美國影集史上不朽的經典犯罪影集「CSI犯罪現場」(CSI: Crime Scene Investigation),於第十五季播出後宣告全劇終,並特別為陪伴影迷走過十五個年頭的「CSI犯罪現場」拍攝大結局-以兩小時的特別版電視電影「CSI犯罪現場:最終回」(THE FINAL: CSI)畫下完美句點◦ AXN將於2015年12月31日(四)晚間9點起推出「AXN台灣十五年影癡日特別節目」,除全台首播「CSI犯罪現場:最終回」,還能重溫威廉彼得森(William Petersen)與勞倫費許朋(Laurence Fishburne)在第九季中首度連手破案的精彩畫面,並觀賞獨家的幕後製作人結案訪談。
「CSI犯罪現場:最終回」集結了「CSI犯罪現場」四大明星演員: 自首季就演出的老班底威廉彼得森(William Petersen)、瑪格海根柏格(Marg Helgenberger)、喬雅福克斯(Jorja Fox)與2011年加入陣容的泰德丹森(Ted Danson),由四人共同出擊,聯手解開棘手的本劇最終案件◦ 泰德丹森也沒有讓本劇劇迷失望,他所飾演的「羅素組長」加入了由奧斯卡獎得主派翠西亞艾奎特(Patricia Arquette)領銜主演的「CSI:網路犯罪」(CSI: CYBER)全新第二季,繼續傳承為求正義,不放棄任何證據、抽絲剝繭的CSI刑事鑑識精神。 AXN將於2016年1月7日(四)晚間9點全台首播。
C.S.I.: i 5 momenti memorabili di Nick
Nick Stokes lascia C.S.I.; lo salutiamo con una top five dedicata ai suoi momenti indimenticabili
L’idea di una nuova stagione senza Nickha reso i fan di C.S.I. molto tristi. Ma il suo addio è ancora lontano: l’agente Stokes lascerà il cast solo dopo la season 15. Nel frattempo, fatevi tornare il buonumore con una delle nostre amate top five.
Per tutti i malati di #FoxCrimeMania, ecco infatti i 5 momenti più indimenticabili di Nick Stokes!
1) Nick si trova ad indagare sulla morte di una ragazzina di sedici anni che aveva conosciuto durante un vecchio caso. In una sequenza toccante, si chiede se non avesse potuto fare qualcosa di più per salvare la giovane.
2) Su richiesta di una collega, Nick canta una canzone per meritarsi il risultato di un referto.
3) In una delle sue prime missioni, Nick vieneminacciato da una pazza che gli punta contro una pistola e sembra proprio sul punto di farlo fuori. Per fortuna interverrà il buon Grissom a salvarlo in calcio d’angolo.
4) Ferito da un’arma da fuoco, Nick finge di essere morto per salvarsi e cogliere il suo assalitore di sorpresa.
5) Il buon Nick è stato parecchio sfortunato, ma niente supera quello che ha passato quando è stato sepolto vivo. È successo in un doppio episodio epocale, diretto nientemeno che dal geniale Quentin Tarantino.
CSI Las Vegas Brasil: Especial Jorja Fox--Curiosidades
Qual é a sua ideia de felicidade perfeita?
- Uma estrada livre, ou mar, falando nisso. Eu sou uma nômade.
Qual é o seu maior medo?
- Que eu me torne muito reservada.
Que pessoa viva você mais admira?
- Atualmente, Robert David Hall - ele interpreta o Dr Robbins em CSI. Ele passou por muitas paradas difíceis e nunca deixou nenhuma delas tirar o melhor dele.
Qual é a peculiaridade que você mais deplora em si mesma?
- Eu sou uma pessoa que só diz sim. Eu sou muito preocupada em tentar fazer muitas pessoas felizes.
Qual é o seu odor preferido?
- Gardênias. E chuva.
Qual é o seu prazer mais culpável?
- Dormir.
Qual foi o seu momento mais constrangedor?
- Eu tenho certeza que ainda não o tive.
