
A group of eight energy workers gathered one weekend for some advanced training with a healer who specializes in time travel and multidimensional life forms. Contemporary energy workers are communal sharers—we have all experienced the truth that as people evolve along the path of mastering energy, they develop certain specialties, various nuances. Instead of keeping carefully separate, as in the “old ways” of traditional religions seeking knowledge of the inner worlds, energy workers seek out each other, to learn and share.

As a result, we are often very mobile in our ability to walk between various worlds of energy. There is, among energy workers, a joint effort to comprehend how to work successfully with a vast field of information, a flowering of knowledge not seen since the dawn of the outer scientific age. We are evolving an inner science and the spirit of open enquiry is very strong.

This particular session was devoted to locating severe obstructions in a person’s energy field, determining the causes and deciding how to proceed to remove them. One way an incident can strongly affect a person is to lodge in their energy field, creating an obstruction that the general flow of energy must begin to cope with in some way. This obstruction can have originated in this lifetime, or in a past lifetime, or when the individual soul was occupying a different form altogether. It can cause a dent or knot or rip a hole in one or a multiple level of grids.

Now, one very powerful way for energy workers to achieve their goals is to work together in a room and preferably in a circle. There is a joint merkabah formed from the combined energies of many different spirits all focused on the same issue. This way of working helps ground the issue, circling it from many different paths, keeping it stable so that it can be observed and a method of procedure determined.

There was a group call for someone to volunteer to sit in the middle and be the subject. Paul eagerly stepped forward. This was a well-built, athletic young man with birth delivery-caused physical defects that had affected his appearance. This young man’s lifelong problem: no matter what he did, he was never, ever, successful in establishing a lasting relationship with a woman. He even had a hard time getting dates. Why?

Paul had stated his intent and having given inner permission for the others to start tracking this energy’s route, he now closed his eyes and relaxed. The group called in protection to seal off the room area from any negative forces and to seal and protect ourselves and the subject, then each went inside themselves to track the situation.

From an alert but relaxed perspective, the group of energy workers, each in their own way, entered into Paul’s field of energy. From the place where he was now, we each began tracing the route this particular issue had descended through, back to its point of origin.

There are many ways to do such tracking, according to the orientation and lineage of the observer. There are many ways to travel to Rome but the same location is being seen by all when the destination is attained. Some healers travel through the plasma fields, which are formed by the layers of consciousness that build up on and between the underlying grids; within the body these fields are known as the aura. Some energy workers work strictly through their inner team, which inspects the situation and either discusses it with the worker and lets them know what must be done, or does it through them with the worker stepping out of the way to one extent or another. Other healers work strictly through faith and invoke the light to send out all “darkness,” letting “Thy Will be done.”

I work via the grids—part of a group of energy technicians known as gridworkers. The grids are part of the underlying structures that form when universal energy begins organizing itself to execute a particular job. There were several gridworkers in this group and even gridworkers travel in their own ways.

All gridworkers are very aware of the aliveness of all energy and so will first invoke protection for themselves and their clients. They will then call in all interested light bodies who have a say in the situation. Just like the faery tales of old, it is the life form who is excluded who can be insulted and botch up the works!!! Respect for every one’s designated domain is the only safe and successful way to proceed. Together, a healer’s team will look for the source of the situation and, together, all will have a say in how the issue could be resolved. This method of procedure results in the communal orientation of the gridworkers.

Energy exists as both geometric patterns and as sentient consciousness. A gridworker will often look at both aspects of any situation. When looking for a situation, one is searching for the form and what the form is doing: its objective. What does the form’s personal voice wish to say regarding the situation? There is no way you can fully resolve a situation if you don’t listen to what has been created and why. Thus, a gridworker is also a mediator and a diplomat.

