
Weekly Warmup

2-3mins @ 70%: run, row, bike or skip, then 2-3 rounds of: 30sec bear crawl + 10-20 froggers + 10-20 no money drill

Group Metcons


For time: 150 double unders, 100 wall ball, 50 double unders, 25 pull-ups


13min for quality: 2 laps single arm farmers walk/side + 5 TGU/side + 10 walking lunges/side (hold dumbbells like 2 suitcases)


14mins amrap: 4 chin-ups + 6 push-ups + 10 box jumps (step-down)


5 rounds for time: 10 renegade rows/side + 15 ball slams + 30 double unders


FBOMB: 4 sets for points: 90sec at each station for max reps, 30sec rest/transition between exercises: assault bike cals, shuttles, rowing for cals. Rest 2.5min between sets.


Prowler Runs: 3x100m. Rest 3-5mins between sets. *these shouldn’t be easy. Put some weight on and try to go fast.


Workout 1

A. Deadlift build to a tough set of 5. B. 2-3 sets, minimal rest: Barbell Row with 2sec pause at top. 10reps + 10-15 back flys with band. C. Group Metcon

Workout 2

A, Shoulder Press, build to a tough set of 8 B. 3 sets alternating: Seated DB shoulder press 3×6-10reps + 5-8 chin-ups with 2sec pause at the top. Rest 60sec bewteen exercises. C. Group Metcon

Workout 3

A. Back Squat, build to a tough set of 5. B. 2-3 sets, alternating: 5 reps paused back squat (3sec pause) at about 80% of today’s top weight + external rotations with band 15/side (slow tempo) C. Group Metcon

Workout 4

A. 4-5 sets, rest 20-30sec between exercises: HS Push-ups (modify as needed with box and/or bands, or just HS hold) 4-10reps + strict cin-ups 5-8reps with 5sec lowering phase + 15 side step-ups/side. B. 2-3 sets: max handstand hold against wall for shoulder endurance. C. Group Metcon

Training – General

Workout 1

A. Squat 4×5 (same weight, leave 1-2 reps in the tank), rest 2min

B. Pause Squat 3×5 (use 85-90% of top weight), rest 1.5-2min

C. Group Metcon

Workout 2

A. Bench Press 4×5 (same weight, 1 rep in the tank), rest 1.5-2min

B. Tempo Bench Press (5sec lowering) 2-3×5 (use 85-90% of top weight), rest 1.5min

C. Group Metcon

Workout 3

A. Pull-ups: 5 sets to build to a 3RM

B. 3 sets: 15 landmine press/arm + 10-12 single arm DB rows w/ 3sec pause

C. 2 sets: 60sec backpack stretch/side + (12+12) front step + side step up/side

D. Group Metcon

Workout 4

A. Deadlift 4×4 (same weight, leave 1-2 reps in the tank), rest 2-2.5min

B. Barbell row 4×8, rest 1.5min

C. 3 sets, rest 45-60sec: 30-60sec front plank on rings + 6-8 back extensions on GHD (5sec hold @ top, weighted if needed) + 15-20 cable external rotations

D. 3 sets: 60sec/side quad stetch + 30/side passes of hamstring flossing w/ band

Workout 5

A. 4 sets: 15 single leg RDL + 15 bulgarian split squat + 10 toes to bar + max HSPU

B. Accumulate 50 quality ring rows in as few sets as possible

C. Group Metcon

Training – Competition

**Prep For Threshold Open This Weekend**
Good luck to Dolores, Cat, Elanna, Stu, Cam, and Paul!

Workout 1

A. Snatch warm-ups, then 3×1@85%. B. Clean and Jerk 3×1@80-85%. C. Group Metcon

Workout 2

A. Back Squat. 5@70%, 3×4@80%, 1×10-15@50%. B. 2 sets: back flys 10-20reps + Front Step-up 2×30/side. C. Group Metcon

Workout 3

A. Touch and go clean + Push Press 3×10@75-115. B. 30mins @ 70% effort: assault bike 10 cals + 10-15 pull-ups (not going to failure) + 6 inch worms

Workout 4

Light skill work & mobility work.

Training – Weightlifting Team


A. Snatch from blocks: 3×4 @ 75-80%

B. 3 sets: 2 Tempo Back Squat [5sec lowering phase] + 2 Normal Back Squat @75-85%

C. Paused Back Squat. 1xmax quality reps @ 75%

D. OH Squat 2×5 reps with 5sec pause @ top and @ bottom *focus on being upright and on shoulder position

E. 2-3 sets: band back flys 8-12reps + band external rotations 10-15reps/side + “A’s” 8-12 reps. Rest as needed


A. 3 sets: 10 single leg RDL + 8 bulgarian split squat + 10-14 single arm DB rows/side with 1sec pause @ top + seated DB press 6-12 reps with 2sec pause at top.

B. 2 sets: barbell rows 10reps + front plank on rings 30-60sec + Chinese Plank 30-60sec

C. Group Metcon


A. Snatch. 1 hang snatch + 1 snatch. 4 sets @ 75-85%

B. clean and jerk. 2×2@80%

C. OH Squat. 3x5reps with 5 sec pause @ top and @ bottom. *focus on shoulder position

D. 3 sets: paralette swing through 5-10reps + L-sit 20-30sec


A. 1-2sets: ring rows with 2sec pause at top 6-10reps + Back Flys 10-15reps”

B. Bench Press 4×2-4

C. 2 sets: DB Floor Press 8-12reps + half kneeling trap-3 raise

D. Group Metcon

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