Que carros você possui?
- Um Toyota Hybrid. Uma bicicleta. Duas pranchas de surf.
Quais são os seus pertences mais valiosos?
- Uma guitarra elétrica Rickenbacker de 1967 de corpo oco. Elas são raras. Dois amigos compraram para mim há 20 anos atrás.
O que te deixa deprimida?
- A guerra, o meio ambiente, preconceito.
O que você mais odeia em sua aparência?
- Minha barriga de cerveja. Não consigo me livrar dela - a não ser que eu deixe de beber cerveja, o que, é claro, eu nunca faria.
Qual é o vestido mais legal de sua preferência?
- O meu traje de aniversário.
O que tem sido a sua maior decepção?
- Eu queria ser a cantora principal em uma banda. Eu não canto. Eu sou praticamente surda para tons. Eu ainda toco. Na próxima vida, rock'n'roll com certeza.
Com que frequência você faz sexo?
- O mais frequentemente possível.
Que coisa melhoraria a qualidade da sua vida?
- Direitos iguais para todos na América.
O que você considera a sua maior conquista?
- Eu espero que eu ainda não o tenha tido.
Que canção você gostaria que tocasse no seu funeral?
- Blackbird, dos Beatles.
Qual a lição mais importante que a vida te ensinou?
- Você consegue aquilo com que você se conforma.
O anel de casamento que Sara usa como senhora Grissom da 10ª temporada em diante, Billy Petersen comprou e presenteou Jorja com um presente para ela usar como a esposa do personagem Grissom. (Créditos Jorja Fox Brasil)
author Team FoxCrime
George Eads lascia CSIGeorge Eads, il Nick Stokes di CSI, abbandona CSI
È (quasi) ufficiale: George Eads non parteciperà alla sedicesima stagione di CSI. A rivelarlo sarebbe stata una “talpa” all’interno della troupe della serie che avrebbe raccontato che la sua uscita di scena sarà legata ad un caso che terrà occupata la squadra della scientifica più famosa della televisione durante la parte finale della quindicesima stagione.Non è la prima volta che si parla dell’addio di Eads dalla serie che lo ha lanciato: già agli inizi delle precedenti stagioni ci furono alcuni momenti di tensione, poi, fortunatamente, risolti. Questa volta però sembrerebbe trattarsi di una decisione definitiva.L’attore non ha ancora rilasciato dichiarazioni sulla questione, ma la probabilità di non vedere più Nick Stokes, dopo quindici stagioni, è vicinissima al 100%.E così, dopo gli addii di William Petersen, Gary Dourdan, Marg Helgenberger e Paul Guilfoyl, anche l’ultimo attore del cast originario di CSI si prepara a congedarsi e a restituire pistola e distintivo.Quindi prepariamoci ad un altro duro colpo, ma non disperiamo: come CSI ci ha insegnato, è la squadra che vince, non il singolo individuo. E, in effetti, il team di Las Vegas ancora non viene schiacciato dalla sua età.
"Seguiré en CSI hasta que me echen"
A sus 66 años Ted Danson, que alcanzó fama mundial en 'Cheers', es uno de los pilares de 'CSI', la serie forense que esta temporada llega a los 300 episodios
La 14 temporada de 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation' acaba de llegar a España de la mano de la cadena AXN. A cargo del equipo de forenses de la policía de Las Vegas aparece el actor Ted Danson, una brisa de aire fresco para la serie cuando se unio al elenco en la temporada 11. Dando vida a D.B. Russell, Danson, mundialmente conocido por su papel de Sam Malone en 'Cheers', exhibe personalidad, simpatía y autoridad, al mismo tiempo que dirige su equipo con mano de hierro. CSI regresa (los martes a las 22.15h) demostrando que es el drama sobre procedimientos forenses con más cuerda de la televisión, alcanzando ya los 300 episodios esta temporada.
