Weekly Warmup
2-3mins @ 70%: airdyne, row, skip or run, then: 2-3 rounds of: 10-15 cossacks/side + 10-15 scapular push-up (3sec pause at top) + 10 bodyweight walking lunges/side
Group Metcons
5 rounds for time (15min cut-off) 10 burpees + 15 wall ball (comp group=OH Squat) + 30 DU
2 repeats of: 4mins: 10 shuttles + 10 thrusters. 2mins rest. 4mins: 150m row + 15 ball slams, 2mins rest
For reps: Part 1: 4min row for cals. 1min rest. Part 2: 4min: 10 box jumps (step down) + 15 KB swings to chin
15min for quality: 30-50reps/side single leg skips + 2 TGU/side (heavy) + accumulate 30sec L-sit hold + 5-10 HSPU or 30sec HS Hold
{A. max tire flips in 45sec. B. Max ball slams in 45sec (35/50). C. 20min amrap: 6 renegade row/side + 8 push-ups + 10 bodyweight squats + 20 double unders}
3 sets: 60sec airdyne, 60sec rest, 60sec wall ball, 60sec rest, 60sec burppes, 60sec rest
Workout 1
A. Back Squat, build to a tough set of 3. B. tempo back squats 2×3 with a 6sec lowering phase (at approx 80% of today’s top weight) C. Group Metcon
Workout 2
A. Bench Press. Build to a tough set of 5. B. 3 sets: Paused Bench Press (2sec pause) 3reps @ 85-90% of today’s top weight, rest 90sec. C. Group Metcon
Workout 3
A. 3 sets, rest 30-60sec between exercises: Snatch Grip RDL 15 reps + 15 Bulgarian Split Squats/side + Weighted Front Plank 60sec B. Group Metcon
Workout 4
A. 5 sets, rest 30sec bewteen exercises: Pull-ups 3-5reps + 45sec side plank (or single leg side plank). B. 2-3 sets: 10-15 DB Biceps curls + 10-15 DB skull crushers. C. Group Metcon
Training – General
Workout 1
A. Deadlift 3×3 at a challenging weight, rest 2-3min
B. Pull-ups 3×4-8, rest 60sec
C. Group Metcon
Workout 3
A. Back Squat: in 15min complete as many sets of 4 @ 80% as possible
B. Front Squat 3×2, rest 90sec
C. Group Metcon
Workout 3
A. 7min EMOM: 1-3 MU or 7min MU practice
B. Bench Press 8×3 @ 75% EMOM
C. 4 sets for quality: 6 tough g2o + 30sec L-sit hold
Workout 4
A. Press 5×3 every 90sec
B. Weighted Chin-ups 6×3 every 90sec
C. Group Metcon
Workout 5
A. 5-8min handstand practice OR 2-5 HSPU EMOM for 8min
B. 4 sets: 10 Bulgarian SS + 8-10 seated DB shoulder press + 10-12 GHD hip extensions
C. 4 sets: 30sec DU + 30sec rest + 30sec KB swing + 30sec rest
Training – Competition
Workout 1
A. Bench Press 4×2-4. B. Paused Bench Press 2×2-4. C.2-3 sets: max weighted push-ups + max unweighted push-ups, rest 60-90sec. D Group Metcon
Workout 2
A. Front Squat 3×2.1.1 (rest 15sec inside cluster) B. Paused F Squat 2×3 with 3sec hold. C. Group Metcon
Workout 3
A1. Chin-ups 4×5-8reps, rest 30sec, A2. Bent-over Barbell Row 10reps, 3sec pause at top, rest 30sec A3. Ring Rows, max reps, rest 30sec, A4. Band Pull aparts 15-20reps. rest 2mins B. DB Hammer Curls 2-3setsx15-20reps. C. Group Metcon
Workout 4
A. 4 sets @ 40-50%: 3 jumping snatch pull + hang snatch. rest 45sec. B. 4 hard sets: High Hand Snath (at pockets) + Hang snatch (just above knee) + full snatch. C. Clean and Jerk 3×2 at 80% or higher. D. Deadlift 2×2.1.1 (rest 15sec inside cluster). E Paused Deadlift 2×4
Workout 5
A. Push Press, 5×1-3. B. 3 sets alternating: 6-10 shoulder press, rest 20sec, 4-8 push press at the same weight. rest 90sec. C. Group Metcon. D. Accumulate 3mins of handstand hold
Training – Weightlifting Team
A. Snatch. 6 sets: 3,2,1,3,2,1
B. Back Squat 3×2-4. plus 1xmax reps @ 80%
C. 3 sets: 3 Snatch Pull + 5 Snatch Pick-up @ 115-120%
A. Clean from block to a 3RM for the day
B. Jerk from rack. 3×4
C. Group Metcon
A. Clean + Clean + Jerk to a heavy single, then 2 sets @ 90% of that weight.
B. Front Squat 3×1.1.1 (try to hit heavier top set than last week – go big, last week of this protocol)
C. Paused Front Squat (3sec) 2×2
C. 3 sets: 3 Clean Pull + 5 Clean Pick-up @ 115-120%
A. 3 sets: 3 snatch from block + 4 OH Squats.
B. Pause OH Squat 4×2, 3sec pause
C. Push Press 3×4-6
D. Goup Metcon (optional)
Training – Powerlifting Team