
Another double session today (ideally)

We are loading similar to if we had you all training for regionals this year for a very specific reason.

I think its very beneficial for you to experience what its like tot train for that type of competition.

Some of you I believe could make it to regionals in years to come with consistent training and getting you ready for that volume now will benefit you greatly in the future.

There are some aspects of todays session you may not have experience with or you might be unsure of how to scale to your own level. If this is the case please get in touch with me or ask a coach at CFSK.


Movement Prep

A. Sled pull x60m Crab walk x20m Cossack x20 x3

B. Skin the cat x3 x3

C. Spend 10 minutes on thoracic and front rack mobility.

Movement Practice

A1. Face down hollow hold x60 seconds

A2. Banded Front squat x60 Seconds (30 seconds down 30 seconds up)



A1. Front squat x10-12 @30X1 x1

A2. Front squat x6-8

Rest 2-3 Minutes between sets


B. Sand bag walking lunge x20 steps @30X0

Rest 60 seconds


Gymnastics (Bent arm)

A. Strict Muscle-up x3-8 or 60 seconds transitions x3-5

B1. Strict Chest to bar Pullups or L-pullups x5-10 @30X1

Rest 30 seconds

B2. Wall Headstand push-ups x5-10 @30X1

Rest 60-90 seconds


C1.Ring Rows x5-10 @31X1

Rest 30 seconds

C2. Dips or L-sit dips x5-10 @31X1

Rest 2 minutes x3-5

D1. 3×10-12 DB Bent over rows @2020

Rest 30 seconds

D2. Band assisted press to hand stand x5 @5151

Rest 2 minutes


A1.  Jefferson curl x5 @5050 – Very light – empty bb

A2. Broomstick face down shoulder dislocate x10 – Add some weight if possible 1.25-2.5kg to start


B1. Banded Couch stretch x 3-5 minutes each side

B2. Partner front chest broomstick stretch x 3-5 Minutes

Session Two – Ideally 3-6+Hours after session One 

A1. 10 Minutes @80-90%

Row 300m

5 Push press

5 Back squats (50/35kg)

Rest 10 Minutes

A2. 10 Minute @80-90%

30 Wall balls

10 Step down box jumps

10 Toes to bar

10 Squat thrusts


A. Fascial release for Pancake/Straddle

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