- ¿Durante cuánto tiempo piensa seguir interpretando CSI? - Este es un trabajo estupendo en el que me pagan muy bien, a mis 66 años eso es una gran suerte. No tengo ninguna intención de dejar la serie, voy a continuar hasta que me echen o me pase algo. En serio disfruto con el trabajo.¿Renuncia a la comedia? - Hay un filme que espero rodar pronto. Eso puede aplacar mi sed por interpretar una comedia.
- Esta temporada ruedan el episodio 300... - Sí. Es algo increíble llegar a ese número y que el público siga respondiendo a nuestro trabajo. Espero alcanzar el 500...
- Ha formado parte de series inolvidables como 'Cheers'. ¿Que significa esa respuesta del publico? - Estoy muy agradecido. Cuanto más mayor eres más agradecimiento sientes cada día. Soy el primer sorprendido y tengo que confesar que miro a mi carrera de forma periférica porque parte de mí no se lo cree. Nunca me he atrevido a mirar directamente hacia atrás. Ultimamente me ha dado por ver episodios de 'Cheers' y es lo único que he visto de mi trabajo en televisión.
- ¿Nunca ha visto CSI? - Lo veo cuando lo estamos grabando. Porciones de un episodio aquí y allá. A veces me toca ver una escena tres veces, lo que es perfecto porque la primera vez que me veo me digo a mí mismo '¡Oh, Dios mío!' (se ríe). Creo que en un par de años empezaré a ver los primeros capítulos de CSI en los que aparezco. Cuando me veo me juzgo de forma terrible y ni siquiera tengo ganas de ir a trabajar al día siguiente, de tanto como me he criticado la noche antes.
- En la serie trabaja con cadáveres, ¿ha cambiado su relación hacia la ciencia forense? - Sí. Ahora siento un respeto enorme por los forenses. Soy un actor del sur de California, mimado en exceso, pero esta gente, los verdaderos forenses, tienen que enfrentarse todos los días a la vida que representamos en la serie. En CSI tenemos tres asesores que trabajaron en la Policía; han visto muchas muertes y cuentan historias increíbles. La vida en un momento se puede quebrar y ellos siempre dicen que hay que disfrutar cada minuto que tenemos.
- ¿En quién se inspira para crear a D.B. Russell? -Los guionistas escribieron un personaje maravilloso. En la primera temporada era como el maestro Zen, capaz de conseguir equilibro entre su vida familiar y el lado oscuro de su trabajo. Luego tras el secuestro de su nieta todo cambió y este año le veremos quemado.
- ¿Como es posible disfrutar del trabajo tanto como usted? - Estoy en una edad en la que uno debe servir de maestro a la gente con quien colabora. En mi trabajo se necesita a un anciano junto al joven para que el joven se dé cuenta de lo que tiene. Sin el viejo uno puede olvidarse de lo joven que es.
Oggi, in occasione della Grande festa della città-La notte della musica, Silk Club e Victory Morgana Bay ospitano, in esclusiva nazionale, una delle star più amate e apprezzate della nota serie televisiva Csi. Gary Dourdan, eletto “L’uomo più sexy del piccolo schermo” a stelle e strisce, parteciperà alla notte di Sanremo per far ballare con le sonorità underground tipiche dei locali di New York, dalla musica commerciale alla deep house in perfetto stile americano. Il 21 ottobre Mescal pubblicherà il singolo «The End», che sigla l’inizio della collaborazione e precede il primo album di Gary Dourdan. La suggestiva baia Morgana, cornice dei due porti sanremaschi, vivrà la Notte della musica con una serata all’insegna del glamour e della dance. Dalle 20 l’attore cenerà sulla terrazza panoramica del Victory Morgana Bay e successivamente sarà presente per uno shooting fotografico durante il prediscoteca per poi impegnarsi in un dj-set nella discoteca Silk Club, sotto al Morgana.
La Stampa
In occasione della Notte della Musica Silk Club e Victory Morgana Bay saranno un unico club, per la prima volta uniti per dare vita ad un Evento Unico e Imperdibile ospitando, in ESCLUSIVA NAZIONALE,
una delle STAR più amate e apprezzate della nota serie televisiva CSI.
