Split jerk
2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2
Death by muscle ups (muscle up progression) for 15 min
*If you fail… re-start at 1 and go back up.
Post loads and rounds to comments and BTWB
Amy and Andrew getting a workout in at CrossFit Tel Aviv during their travels.
BPA, what’s up with that? (Lovingly typed up on this blog) By Courtney Shepherd
Several years ago I heard about this horrible thing called “BPA”. I was told it is found in plastic water bottles and it can leak from the bottles into my water and cause me internal harm. From that time forward I began purchasing only things labeled “BPA FREE”. Hello, my name is Courtney and I have been BPA free for approximately 2 years. Man does it feel good to say that. . . . I think. I don’t really know how good it is to say I’m BPA free, mostly cause I have no clue what in the world it is. Maybe, just maybe, I’m not the only one. Perhaps someone else in this world was scared into living a BPA free life without really knowing why it was so important to do so. Well my fine friends, here is a little BPA knowledge bomb for everyone.
What is BPA? Bisphenol A, more commonly known as BPA, is a chemical widely used to make polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins.
Where is BPA found? Polycarbonate plastics have many applications including use in some food and drink packaging such as water and baby bottles, compact discs, impact-resistant safety equipment, and medical devices including those used in hospital settings. Epoxy resigns used to coat metal products such as food cans, bottle tops, and water supply pipes. BPA can also be found in certain thermal paper products, including some cash register and ATM receipts. Some dental sealants and composites may also contribute to BPA exposure.
How does BPA get into the body? BPA can leach into food from the epoxy resin lining of cans and from consumer products such as polycarbonate tableware, food storage containers, water bottles, and baby bottles. Additional traces of BPA can leach out of these products when they are heated at high temperatures. Recent studies also suggest that the public may be exposed to BPA by handling cash register receipts. More research is needed to determine how much BPA from a receipt’s coating enters the body and how it gets there.
Why are people concerned about BPA? One reason people may be concerned about BPA is because human exposure to BPA is widespread. The 2003-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), found detectable levels of BPA in 93% of Americans six years and older. Another reason for concern, especially for parents, may be because some laboratory animal studies report subtle develpmental effects in fetuses and newborns exposed to low doses of BPA.
The National Toxicology Program (NTP) evaluated BPA and concluded:
- There is “some concern“ for BPA’s effects on the brain, behavior, and prostate gland in fetuses, infants, and children at current exposure levels.
- There is “minimal concern“ for effects on the mammary gland and an earlier age for puberty in females, fetuses, infants, and children at current exposure levels.
- There is “negligible concern“ that exposure of pregnant women to BPA will result in fetal or neonatal mortality, birth defects, or reduced birth weight and growth in their offspring.
- There is “negligible concern“ that exposure to BPA will cause reproductive effects in non-occupationally exposed adults and “minimal concern” for workers exposed to higher levels in occupational settings.
*The NTP uses a five-level scale of concern. The likelihood of an adverse effect resulting from human exposure is expressed as a level of concern. The levels from highest to lowest are: Serious Concern, Concern, Some Concern, Minimal Concern, Negligible Concern.
What is the FDA’s current perspective on BPA? In January 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced it shares the perspective of the NTP that recent studies provide reason for some concern about the potential effects of BPA on the brain, behavior, and prostate gland of fetuses, infants, and children. Visit the FDA Web site at http://www.fda.gov/newsevents/publichealthfocus/ucm064437.htm for more information.
What can be done to prevent exposure to BPA? If there is concern, here are some personal choices to reduce exposure:
- Don’t microwave polycarbonate plastic food containers. Polycarbonate is strong and durable, but over time it may break down from repeated use at high temperatures.
- Avoid plastic containers with the #7 on the bottom.
- Don’t wash polycarbonate plastic containers in the dishwasher with harsh detergents.
- Reduce the use of canned foods. Eat fresh or frozen foods.
- When possible, opt for glass, porcelain, or stainless steel containers, particularly for hot food or liquids.
- Use infant formula bottles that are BPA free and look for toys that are labeled BPA free.
*Information in this blog was taken from a report published by The National Toxicology Program titled “Bisphenol (BPA)”.
Accessory Work- The Why, When and How
Have you reached a plateau in your training? Do you want to get stronger in a particular lift, or all of them?
“Perhaps the single most common error made by individual’s attempting to replicate Westside’s system is to go “all-out” on the main move [Squat, Deadlift] and subsequently half-ass or totally neglect the accessory work.” - Louie Simmons- Westside Barbell
We have two Accessory workshops this month, the first is this Friday, sign up on MBO. Come find out a little bit more about why accessory work is so important.