
We will be using this time to logistically prepare the outdoor set-up for our crew, it's actually pretty awesome and we stumbled on an opportunity that will allow us to keep things permanently set-up outdoors while the renovations continue at 540 Commercial St.

Battle CrossFit has offered to let our athletes head up and jump in on any of their WODs as well while we transition into our new home; starting Monday based upon the weather schedule we will post a timeline for the each week with a heads up if there are inclement weather days so everyone can plan on dropping by in Epsom for some Battle CF Madness (unreal facility!).

There will be a WOD posted for tomorrow, and each day thereafter by 430am, keep slaying them, freaks! With the momentum we've had lately there will be no stopping us once we get into our new space! Yessssss!

**UPDATE: July 14th LIVE WOD AT REEBOK IN MERRIMACK!! See Chase for Details!!

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