
  Skill and Strength:
Snatch DL
Hang Power Snatch
Snatch Balance
OH Squats
* 2 Min up to 3 attempts 1 RM Snatch

 Workout of the Day
2 Min Max Effort Air Squats or Pistols

*then no rest

5-3-1- Tire Flip

10-6-2 Jumping Squats

Happy Birthday Susie

100 Air Squats
90 Sit Ups
80 Deadlift
70 Push Ups
60 Push Press
50 Burpees
40 Overhead Squats
30 Dips
20 Power Cleans
10 Snatch
20 Toes to Bar
30 Push Jerk
40 Box Jumps
50 Lunges
60 Pull Ups
70 Front Squats
80 Wall Balls
90 Shoulder to Overhead
100 KB Swings


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