Gary Dourdan, eletto “L’uomo più sexy del piccolo schermo” a stelle e strisce, illuminerà con la Sua presenza la notte di Sanremo per far ballare con le intriganti sonorità underground tipiche dei locali di New York, dalla musica commerciale alla deep&classic house in perfetto stile americano.
La suggestiva baia Morgana, cornice dei due porti sanremaschi, vivrà la Notte della Musica con una serata all'insegna del Glamour e della Dance.
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Prediscoteca con Dj set
Clubbing night with Gary Dourdan Dj set
Shooting fotografico con l'attore
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Fórmula do sucesso
CSI faz sucesso porque transforma peritos em mágicos,
diz roteirista Fotos Victor Dragonetti/Divulgação
Liz Devine, roteirista e produtora de CSI, durante seminário para roteiristas brasileiros no dia 11, em São Paulo
Por DANIEL CASTRO, em 12/11/2013 · Atualizado às 18h02 Qual o segredo de uma série de sucesso?O que faz com que CSI permaneça 14 anos no ar e seja uma das séries mais vistas no mundo? Essas perguntas foram respondidas ontem (11)em São Paulo por uma senhora simpática, chamada na carteira de identidade de Elizabeth Kornblum, artisticamente conhecida por Liz Devine. Formada em biologia, com mestrado em ciência criminalística, Devine tinha o “emprego dos sonhos”, como supervisora da áreade reconstituição de cenas de crimes da polícia de Los Angeles quando, em 1990, recebeu um chamado para ser consultora técnica de uma nova série, sobre peritos forenses, ambientada em Las Vegas. Sua missão era não apenas impedir equívocos, mas também fazer os atores de CSI agirem naturalmente como peritos criminais, como “se tivessem feito aquilo a vida inteira”. Devine gostou do novo ofício e não teve dificuldade para virar roteirista. “Minha especialidade na polícia de Los Angeles era a reconstituição de cenas de crimes. Eu juntava peças e isso era como contar histórias”, diz, justificando a habilidade para escrever textos. Depois de 14 anow, Liz Devine escreveu 21 episódios de CSI Miami, 15 de CSI Vegas e 1 de CSI Nova York. Trinta e sete episódios no total, ou quase duas temporadas inteiras. Na última segunda-feira, durante quase duas horas, Devine prendeu a atenção dezenas de roteiristas atraídos para sua masterclass, promovida pelo canal Sony, que exibe CSI, e pelaoperadora Net, dentro do projeto NetLabTV, que pretende revelar criadores de séries para a televisão por assinatura brasileira. Devine revelou aos participantes do seminário um esquema altamente profissional, em que as criações dos roteiristas são submetidas ao julgamento dos maiores especialistas em criminalística dos EUA. Depois, seus roteiros ainda passam pelo crivo de dezenas de profissionais e por inúmeras versões, inclusive uma última, no estúdio, durante as filmagens,até virarem o episódio que encanta toda semana 11 milhões de americanos. E, afinal, qual o segredo desse sucesso? CSI faz sucesso, segundo Liz Devine, porque quase todo mundo gosta de um mistério, claro, e porque a série transformou a ciência forense em uma coisa legal. CSI transformou peritos em mágicos. Quando eles revelam uma prova de um crime com um cotonete que se torna fosforescente, nada mais fazem do que uma mágica, diz. Simples assim. Liz Devine diante de imagens projetadas em telão do MIS-SPde atores de CSI
(this ******** will be replaced soon by a better one, too tired-sorry-KSJ)
EXCLUSIF : Marg Helgenberger "Pourquoi je quitte Les Experts..."
L'actrice revient sur son dernier jour de tournage...
Décembre 2011, L.A. Marg Helgenberger, 53 ans, tournait sa dernière scène pour Les Experts (Las Vegas) où elle jouait Catherine Willows depuis douze ans.
Entre larmes et souries, elle explique son départ.
