
“Team WOD”

Teams of 2 complete as many rounds and reps in 10 minutes of each of the following:

1) Each team member complete:

30 Power Snatches (95/65)
20 Power Snatches (115/80)
10 Power Snatches (135/95)
As many Chest to Bar Pull Ups as possible in time remaining as a team

Both team members will work simultaneously to complete the Power Snatch sequence each with their own bar.  Teams can only move to Chest to Bar Pull Ups when both team members complete the Snatch sequence.

Rx’d + (115/80…135/95…165/110)

2) Every minute on the minute complete:

Even minutes-Row for Max Meters in 40 seconds/Rest 20 seconds
Odd minutes- 7 Burpees

Post total meters as a team.

Rx’d + 10 Burpees

3) Max Unbroken True Push Ups
Complete 1 Rope Climb at the completion of each set of Push Ups

Post total Push Ups as a team.

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