Open WOD is announced at 8:00pm Thursday night on Friday’s WOD will be posted shortly after to assure no repetition.
REMINDERS: Open WOD attempts are allowed SATURDAY from 10-12pm at ONE location with the whole community, run like a class with warmup and direction from coaches, then done in heats based on numbers and WOD needs. If unable to make Saturday the other option is MONDAY during class times ONLY BY APPOINTMENT VIA EMAIL to INFO@CROSSFITLANDO.COM and APPROVAL response.
Landos, I can’t stress this enough referring to the Open schedule and process. We have a lot of people all with their own needs and desires. If we all work together we can get this done. Make the effort to throw down on Saturday, and if it’s impossible then plan ahead as spots will be limited on Mondays.
Obviously all focus is on the Open right now, and for good reason. It’s the best time of the year for our community as a whole. I want to remind everyone that the gym still operates as normal with a few changes on Saturday. Please take note of the schedule as of Friday morning to see officially the time change for BootCamp starting this Saturday until the end of March and the 10am-12pm CrossFit Open Event.
Other than BootCamp, no other class or open gym will take place at either facility on Saturday’s during the Open. Other than individual warmup needs there is no other training allowed during this time either. We will handle all your warmup and practice needs but fully understand you might need mobility and other specific things, especially if your heat time is later in the 2 hour block. Beyond this please be prepared to balance your needs and that of the community. There will be A LOT going on at the Saturday events which is setting up to be A BLAST, but everyone working together is a key part of the enjoyment for all.
Thank you as always for being the best community out there.
1. “Fight Gone Terrible”
Done as normal but resting during specified movement sections is not allowed. There is no “gaming” to this attempt like you might have in the past with similar workouts. Work hard every work set and rest during the allotted rest only.
3 Rounds, 1:15 each section
Wall Ball 20/14
Sumo DL High Pull 70/53 KB
KB Swings 70/53 (eye high)
Double Unders
– Rest
Strength : Hang Power Clean + Front Squat
EMOM 12m : 2 Reps + 1 Rep
WOD : With a running clock, work through the following chipper with the goal to accumulate AMRAP of Wall Ball until
7 MINUTES is reached:
100 Double Unders
25 STOH 135/95
15 Squat Snatch 135/95
AMRAP Wall Ball until 7m reached
Rest until MINUTE 8 then immediately begin:
100 Burpees for time*
*Subtract total Wall Ball completed and start there for Burpees. Score is time when burpees are completed from start of entire workout. Example : You complete 17 Wall Ball in 7 Minutes. You have to complete 83 Burpees for Time, which you do in 5:05, for a total time of 13:05 (7 minutes, 1 minute rest, 5:05 for burpees).
S : 150 Singles, 75/55, Power Snatch
L1 : 50 Doubles or 200 Singles, 95/65
Rx+: 155/105
1. Hang Clean Work : read and react to barbell height through pull
– Bud’s Warmup/Focus
– E90s for 8 sets : 2 Hang Clean (Power or Squat) read barbell height and react
2. Conditioning
10 Hang Power Clean and Jerk 115/75
10 Hang Squat Clean and Jerk
30 Bar Facing Bar Hops
20 Hang Power Clean
30 Lateral Bar Hops
20 Hang Squat Clean
The Program : Off or class work + 15 minutes (max) individual skill work
Notes/Advice you won’t want to hear and definitely won’t listen to:
If you are registered for the Open, your weeks should be as below with your rest being either Thursday or Friday, and what you do those days containing at least 1 full, complete rest day.
Work as normal M, T, W with flexibility for decrease in volume based on body. Never should you increase volume of any significance. It will come back to hurt you. The Open WODs arent usually insane volume wise causing direct soreness and depletion (note usually there), yet the combination of movement pairings and stress/intensity levels through the roof, the WODs have a brutal effect on your CNS. Add any normal life issues interfering with sleep, nutrition, sanity, etc., and you have a recipe for total breakdown physically and eventually mentally.
This matters. Be smart and keep your training focused and normal. You will not get better in a sense that it will matter for the Open this year starting now. Don’t be that guy/girl who decides to work on (enter movement you haven’t been able to do since last year but still didn’t dedicate time to work on until this week where you freaked out) for 45 minutes each day until you get rhabdo from Saturday morning’s warmup.
Keep everything in perspective. You know what you are doing here. Don’t change a thing. If you didn’t prepare enough just remember this feeling next year. If you did then cherish this next 5 weeks as your chance to celebrate your hard ass work, and don’t ruin it with unnecessary changes you can’t explain.
The post CrossFit Open Starts Thursday! appeared first on CrossFit Lando.