Télé Star :
Vous quittez la série Les Experts dans la douzième saison (TF1 diffuse actuellement la 11e). Comment s'est passé le tournage des derniers épisodes?
Marg Helgenberger :
Ce furent les semaines les plus émouvantes que j'ai vécues d'un point de vue professionnel.
Physiquement et émotionnellement, ce fut intense.
Je savais que cela serait difficile, je m'y étais préparée depuis de longs mois mais le dernier jour fut incroyable.
Télé Star :
Pour quelles raisons?
Marg Helgenberger :
J'ai reçu tellement d'amour de la part de toute l'équipe.
On m'a offert mon badge, d'autres objets qui ont fait mon quotidien toutes ces années (elle a les larmes aux yeux).
Télé Star :
Quelle fin les auteurs vous ont-ils réservée?
Marg Helgenberger :
Sans tout révéler, Catherine fait ses adieux.
Elle annonce à toute son équipe qu'elle a accepté un poste au FBI et qu'elle doit partir immédiatement. Je savais que ce moment serait émouvant...
(elle se met à pleurer) Je suis désolée, je suis très émue!
Télé Star :
Vous n'avez pas eu envie de revenir sur votre décision?
Marg Helgenberger :
Bien sûr que je me suis posé la question.
Mais si j'ai pris cette décision, c'est que j'avais vraiment besoin de faire une pause.
Qui sait?
Peut-être que dans une saison ou deux, je reviendrais pour un épisode...
Télé Star :
William Petersen (Grissom) était censé revenir pour vos adieux.
Ce n'est pas le cas. Vous le regrettez?
Marg Helgenberger :
Au départ, je pensais que c'était une bonne idée, mais Billy (le diminutif de William) et son épouse Gina ont eu, l'été dernier, des jumeaux, des prématurés.
Du coup, il n'avait ni l'énergie, ni le temps de revenir.
Télé Star :
Quand vous verra-t-on dans une autre série :
Marg Helgenberger :
Depuis la fin du tournage, je suis partie à Hawaii avec mon compagnon, Alan.
Histoire de me ressourcer.
On m'a proposé de jouer dans une série, quelque chose de très différent des Experts.
Mais si j'accepte, ce ne sera pas pour tout de suite.
Dans les prochains mois, j'ai envie de faire du théâtre à New York, Los Angeles ou pourquoi pas à Londres.
Propos recueillis par Franck Ragaine.
Transcription by KeziahShahinesJames-21/05/2012
Source : TéléStar
Crédits photos : TéléStar (scan); KSJ
AXN Says Goodbye to CSI
The history of the immortal classic crime series' CSI Crime Scene "(CSI: Crime Scene Investigation), in its fifteenth season aired after declaring the whole end of the play, and in particular to accompany fans through fifteen years of" CSI Crime Scene "shooting finale - a two-hour TV movie special edition of "CSI: final Press" (tHE fINAL: CSI) draw a perfect ending ◦ AXN will be December 31, 2015 (D) 21:00 onwards launched the "AXN Taiwan fifteen years Movies crazy day special program ", in addition to Taiwan premiere" CSI: final return "can relive William Petersen (William Petersen) and Lawrence Fishburne (Laurence Fishburne) in the ninth season in the first even hand to solve the case of great shots, and watch exclusive interviews behind closed producer.
"CSI: Final Press" build-up "CSI crime scene" four star actor: on the show since the first quarter of the old team, William Petersen (William Petersen), Marg Helgenberger (Marg Helgenberger), Qiaoya Fox (Jorja Fox) and in 2011 joined the lineup of Ted Danson (Ted Danson), a common attack by the four jointly unlock the thorny case of the final drama ◦ Ted Danson did not let the drama of opera fans disappointed, he played "Russell leader" was joined by Oscar-winner Patricia Arquette (Patricia Arquette) starring "CSI: crime network" (CSI: CYBER) a new second-quarter, continue to pass for the sake of justice, do not give up any evidence unraveling CSI forensic spirit. AXN will be held January 7, 2016 (D) 21:00 Taiwan premiere.
