
It is time again for Ashley Sisk’s Scavenger Hunt Sunday. So lets get to it.

1. My View

Sorry for this crappy shot, blurry and with reflections and all. I work on the 17th floor and we get a pretty good view to the west with the Arkansas River and all. I love it. Next month we are moving down to fifth floor and the view west will be occluded by several buildings. I’ll miss my westward view but I’ll have to make do with the a “City Side” view as they say. That’s all right, I’ll just work with what I have. My office is now a beige box and I’m going to another beige box so what is the difference. I’m just glad to have a spot.

2. In My Bag

I carry books with me whenever I go anywhere, or magazines, or my Kindle. I don’t ever want to be out of stuff to read.

3. Warm

My Dallas Cowboys fleece blanket. Keeps me warm on those cold nights.

4. Sleeping

This is Abigail. She likes sleeping on a pillow.

5. Part of the Body

Unlike some Hollywood celebrities, if somebody hacked my phone looking for body parts, my boots are about the only thing you are going to find.  Not that boots are a body part but you know what I mean. Well, sometimes my thumb will show up but that’s about it. I think those celebrities were done wrong but can anybody out there explain to me why somebody would have nude photographs of themselves and loved ones on their phones? Or anywhere for that matter. Of course, I know that Ms. Sisk’s readers are much too genteel to participate in such shenanigans.

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

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