
As we approach the end of the year and the holidays, may we reflect on it with Gratitude. Being grateful is a powerful exercise to practice.  When practiced daily, it changes the way we perceive our world, and aligns us with a place or state of appreciation and abundance.

There are many ways we can practice to be in this state of gratitude.  Prayer, meditation,  writing, connecting with nature, are some of the many ways to access this state of grace. In this blog, we will explore Prayer beads.

Prayer beads are among the oldest known energy tools in existence. They are found throughout history and signify humanity’s intent to strength their prayers and spiritual practice in a powerful and organized way.

Since time immemorial, people have been harnessing the power of prayer with the power of stones. Shamans would wrap jagged crystals with rope, twine or vine to keep precious stones on their person, or keep pouches with stones in their pockets or around their necks.

Stones have always been known to carry very specific frequencies of great value to all life on earth. Some protect us, others calm and soothe us; some are valuable for childbirth while others keep our memory and eyesight sharp. Shaping and drilling stones was a great evolutionary step forward, for this process when done by hand is extremely difficult and time-consuming. Before machines, such prayer bead sets were very costly and even wealthy people could afford only one or two sets of such powerful working tools throughout their entire lives.

How fortunate we are today, to have access to a wider collection of stone helpers than ever before in the history of the earth. When you combine specific stones with very specific prayers, in your own personal private prayer and practice, you can enhance your intent to a very large degree. And these powerful tools are remarkably affordable.

Crystal Life offers the widest selection available anywhere of gemstone prayer beads, tenderly handcrafted in the USA with your personal progress foremost in our own intent. We string on 100% natural silk cord, the material most suitable to heighten and strengthen both the quality of the stones and your own aspiring prayers.

Our generic prayer beads (sometimes called malas) have the classic 108 bead count. Prayer beads traditionally used a 108 count because this is a metaphysically powerful number that reappears in the structure of our world in many significant ways. When you work with this sacred number you connect to all the following powerful forces:


1 stands for God or higher truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice and 8 stands for infinity or eternity. Astrologically, 108 signifies the 12 houses times the 9 planets.

Yogic understanding.

In the human body, there are 108 nadis or lines of subtle energy that converge to form the heart chakra. There are 108 marma points (concentrated centers of energy) in the human body. There are 108 human feelings, with 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future. The average number of breaths per day is 21,600 with 10,800 being solar energy and 10,800 lunar energy (108 x 100 = 10,800). And there are 108 Sanskrit names for different aspects of God’s existence.


In the mathematical connection of ourselves to the universe, working with a 108 count signifies, in Vedic mathematics, a harshad (“great joy”) number, which is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits. We also know today that the diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun. The average distance of the Moon from Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Moon.

Join us next week, as we continue to explore the subject of “Gratitute” and Mantras using a Mala.

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