We are going to get back to the old school days at Woburn of making Friday’s Max Out lifting days and Hero or Benchmark WODs. Try to get in here on Fridays for a great start to the weekend!
Note on Ring Dips : Like most bodyweight movements these are a movement that burn out quickly and need time to recover. In a WOD like today’s, DO NOT ever go for that “gut it out” rep that you might fail or might get successfully. If you do fail or you burn out, rest twice as long as you think you need to before restarting. A huge mistake on Ring Dips, HSPU, sometimes CTB pull-ups is people continually fail reps which makes you exert the effort for nothing. BE SMART!
WARMUP : 5 Rounds NFT, cap @ 10 minutes
5 Goblet Squat holding plate 45/35
5 Press from Squat, same plate
5 Ground to OH w/ Plate
5 Seated Press, chest to OH, w/plate (feet off floor in “chair” position)
30 second Wall Sit, add plate if able, hold plate with straight arms if able
– All movements can be scaled to different weights to allow for maximum weight and intensity throughout. Remember, it is a warmup.
1. 12 Minutes “Burpee Pyramid”, done “death by” style.
1 Burpee…2 Burpee…3 Burpee…up to 5, then back down. Do not repeat 1 or 5 at turns. Once you cannot complete the work, you are “out”. Rest max 2 intervals then continue with 10 hollow rocks every interval until 12 minutes is up.
rest as allowed by coach, then
2. 3 Rounds, 2:00 per round with 2:00 rest after each
OH walking lunges with barbell, max reps in 2:00.
– Bar taken from floor each round. Weight should be heavy but able. Rx is 135/95
3. “Annie”
Double Unders
– 12 minute time cap
4. 5 Minute Mobility cool down, Overhead and Shoulders focus.
STRENGTH : Hang Squat Clean (anywhere above knee)
– Find a 1 rep max PR as able, 15-20 minutes
WOD : “Elizabeth”, maybe with a twist
– As with any Benchmark WOD, this is very much your desire scale wise. If you have done this WOD the equivalent of 1x per year for a total of 3x or less, then do this as written with your proper scale. If you have done it in the last 4 months do it the same way and get a direct comparison.
If it’s longer then use your head in terms of scale. If you have gotten much stronger at these movements then maybe scale up from last time with the goal being faster still.
If you have done this workout many times (5+), then there are some options to throw in listed in the scaling. DO NOT DO A UNIQUE SCALE UNLESS YOU HAVE RXd THE WOD PREVIOUSLY AND DONE SO SUB 5:00!!!!
Clean 135/95
Ring Dips
S : 75/55, Push-Ups
L1 : 115/75, Scaled Ring Dips
Rx+ options for those who have Rx’d this in less than 5:00. Choose one of the following:
a: Squat Cleans, the “old school” way
b: Muscle Ups to Ring Dip
c: 185/135 Power Clean
The Program
1. Strength and WOD, WOD @ 185/135 and MU to Ring Dip <—-these are mandatory scale regardless of previous “Liz” experience.
2. Clean and Jerk Work : EMOM 20m
O : 2 Squat Clean (from floor)
E : 2 Split Jerk (from rack), hold catch for 3 seconds of 1st rep
3. 5 Rounds, each round 90s with 90s rest after
3 Overhead Squat @ 65% 3rm, taken from rack
ME OH Lunges remaining 90s
4. 3 x ME Forearm Plank Holds with 30-50% BW loaded on back. Rest 2:00 between efforts. Cap at 2:00 hold (this is goal). If you haven’t done weighted plank holds yet go lighter.
– Work with a partner ENTIRE hold. DO NOT COLLAPSE ON FLOOR WITH WEIGHT ON BACK. Partner should remain close and communicate your needs clearly. Partner should remove weights before you are failing.
1. Strength and WOD, WOD @ desired scale option or Rx attempt
2. EMOM 16m
O : 2 Squat Clean (floor)
E : 2 Jerk (rack), no higher than 80% 2rm. Entire session is form check.
3. 3 x 1:00 Weighted Forearm Plank Hold, 30% BW loaded on back. See partner requirements above in elite writeup.
1. Strength and WOD
2. 7×2 Front Squat (from rack) + Split Jerk (3s hold @ catch)
– work as 90s-2m intervals
3. 4 Rounds NFT
15 GHD Situps
15 GHD Hip Ext.
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