C.S.I.: 5 Memorable Nick Moments
Nick Stokes leaves CSI; we salute with a Top Five list dedicated to his most memorable moments
The idea of a new season without Nick has made fans of CSI very sad. But his departure is still far away: Agent Stokes leaves the cast after Season 15. In the meantime, cheer up with the five moments we love best. For all of us at FoxCrime these are the five most memorable moments of Nick Stokes!
1) Nick investigates s the case of the death of a sixteen-year-old girl that he met through an old case. In a touching moment, he cries because there was nothing he could do to save the life of the girl.
2) At the request of a colleague, Nick sings a song to get the results of a test.
3) In one of his first assignments, Nick is confronted with a crazy woman who points a gun at him and threatens to take him out. With the fortunate intervention of Grissom, he is saved.
4) Wounded by gunfire, Nick pretends to be dead to save himself and seize his assailant by surprise.
5) The good Nick often finds misfortune, but nothing beyond what he went through when he was buried alive. It happened in the second of two epic episodes directed by none other than Quentin Tarantino.
CSI Las Vegas Brasil: Special Jorja Fox--Curiousities
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
- A free road or sea, by the way. I am a nomad.
What is your greatest fear?
- What I become very reserved.
Which living person do you most admire?
- Currently, Robert David Hall - he plays Dr Robbins on CSI. He went through many difficult situations and never let any of them get the best of him.
What is the peculiarity you most deplore in yourself?
- I am a person who just says yes. I am very concerned with trying to make many people happy.
What is your favorite smell?
- Gardenias. And rain.
What is your guilty pleasure?
- Sleeping.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
- I'm sure you have not had.
What cars do you own?
- A Toyota Hybrid. A bicycle. Two surfboards.
What are your most valuable belongings?
- An electric guitar Rickenbacker 1967 hollow body.
They are rare. Two friends bought for me 20 years ago.
What makes you depressed?
- The war, the environment, prejudice.
What do you hate about your appearance?
- My beer belly. I can not get rid of it - unless I stop drinking beer,
which, of course, I would never do.
What is the coolest dress you prefer?
- My birthday suit.
What has been your biggest disappointment?
- I wanted to be the lead singer in a band. I do not sing.
I am almost tone deaf. I still play. In the next life, rock'n'roll for sure.
How often do you have sex?
- As often as possible.
What thing would most improve the quality of your life?
- Equal rights for everyone in America.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
- I hope I have not already had that.
What song would you like to have played at your funeral?
- Blackbird by The Beatles.
What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
- You get what you to conform.
The wedding ring that Sara uses as Grissom's wife from the 10th season on, was a gift from Billy Petersen. He bought it and presented it to Jorja to use as the wife of the Grissom character. (Jorja Fox Credits Brazil)
CSI Las Vegas Brasil: Especial Jorja Fox - Curiosidades
George Eads Leaving CSI
George Eads, Nick Stokes of CSI, abandons CSI
It is (quasi) official: George Eads will not be participating in the 16th season of CSI.
A "mole" inside the crew of the series has revealed that his departure from the scene will be linked to a case that will keep the forensics team busy. This takes place on the most popular television series during the final part of the fifteenth season.
It is not the first time that we speak of bidding farewell to EADS from the series that launched him: already at the beginning of previous seasons, there were some tense moments, which then, fortunately were resolved. This time, however, it would seem to be a final decision.
The actor has not yet issued statements on the matter, but the probability of not seeing Nick Stokes, after fifteen seasons, is close to 100%.
And so, after the departures of William Petersen (pre wedding), and the departure of Gary Dourdan, of Marg Helgenberger and of Paul Guilfoyle, so leaves the last of the original cast of CSI actors as he prepares to take leave and return his gun and badge.
So get ready for another blow, but do not despair: as CSI has taught us, it's the team that wins, not the individual. And, indeed, the team of Las Vegas still is not crushed by its age.