After invoking the presence, protection and assistance of my own guides, I relaxed and entered into the grid level of consciousness to look around. At this level, I see everyone in the room existing as a complete merkabah, or transparent ball of grid lines, something like the latitude and longitude lines on a globe map, only having depth of multiple grids as well. Gridworkers use their concentration to locate and focus on a specific level of gridwork. Of course, this capacity depends on the personal knowledge of the individual gridworker, who may not see some of the potentially infinite number of frequencies involved.  Because the gridworker either does not know yet that a specific frequency exists, or they have a weakness in that frequency themselves, they may not have the proper detachment such observation requires. This is why guides are so important; they can help the gridworker learn to see what is occurring. It is also why extremely successful energy workers are often very disciplined while still remaining free-flowing.

Each thing, be it person, flower, stone or bit of technology, is a manifestation of the one source. As such it has access to source in a number of ways. My personal choice is to make sure that the object being scanned is seen in this way: it has its own source of energy and does not need mine. Each time I drop down another level of scanning, or shift fields, I repeat this procedure. I also check to see that my own field is still intact: that there is nothing in the field being entered that I might consciously or subconsciously absorb into myself.

This approach comes from experience—entering into a needy field can permit the energies to cling to your own grid; likewise if you are feeling needy or curious (even subconsciously), you might autonomically pull some of a field’s energy (good and bad) into yourself. Following the session you may be affected and need to work through a clearing for yourself. Humans are continually absorbing and being affected by the fields all around them, picking up bad and good; it is just that most people are not aware of this and the energy worker is.

Energy workers will also frequently check in with their guides and will often ask them to intervene where a direct third-dimension energy transfer needs to be avoided or a calm detachment to third dimensional-emotions and energies is required.

On that day, I inwardly and rapidly traveled a complex, highly curved route through Paul’s consciousness up to the originating point of his stated problem. This point looked like a very large dot, like the station at the end of a map of the New York City subways. Once here, I paused and observed. Gradually the dot took shape as a round ball—a merkabah that contained the story.

What I saw when entering into the field was a very brave soldier during the Christian European crusades. He was one of the leaders behind an entire group traveling to the Holy Land on what was, for him, an idealistic campaign to help reclaim it from the infidels for the Christian God. One day, riding through camp after a session of prayer, he saw many, many of his men with local women they had captured and in the camp other women who were camp followers. There were pregnant women and young babies crying and running about who had been sired on the campaign. There was much rape and the after-effects of repeated rapes, in view. This shocked the man deeply. He took a vow then and there of chastity, which he repeatedly reconfirmed, with much personal struggle, throughout the campaign.

In each successive lifetime, when he came back into this world, he descended through the various levels of consciousness, picking up the vibrational sheaths of frequency he had discarded on his previous ascent: he took the essence of his experiences. This knot of frequency passed down from lifetime to lifetime as an area whose full frequency he was not able to bring with him: it was like a logjam in a river, the water flowing around it and other debris clinging to the issue so that the jamming was getting wider and wider, affecting other parts of his energy field as well.

When the time to inspect was over and the small group returned to the third dimension, we discussed what we had seen. Of the eight people who had participated, three had seen exactly the same scene. Several others had experienced the same energy in different ways of perceiving and the remainder of the participants remained silent.

What Can Be Done To Resolve An Issue Like This?

In Paul’s situation, the original incident could have been removed from the energy field and the trapped energy released, if dealt with then. The problem was that succeeding lifetimes had compounded and expanded the energy issue so that now it spread throughout a large swath of his field down into the physical.

What very often happens, in an extreme case like this one, is that the energy field is frozen. The person involved has said, in essence, “Don’t move, not even a fraction of an inch.” They have anchored an energy very, very solidly, often with many cords tying it in place, like a ship at dock in rough seas.

Whatever occurs thereafter in this area of the individual’s energy has to work its way around this position. At first, “tested” by circumstances, that area develops a hard shell and many cords: nothing is going to break through the person’s resolve. At the same time, internal to the field being put in place, the person is sending out of it anything contrary to the objective: they are “clearing the field”. However, if this is done from sheer willpower to succeed and not from true awareness, the field is not really cleared: the issue is pushed back behind a fence. So it still remains in the field, only surrounded by a protective region of gradually thickening “stacked” layers, as the energy around the sacred circle of the Indian village. The stacking creates its own shell after time. When energy of the frequency of concern can no longer flow through this point, it begins flowing around the point. And, around this combined force field, the individual’s own lines of connecting energy are moving past like water around a rock in a stream. The energies need to keep flowing to stay healthy and alive. If possible, they will go in a circuitous route; if the field is too large, that frequency in the body will just shut down and cease to operate.

