fuel in Europe.

"The shipping industry is very eco-friendly measured by the emissions per tonne kilometer" is stated by Frank Horch, Hamburg's Senator of Commerce. "Nevertheless shipping is also facing stricter requirements in terms of environmental conservation: Sulfur content in fuels will globally be limited. The Bomin Linde Joint Venture's activities are an auspicious occasion for our port.  We are hereby sending out a strong signal that we are taking sustainability seriously in Hamburg."

Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) has already recognized this great opportunity and, together with Linde Group, has taken the initial step by successfully conducting a feasibility study on the construction of LNG infrastructure. "The Port of Hamburg has set itself the task of bringing economy and environment al protection in line. In this context, the use of LNG represents an important step forward", states Jens Meier, Managing Director of HPA.

The Hamburg Port Authority is not only a supporter for creating the necessary conditions, but rather also wants to become one of the first LNG users: HPA plans to be operating a vessel running on LNG technology by 2014.

In this project, Bomin Linde LNG sees an essential step for the quick establishment of  LNG infrastructure in many European ports. "We have to solve the chicken-and-egg problem when it comes to introducing a new fuel for shipping in Europe. With Bomin Linde LNG as a reliable partner actually providing LNG as a fuel in strategically important ports, the construction of ships that are fuelled with LNG will experience a considerable boost. LNG is by far the most environmentally friendly and economically sound option for complying with the new sulfur and nitrogen emission limits," says Mahinde Abeynaike, the Bomin Linde LNG GmbH & Co. KG Managing Director responsible for infrastructure development and finance. "The interest in LNG on the market is very big. In addition to the technical advantages offered by LNG, the expected increasing price difference between expensive oil and the more favorable price level of gas is an important aspect. The ecological sense of responsibility felt with in the shipping industry and by its customers is also playing an increasingly important role", is added by Managing Director Ruben Benders, responsible for Sales and LNG procurement.

Experts are expecting LNG to develop into one of the most important fuels for the shipping industry. According to a study by the Danish Maritime Authority, it is estimated that the potential demand for the maritime sector in the North Sea, Baltic Sea and the English Channel will be approximately 4 million tons of LNG in the year 2020.  Source:  Bomin Linde

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