"I will continue on CSI until they kick me out"
At 66, Ted Danson, who gained fame in 'Cheers', is one of the pillars of 'CSI' forensic series which this season reaches 300 episodes
The 14th season of "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" just arrived in Spain at the hands of the AXN chain. In charge of the forensic series set in Las Vegas is the actor Ted Danson, a breath of fresh air to the series who joined the cast in season 11, giving life to DB Russell. Danson, known worldwide for his role as Sam Malone in 'Cheers', exhibits personality, charm and authority, while directing his team with an iron fist. CSI returns (Tuesdays at 22.15h) showing that it is the drama about forensic procedures that ropes in viewers, and reaching 300 episodes this season.
- How long you plan to continue playing CSI?
- This is a great job where I get paid very well, after 66 years that's very lucky. I have no intention of leaving the show, I will continue until they kick me out or something happens. Really I enjoy the work.
Are you giving up comedy?
- There's a film I hope to shoot soon. That may appease my thirst for playing a comedy.
- This season episode 300 airs ...
- Yeah. It's incredible to reach that number and that the public continues to respond to our work. I hope to reach 500 ...
-You've been part of memorable series like 'Cheers'. What is the public response?
- I am very grateful. The older you are you feel more grateful every day. I am first surprised and have to confess that I look at my career peripherally because part of me does not. I have never dared to look straight back. Lately I've started to watch episodes of "Cheers" and that's all I've seen of my work in television.
- Never have you seen CSI?
- I see it when we're filming. Portions of an episode here and there. Sometimes I get to see a scene three times, which is perfect because the first time I see me, I say to myself, 'Oh, my God!' (laughs). I think in a couple of years I will start to watch the first episodes of CSI in which I appear. When I watch I judge so terribly and then I don't even feel like going to work the next day, as much as I have criticized myself the night before.
- In the series you work with corpses, has this changed your attitude to forensics?
- Yes. Now I feel an enormous respect for forensics. I'm an actor from Southern California, who is pampered too much, but these people, the real forensic scientists, have to face every day the life that we represent in the series. At CSI we have three consultants who worked with the Police; they have seen many deaths and tell incredible stories. Life at any time can end and they always say that you should enjoy every minute we have.
- Who was inspired to create D.B. Russell?
'The writers wrote a wonderful character. In the first season it was like Zen. DB Russell was able to achieve balance between family life and the dark side of his professional work. Then after the kidnapping of his granddaughter, everything changed. This year we will see him get burned.
- How is it possible to enjoy the work as much as you?
- I'm at an age at which one teacher must serve the people with whom he collaborates. In my work you need an old man to teach the young for the young to realize what you have. With the old, one can forget how young they are.
Today, on the occasion of the Grand Festival of the city of San Remo--A Night of Music, hosted by Silk Club and Victory Morgana Bay. The nationally exclusive event will feature an appearance of the star of the noted TV series CSI.
Dourdan, elected "The sexiest man on the small screen" by TV Guide, will participate on the night of Sanremo with dance and underground music typical of New York, and music ranging from pop to deep house in the perfect American style.
On the 21st of October Mescal will release the single "The End"which signals the beginning of the collaboration with Gary Dourdan's first album.
The picturesque Morgana Bay, framed by the two ports of San Remo, hosts "All Night Long" a night of music with an evening party characterized by glamour and dance.
At 8 PM the actor will dine on the rooftop terrace of the Victory Morgana Bay and later will be present for a photo shoot during the pre-dance party, then engage in a DJ-set in the disco Silk Club, under the Morgana.
La Stampa
The Night Music Club Silk and the Victory Morgana Bay will be one club for the first time together, to present a Unmissable and Unique Event. The two clubs will host as a National Exclusive the STAR of one of the most beloved and popular television series ever, CSI.
Gary Dourdan, voted "The Sexiest Man on the Small Screen" by Stars and Stripes, will light up with his presence on the night of Sanremo to dance with the intriguing underground music typical of New York, the music varying to deep & classic house in American-style.
The picturesque Morgana Bay, set in the two San Remo ports, will host a live Night of Music with an evening of glamour and Dance.