This is one reason why some people look so stiff and shallow and others are “bitchy” or excessively annoying to others. They have each closed down a large number of fields inside themselves, in the attempt to control (not transform) certain issues that bother them exceedingly.

In Paul’s case, this is what the energy looked like as a form. One can see energy as a geometric form and also as a life form that can communicate. In a case such as this one, you can go into the energy field and its defining moment can be seen: the incident that then became frozen in time, suspended between worlds, so horrible or threatening to the individual involved that the energy simply stops. The individual says, “No more!” and will not budge.

In such a situation, the energy worker goes in, examines the situation and decides with their inner team on the right course of action. There are often many complex ramifications. A solution comes from a communication between all the parties involved, to decide how to resolve this impasse to the client’s inner progress. It involves the guides of  both energy fields, client and energy worker and an internal communication with the field of energy involved. Very often the situation occurred long ago, perhaps in another lifetime. The lessons have been learned, all “karma” resolved and there is simply a scab or scar that needs to be removed.

But communication among all parties is necessary for in some cases if the blockages are removed, the unresolved energies can resurface and cause more serious problems. Or the field can collapse, such as the trees in the circle at the Indian village and cause serious health issues for the individual. A cancer, for example, is an effort by the body to enclose diseased material in a casing (a tumor); and dissolving the tumor casing, as through chemotherapy, can often create worse problems by releasing the diseased material into the patient’s energy stream and this could end up costing the person their life.

So an experienced energy worker is very careful never to take action until all parties involved have been consulted. It is a multidimensional conference. Because some members of our group were new to this type of work, its moderator had specified we were only to inspect, not act. Resolution would come afterwards; the test was to see if there was agreement as to the original cause.

In a case such as this pervasive one, not much can be done for the mitigating cause. It is founded in the individual’s whole approach to their life and their own personal energy field.  Countering this force with another force will only compound the issue. Removing the root cause from the energy field, like a tumor to be excised, by now would have no effect; the subsidiary veins had substituted for the original energy fields and had taken over.  They had established fields of their own, fed by the underlying substances.

Because of this incident, the person’s whole energy field has shifted and gone in a new direction. The old options are gone; the stream of energy of that vow has taken the individual on a new course.  The path taken has now become quite separated from the original line and there is no longer the opportunity to cross back to the old route. The only option is to proceed forward.

For Paul to ask the question, however, itself implies there are several routes forward to choose from. If the person is again at a crossroads and making a decision about which route to proceed, there is always the option to choose healing from the energy involved. And then there are lesser routes one can take, as informed by one’s guides.

Let’s say one’s choice is for a healing to take place. The wish to have a healing now becomes a tool for instruction in the person’s life. It shows the individual certain key qualities that are necessary to proceed safely through the minefields of the third-dimensional reality. This includes acceptance, forgiveness, detachment, a passion for truth, a love for self. All these qualities need to be accorded oneself first and only then is the person capable of extending this to others: in Paul’s case, a lasting relationship with a woman.

It does not matter what the incident is that causes this situation to occur. A learning lesson such as this will eventually occur in everyone’s life. This is because mastery of the third dimension involves solving the same major issues for all of us. We will all fall prey to those very same issues in different ways. How we go forward becomes our lessons in life. We each must learn to see ourselves from many perspectives.

In Paul’s case, he will eventually need to honor this oath he took, not fight it or try to hide it. He took an energy and sublimated it, because it was too powerful for him to overcome at that time. Now, from the perspective of greater wisdom, he can go back into the original incident and dispassionately look at the whole field. He can look at all the lines that went out from that original incident and at all the options he explored and remedies he tried and their successes and failures.  From there, he can move forward.

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