Special Dinner with Gary Dourdan
Before a discoteque night with DJs
Clubbing night with Gary Dourdan DJ set
Photo shoot with actor
Victory Morgana Bay / Silk
Saturday, September 6th from 20:00 'till late
On DJ:
with Voice
[LIGHTS & ledwall SHOW]
Salin + Samuel Le Chat
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Liz Devine Speaks to Rapt Audience in
Sao Paolo Brazil on the Success of CSI
What is the secret of a successful series? What makes CSI stay 14 years on the air and remain one of the most viewed series in the world?
These questions were answered yesterday (11/11) in Sao Paulo by a nice lady with the identity card of Elizabeth Kornblum, known in show business as Liz Devine.
With a degree in biology, a master's degree in forensic science, Devine had the "dream job" as a supervisor in the area of reconstruction of crime scenes in the Los Angeles Police Department when, in 1990, she received a call to be a technical consultant for a new series on forensic experts, set in Las Vegas.
Her mission was not only to prevent misunderstandings, but also make the actors act naturally as CSI forensic experts as "if they had done it all their lives."
Devine liked the new job and had no trouble turning screenwriter. "My specialty in the LAPD was the reconstruction of crime scenes. I gathered parts of the puzzle and it was like telling stories, "she says, explaining her ability to write scripts.
During 14 seasons, Liz Devine has written 21 episodes of CSI: Miami, 15 of CSI Vegas and 1 for CSI: New York. Thirty-seven episodes in all, or nearly two full seasons.
On Monday, for almost two hours, Devine caught the attention and attracted dozens of writers for her master class, promoted by Sony channel, which broadcasts CSI, and the project operator Net NetLabTV, which aims to delve into the jobs of the creators of the series for Brazilian pay-TV.
Devine's seminar participants showed a highly professional standard, where the work of the writers are submitted to the judgment of the foremost experts in forensic science in the U.S. Then her scripts still need to pass the scrutiny of dozens of professionals and undergo numerous revisions, including the last, that of the studio during filming, to turn the episode into one that delights 11 million Americans every week.
And after all, what is the secret of this success? CSI is a success, according to Liz Devine, because almost everyone loves a mystery, of course, and because the series turned forensic science into something cool. CSI became experts in magic. When they reveal evidence of a crime with a cotton swab that turns fluorescent, they do nothing more than make magic real.
Simple as that.
EXCLUSIVE : Marg Helgenberger "Why I leave CSI?"
The actress returns on her last day of filming...
December 2011, L.A. Marg Helgenberger, 53, was turning her last scene for CSI (Las Vegas) where she was playing Catherine Willows since twelve years.
Between tears and smiles, she explains her departure.
TV Star :
You leave the series CSI in the twelfth season (TF1 is broadcasting the 11th right now).
How was the filming of the last episodes?
Marg Helgenberger :
These were the weeks the most moving that I've lived from a professionnal point of view.
Physically and emotionnaly, it was intense.
I knew that it would be difficult, I was prepared since long months but the last day, it was incredible.
TV Star :
For which reasons?
Marg Helgenberger :
I've received so much of love from the whole team.
I was offerd my badge, other objects which have made my daily all these years (she has tears in her eyes).
TV Star :
Which end the authors have booked for you?
Marg Helgenberger :
Without giving everything away, Catherine makes her farewell.
She announces to her whole team that she agreed a position at the FBI and that she must leave immediately.
I knew that this moment would be moving...
(She starts crying) Sorry, I'm very moved!
TV Star :
You haven't had feel like to return on your decision?
Marg Helgenberger :
Of course that I asked me the question.
Bu if I took this decision, it's that I had really needed a break.
Who know?
Perhaps that in one or two seasons, I would return for one episode...
TV Star :
William Petersen (Grissom) was supposed to return for your farewell.
It is not the case.
Do you regret it?
Marg Helgenberger :
At first, I thought that it was a good idea, but Billy (the short nickname of William) and his wife Gina</font